On 8/18/07, Przemyslaw Wegrzyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> However Django 0.96 doesn't support named URL patters yet, so I can't
> use {% url %} tag.
Even in 0.96, you can use a view as the argument to the url tag. Where
we use "{% url satchmo_cart %}", in 0.96 we would have to use "{% url
Tune up your system and make it faster
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To u
Inside my django app, regardless of the events of my django-application, I
would like to call a method every minute. Since Django is heavily event
driven, I'm at a loss as how to make this work. I'm looking for a way to
make this happen. Any ideas?
Yeah, I was thinking of running a script in daemon mode, but I would prefer
to keep the code inside the django instance to keep everything simpler.
simpler as in the same settings for deployment, less hassle deploying on
machines, etc
On 8/23/07, Sean Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On Aug 27, 2007, at 2:05 AM, Kugutsumen wrote:
> cursor.execute("""SELECT id,name from "DNS_domain" WHERE name='%s'
> """
> % domain)
> row = cursor.fetchone()
If you do just need those two fields, and no object methods, you can
use the "values" queryset method. Something like:
d = Domain.obje
Kevin Menard wrote:
> On 8/28/07, Alvaro Mouriño <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I have been running django under python 2.4 but now I'm considering
>> switching to 2.5. Are there any known compatibility issues? Or is it
>> just straightforward?
> I've been running under 2.5
On 8/28/07, Alvaro Mouriño <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have been running django under python 2.4 but now I'm considering
> switching to 2.5. Are there any known compatibility issues? Or is it
> just straightforward?
Django itself should work fine. Usually your apps and projects will
work witho
documentation, mentioning the
bug, and pointing to the ticket with the patch that fixes the bug,
John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
The trouble with a lot of self-made men is that they worship their creator.
I want to create a model system where a user can own a record (i.e.
foreign key to users table) and those records are only seen by that
user OR the user can choose to make the record public (boolean field
in model) that allows others to view-only the record.
I was trying to come up with some simp
, etc.
So my question is, whats the easiest way to just get my macbook intel
10.5 to run apache and Django.
Thanks everyone
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To po
stion, how do I get a mac book with stock apache
installed, to run django?
On Jan 18, 12:08 pm, Christian Joergensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John M wrote:
> > OK,
> > So I know Linux / Apache pretty well, never really done any hard-core
> > s
ts project, so maybe I'm biased, but I also came
> from a linux environment and find MacPorts to be very useful for
> package management.
> http://www.macports.org/
> -Bill
> On Jan 18, 2008, at 9:55 AM, John M wrote:
> > OK,
> &
Anton, that was sort of my question, how do I complete your second
idea but w/o the recompile. The mac already comes with apache 2
installed and running rather well, how hard would it be to add
mod_python or mod_wsgi to that environment?
On Jan 18, 10:09 am, "Anton P. Lin
Thakn you Graham, thats what I'm talking about. I just finished
trying to compile mod_python, and it's not working, and I figured it
was something like that.
So it's off to try mod_wsgi.
On Jan 18, 4:29 pm, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On
sng, Thank you for the offer. Thats a great idea, and one I will
probably purse, and if I have any issues, I'll post them here, but
thanks for the phone offer, thats is most generous.
On Jan 19, 10:30 am, luxagraf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Since I wrote that little guide
B = charfield()
Basically, in the save() routine, is there a way to check if the 1-1
is already there?
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"Django users" group.
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Well, it is in my file, and I can thank Windows for the bad paste :).
Assume the indenting is right, any other thoughts?
On Jan 25, 10:29 am, Rajesh Dhawan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 25, 1:21 pm, John M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a OneToMany
Thanks, I'll try the print statements. This is my first pass at the
save() routine, and your idea is good, although I may try other
Thanks for the help.
On Jan 25, 11:01 am, Rajesh Dhawan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 25, 1:39 pm, John M <[EMAIL
record, I create a variable to
point to the trade.holding ORM record, update the totals in the
Holding and save it. But that's not happening, why?
The same example in the shell works fine, whats up. I'm sure its a
real NOOB issue.
