I use a very similar design, except instead of

instanceform = myform(instance=instance)

I use

instanceform = form_for_Instance(instance)

I'm not sure what the difference is, they should both return a valid
Form that creates the necessary information, but I had issues like
yourself for that too.



On Apr 5, 10:58 am, "tyman26" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >def add_edit_model(request, id=None):
> >   if id is not None:
> >        instance = MyModel.objects.get(id=id)
> >        InstanceForm = MyForm(instance=instance)
> >    else:
> >        InstanceForm = MyForm()
> >    if request.POST:
> >        form = InstanceForm(request.POST)
> >        if form.is_valid():
> >            form.save()
> >            return HttpResponseRedirect('/whatever/url/')
> >    return render_to_response('template.html', {'form': InstanceForm})
> I looked at this previous posting that showed the proper way to
> construct add/edit newForms.  I got most of it working, but I am
> having trouble saving the edit form.
> The line of code  "form = InstanceForm(request.POST)"  doesn't make
> any sense.  The InstanceForm was already created so how can you pass
> POST information to it again?  When I use this method I keep adding
> new items when I really only want to update a current item.  Is there
> some other way to pass the POST information to an instance form which
> is already created?

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