Wing IDE.

I'll second that recommendation. I have both Komodo 4 and Wing at work.
I use Wing pretty much exclusively. From a purely aesthetic standpoint,
Komodo 4 is somewhat "cleaner" looking, but otherwise I think Wing is
stronger. In addition to mentioned debugger, Wing does a very nice job
with autocompletion and project management. Good integration with SVN.
Key bindings can be made to mimic Emacs (or vi or Visual Studio).
Moreover, the support is excellent and the Wing developers are present
and responsive on the company's mailing list.

(Not affiliated with WingWare!)

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of BrandonC
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 8:43 AM
To: Django users
Subject: Re: Django IDE

As a comparison I have to say that Wing IDE has a very nice Python
debugger (fast and it works).  I haven't used Komodo in a while but I
remember my biggest issue with it was that its debugger stopped at
exceptions that truely were handled, and that it was slow.

For django I set my file as the main debug file, and then add
--noreload --settings=devsettings (my settings for running a test
server) in the debug run arguments and I can run the dev. server locally
to debug.

There may be better editors I don't know, but I find that I'm always
comparing them to what I can do in Wing.


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