(Pdb) c
There used to be a post on someone's blog about this, but darned if I
can find it now.
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"Django users" group.
To post to this group
to test your web pages:
Firefox, IE, Opera, Safari, etc. No need for Parallels or other hacks.
9. If you need an SSH client, PuTTY (www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/
~sgtatham/putty) is an invaluable tool.
10. It's too late now: I have to left home. I hope my remarks can be
useful. Bye, John.
make a new separate urlconf (name it `config_urls.py` or something) for each
project `x/` and `y/`
make the urlconf in each of them something like this:
patterns = (
(r'^x', include("urls")),
and the other file:
patterns = (
(r'^y', include("urls")),
Then your app will be able to read it
I'm noticing some oddness with select_related()...
>>> invoice = Invoice.objects.select_related().get(pk=7000)
>>> len(connection.queries)
>>> invoice.Student_ID
>>> len(connection.queries)
Shouldn't it be the same number of queries?
Here we have an Invoice with a foreign key to a student.
right i figured it out:
i had " nulls=true " in the field and so it wasn't followed :)
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for those of us who don't know enough about cookies and IE7, could you
expand on the issue, and how u found it was cookies please.
On Feb 21, 8:30 am, merric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It was a cookie issue. I had looked over this... but missed it on
> first glan
On Mar 26, 2008, at 3:08 PM, Emil wrote:
> Is there a way for me to know which python interpreter is used by
> manage.py?
Try invoking the django shell ("manage.py shell"), and then checking
Looks something like this on my machine:
$ ./manage.py shell
Python 2.5 (r25:51918, Se
I have a model that uses a 1-1 relationship to another model.
My question is, how can I tell if either end of the 1-1 exists?
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"Django users"
There hasn't been any updates on the django-updates mailing list since
March 18. At the time, someone on IRC said they thought it was due to
the traffic from the sprint but that was a month ago. I am tracking
trunk with my projects and it was really convenient to get email
updates on trunk commits
On Apr 14, 11:45 am, "James Bennett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 10:43 AM, John-Scott
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > There hasn't been any updates on the django-updates mailing list since
> > March 18. At the time
for images.)
For stricter access control, or to limit which images are shown, you'd
just have to replace the generic view.
Not that I have any strong preference for TinyMCE over FCKeditor,
other than that I never wanted to have to explain the latter's
name. ;^) TinyMCE does seem
ta modeling going on
by inadvertently trying to make it do something without understanding more
fundamentally how it is working at low-level and I haven't got there yet.
Thanks much!
John Morris
"Do nothing which is of no use." -- Miyamoto Musashi
igured; forgetting to start memcached on your dev box
after a reboot can cause some head-scratching. ;^)
On May 2, 2008, at 11:40 PM, Julien wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm trying to use patch with ticket #2070 [1] to be able to upload big
> files and have a prog
I think the tag you're looking for is "cycle":
That's most convenient when interfacing with CSS stuff, so you could
do something like:
> {% for menuitem in paginator.object_list %}
which would put your in a different class depen
but here is what the request.GET['info_hash'] returns:
Hopefully this is a simple something I'm just missing.
You received this m
Randy, thanks for the follow-up, and you're on the right track, turns
out it's an encoding 'problem' by default in django. I just have to
change the encoding language and then ask it for a different code.
I got it working for what I need.
On May 8, 9:16 pm,
On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 4:50 PM, anand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Further particulars can be downloaded from http://www.zoo.ox.ac.uk/jobs/
That's not true.
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y happening,
> since "sections__name__exact" doesn't have to be defined anywhere.
> But is there any way to build the parameter to the filter dynamically?
the usual python way of building dynamic args:
filter = {'sections__name__exact': 'shooting'}
Skyhigh Recruit UK are seeking only honest, self-motivated people with a
desire to work in the home typing and data entry field, from the comfort of
their own homes.
The preferred applicants should be at least 18 years old with Internet
access. No experience is ne
On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 6:33 PM, John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm having trouble accessing dictionary elements within a nested for
> loop. here are some code snippets:
> [...]
