I wonder if someone can help me here

We've been using cron to run an update script that looks in our django
commmunity pages(aggy), pulls out Feeds and creates feeditems.

Here's what an example of the cron file looks like

17 13 * * * /var/www/django/django_projects/scripts/computing_feeds.sh

Here's what that shell script looks like

/usr/bin/python /var/www/django/django_projects/scripts/
update_feeds.py --settings=fact.settings_computing

I've got a fact.pth file in my site-packages folder for python(fact is
the name of the django application, with multiple settings files),
looks like this


The fact folder sits in that folder

I've pasted in a copy of update_feeds.py that we've been using for
over 5 years now.  At some point in the last 2 months it's stopped

I can run the commands from the command line, which leads me to
believe that DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is not being passed to the
update_feeds.py script.

The problem I've got with this is that it has been working for a very
long time.

If anyone can shed any light on what is going on here, or have any
ideas on how to solve it, I'd be more than grateful for any advice or

vi /var/www/django/django_projects/scripts/update_feeds.py

Update feeds for Django community page.  Requires Mark Pilgrim's
Universal Feed Parser (http://feedparser.org)

import os
import time
import optparse
import datetime
import feedparser

def update_feeds():
    from fact.aggy.models import Feed, FeedItem
    for feed in Feed.objects.filter(is_defunct=False):
        parsed_feed = feedparser.parse(feed.feed_url)
        for entry in parsed_feed.entries:
            title = entry.title.encode(parsed_feed.encoding,
            guid = entry.get("id",
entry.link).encode(parsed_feed.encoding, "xmlcharrefreplace")
            link = entry.link.encode(parsed_feed.encoding,

            if hasattr(entry, "summary"):
                content = entry.summary
            elif hasattr(entry, "content"):
                content = entry.content[0].value
            elif hasattr(entry, "description"):
                content = entry.description
                content = u""
            content = content.encode(parsed_feed.encoding,

            if entry.has_key('modified_parsed'):
                date_modified =
            elif parsed_feed.feed.has_key('modified_parsed'):
                date_modified =
            elif parsed_feed.has_key('modified'):
                date_modified =
                date_modified = datetime.datetime.now()

            except FeedItem.DoesNotExist:
                feed.feeditem_set.create(title=title, link=link,
summary=content, guid=guid, date_modified=date_modified)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    if options.settings:
        os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"] = options.settings

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