> # so far so good, but then I try to iterate over the documents and
Malcolm has a good how-to for this:
On May 17, 2008, at 12:16 PM, Kenneth McDonald wrote:
> I'm designing an order system wherein each order will be an object.
> However, most customers will typically want to order more than
Pretty nice; I thought this might have been the requirement
that finally pushed me over to nginx or lighty, but not yet
On May 15, 2008, at 7:38 PM, Julien wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm building a website where users can create projects and upload
> files for their proj
y around that issue?
No simple way springs to mind.
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"Django users" group.
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On May 21, 2008, at 8:15 AM, omat wrote:
> My form class is like that:
> class NoteForm(forms.ModelForm):
>is_location = forms.BooleanField(required=False)
>class Meta:
>model = Note
> I wish this checkbo
Try 770 with the directory's group set to the effective group of the
Apache process. If you need to get even finer, look into mod_wsgi's
daemon mode, or FastCGI, under either of which your Django app could
run as its own user. Then you could ratchet the directory permissions
down to 700 an
I've run into some more trouble with what I think is an encoding
I am writting a bittorrent tracker, and one of the GET parameters that
is passed is called info_hash, which is a lengthy / escaped hex
string, for example:
GET /announce?info_hash=%EByXm%C5%7EmfD%D8%9A%91%D4%F7%C7%86%C7%D18%
No POST data
t; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 10:16 AM, John M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Karen,
> > Thanks for the response, but I'm unable to unquote the strings as
> > django does it automatically for me when I get the GET list entries.
Well, either way, thank you so much for helping me on this.
The more I dive into the framework and more so, Python, the more I
know i've made the right choice.
On May 29, 11:15 am, "Karen Tracey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 1:16 PM,
On May 29, 9:00 am, "Karen Tracey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 10:16 AM, John M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Karen,
> > Thanks for the response, but I'm unable to unquote the strings as
> > django does i
and the debug screen snippit
Thanks so much for keeping up on this. I'll run through the software
to find the correct answer. This is a side project, and my time gets
in bursts, sorry for the late reply.
On May 29, 9:13 pm, "Karen Tracey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, May 29,
Hey guys... anybody had in luck getting the django default filters
working with appengine
When I include this line in my templates
{% load filters %}
I get the following error...
'filters' is not a valid tag library: Could not load template library
from django.templatetags.filters, No module nam
ect to /announce/ instead of just the /
announce that I put in the URL?
The reason for all this, is I'm having trouble in another post about a
torrent tracker im trying to write, and i'm not getting the parameters
passed as I would expect.
Any information about this behavior would b
lly info_hash:
before 301
After 301
Am I right in my observations?
Is there anything I can do to avoid this in django? HELP
I think I found my problem, and added a new post, maybe you can help?
Thanks again, you've really helped me see this through
On Jun 2, 1:01 pm, John M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kar
Yes, I understand that, and I think it's a good thing, but when it
redirects, it mangles the parameters, would you agree?
On Jun 4, 10:35 am, Gregor Müllegger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is because Django will redirect you to a page with an appended
> slash to your url if it's not alread
together. Now I can
move on a continue my app.
On Jun 4, 12:59 pm, "Karen Tracey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 2:03 PM, John M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yes, I understand that, and I think it's a good thing, but when it
> &
On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 6:05 PM, James Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * The way to train Google's spam filter is to use their spam-reporting
> mechanism.
One way to *completely waste your time* is to use their spam-filtering
mechanism. I am absolutely not the only group member who flags e
How exciting, im actually getting involved (via Karen of course),
I'll submit today and put the ticket number back here.
Thanks so much.
On Jun 5, 10:28 am, "Karen Tracey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 4:35 PM, John M <[EMAIL PROTECTED
Ticket 7379 http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/7379
On Jun 5, 2:41 pm, John M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How exciting, im actually getting involved (via Karen of course),
> I'll submit today and put the ticket number back here.
> Thanks so much.
> John
On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 2:11 AM, lgr888999 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> how you would build a huge decentraliced system. Now of course it
> would depend on what the purpose of the system is so lets just take
> twitter as an example. :)
It's easy. All you have to do is to avoid all single points
On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 7:57 AM, lgr888999 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> replication isnt exactly distributing... with only one master db which
> handles all the writes you have a single point of failure...
In MySQL and very likely in other DBs you can have a multi-master setup with
more than on
Also, the week in django has some really good webcasts, maybe we could
get them to post it to your website?
On Jun 9, 8:04 am, Carl Karsten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to make ahttp://showmedo.com"Getting started wit
There are a TON of free resources for all of that, let me see if I can
post a few for u .
Good Luck
On Jun 9, 3:37 p
s is that the priority_value field is a
foreignkey. Obviously, the value of the foreign key is, in this case,
a pk integer, but the name is returned in what should be just a string
Am I missing something simple here? Any help would be very much
{% ifequal foo.bar__unicode__ "foobar" %}
Thanks again Karen
For anyone else who might be confused by this.
On Jun 10, 7:08 pm, "Karen Tracey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 5:33 PM, John Teague <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
Preface: I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but I could not find
any mention of it in the tickets or the mailing lists.
Using database caching, I set a non-empty SortedDict instance in the
cache. When I try to retrieve it, I get an AttributeError with the
message "'SortedDict' objec
If it doesn't require authorization (seems unlikely here), would a
simple redirect to the tar file work?
If it does, look into X-Sendfile if you're using Apache (you need
mod_xsendfile) or lighty, or X-Accel-Redirect under nginx. You do only
what you need to in the Django view and hand off
nd, since noone else is having this problem.
I would be very pleased if someone could point me in the way to go on this.
John Aherne
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"Django users" group.
Daniel Roseman wrote:
> On Jun 29, 11:34 am, John Aherne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I've been looking at django for a while. Been through the tutorial a few
>> times and read 2 books several times and am still trying to find out how
>> some things work
John Aherne wrote:
> Daniel Roseman wrote:
>> On Jun 29, 11:34 am, John Aherne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I've been looking at django for a while. Been through the tutorial a few
>>> times and read 2 books several time
Daniel Roseman wrote:
> On Jun 29, 2:24 pm, John Aherne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> OK. I did some more experimenting with ModelChoiceField and my table.
>> Surprise. It worked when I thought it would not. Why did it work. By
>> luck in my model I had
> local numbers start with 281, 832, 713 , or 1281, 1832, or 1713, my
> regex which isnt working looks like this
in other words, local numbers match the regex
John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
The trouble with
eclared is never run.
Any thoughts?
class OptionModelForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Option
def save(self, commit=True):
# Will -NEVER- run
assert False
def clean(self):
do it that way - but I'd rather not to ...
The Poll model is generic and I would be putting application specific
logic inside that generic class.
Then again, maybe it's best just to do that and avoid the headache :)
On Jul 2, 11:53 am, "Richard Dahl" <[EMAIL PROT
You might want to refer to this recent article at Coding Horror:
I would stick to what you have.
(and I would also only do the calculation once and store it as a
boolean field in the database as suggested : )
On Jun 30, 7:13 am
I've seen previous posts which tell you to setup the CRON job with the
correct settings, so you can just call django from the CRON job, since
django is just python, as long as it finds the settings file you
should be ok.
On Jul 12, 7:53 am, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a newb
I'm looking to use an SMS service provider to allow users to 'register'
their cell phones to receive updates. The registration is necessary in
the same way that email confirmation is necessary.
Available gateways here (UK and Ireland) all seem to have HTTP POST
gateways for this sort of th
ttered with code that was
extremely efficient but impossible to maintain or adapt to changing
requirements. You can double your application's performance by buying
or leasing a new box + more memory next year. What % improvement do you
think code shifting from template to view will get you?
On 3/16/07, johnny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In newform, how do I allow a single regexField to accept either a
> whole number, or number with decimal places?
doesn't r"\d+(\.\d*)?" work?
John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
The trouble with
I think the new .96 version has a export / import data function now.
On Mar 24, 6:04 pm, "Mark Engelberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know that, unfortunately, there's no painless way to migrate all the
> data in your database when you add a new optional field to your model.
> Pity.
> So wh
walterbyrd wrote:
> SaaS = Software as a service, just in case that was not clear.
What's the difference between SaaS and an ASP? I don't quite get the
distinction between them.
You received this message because you a
Lee Hinde wrote:
> On Mar 24, 8:03 pm, John DeRosa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> walterbyrd wrote:
>>> SaaS = Software as a service, just in case that was not clear.
>> What's the difference between SaaS and an ASP? I don't quite get the
r.email is transferred to 'str' instead of
'CharField' so I'm stuck here.
-- John
On Feb 5, 12:46 pm, "Vasily Sulatskov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Create your own authentication backend that uses emails instead of
> usernames. Something
site, the 'event' object still refer to 'auth_user' instead of
'mysite_user', and this will cause an error whenever you add/change/
Does that means the best I can do is to use 'auth' and 'admin' apps as
a simple admin backend, and build my
know this.
So, assuming it's not atomic (by default) is there a way to make it
safe other than using the django middleware layer to get
transactions? Like a flag... or a db schema tweak
Thanks for any help, suggestions or witty insults.
To change the URL root to something else, did you just have replace
r'^admin/' with something else in the URL conf file? Or, did you have
to also do some other hacking?
I ask because we're thinking of doing the same thing.
Wing IDE.
I'll second that recommendation. I have both Komodo 4 and Wing at work.
I use Wing pretty much exclusively. From a purely aesthetic standpoint,
Komodo 4 is somewhat "cleaner" looking, but otherwise I think Wing is
stronger. In addition to mentioned debugger, Wing does a very nice job
that too.
On Apr 5, 10:58 am, "tyman26" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >def add_edit_model(request, id=None):
> > if id is not None:
> >instance = MyModel.objects.get(id=id)
> >InstanceForm = MyForm(instance=instance)
> >
asking :)
I don't know about Nicolas, but I'm writing something for a
Spanish-speaking customer, so I might have a TelephoneField
("teléfono") in there, for example.
John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
The trouble with a lot of self
7;t appear to be possible.
Does anyone have a solution to this problem that doesn't involve putting the
title into the context passed to the template render?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Googl
tion'. Perhaps your system is running a similar
Diego pylorca wrote:
> m
> I deployed my site, and in the admin when i try to login i get this message:
> "Looks like your browser isn't configured to accept cookies. Please
> enable cookies,
(1) If you're making a simple web site. (2) If you're making a site
with a non-trivial use of authentication, session variables, complicated
db lookups; or uses complicated algorithms under the hood.
walterbyrd wrote:
> Before attempting to use Django, a person
I have checked the forum, and still can't believe I can't find a
solution to what I perceive as a simple problem:
I have two models:
Customer (foreign key to Customer)
When I put up the form for order, I don't want the Customer (foreign
Ok, what if I make the FK just not editable and assign a value at
Will that work?
On May 15, 5:56 pm, John M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have checked the forum, and still can't believe I can't find a
> solution to what I perceive as a simple problem:
form = OrderForm(instance)
does this get me the form filled with the data from instance?
On 5/15/07, James Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/15/07, John M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > When I put up the form for order, I don't want the Customer (
Im really suprised no one has tried Amazon's EC infrastructure, it's
pretty sweet, for production I would think!
On May 15, 8:12 am, urielka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am running two django sites with vpsland(good support) for the last
> 7 days, but since i having problems with their ssh(runn
out a lot of hassle.
On May 15, 6:56 pm, "anders conbere" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As far as I know the officially recommended way of accomplishing this
> while still using the form_for_* helper functions is through the use
> of a formfield_callback, a function
Ah Ha, now we're getting somewhere!
Let me start searching for that, thank you!!
On 5/15/07, James Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/15/07, John M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I wish the custom form option would allow me to bind to a data
Thank you Grigoriy, It's given me some new ideas.
On 5/16/07, Grigoriy Petukhov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John M wrote:
> > I have checked the forum, and still can't believe I can't find a
> > solution to what I perceive as a
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