Found this about django-logging also...
On Aug 18, 12:30 am, Rafael Ferreira wrote:
> the problem is that logging to a file is not going to work in a multiprocess
> environment. I'm using the logging lib
with omnicompletion (CTRL+X, CTRL+O), filetype=htmldjango, TList and
On Sep 9, 9:31 am, Benjamin Buch wrote:
> I second that.
> > Vim
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Im trying to test my app with django test Client.
When I try to do 'get' to the '/accounts/' which in my urls.py is
equiv to generic login view I get DoesNotExists exception and a
traceback. check it here http://dpaste.com/50688/ .
Can You tell me what am I doing wrong ?
PS. when Im 'get'ing
Thanks a lot!
That was it!
On 3 Cze, 00:21, Karen Tracey wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 4:30 PM, SlafS wrote:
> > Hi!
> > Im trying to test my app with django test Client.
> > When I try to do 'get' to the '/accounts/' which in my u
Hi there!
I've got a Django app working on the Oracle backend. I have a table/
model with a char field and I store there strings (names) that contain
polish letters. On the admin panel when I sort those names, ones that
are starting with polish letters are after those that are starting
with lette
It seems that there's no ORACLE_HOME or LD_LIBRARY_PATH but my script
looks like:
import os
import sys
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'projekty.s
a'}, {'name__count': 1, 'name':
> u'bbb'}]
> Hope this helps!
> Dan Harris
> dih0...@gmail.com
> On Jun 10, 5:01 pm, SlafS wrote:
> > Hi there!
> > I have a question. If i have a model with some fields (let
Hi there!
I have a question. If i have a model with some fields (let's say all
CharFields named aaa,bbb,ccc etc. and some calculated properties named
xxx and zzz) how can I obtain something similar to
"SELECT aaa, count(aaa) FROM my_model_table GROUP BY aaa;"
i.e. a list of - lazy loaded - objects
> {% endfor %}
> however there may be duplicated {{ r.name }}
> Dan Harris
> dih0...@gmail.com
> On Jun 10, 5:24 pm, SlafS wrote:
> > Thanks.
> > I've already tried that but this isn't quite what i'm looking for. As
> > u wrote t
Lately i found the django-storages app and DatabaseStorage[1]
Haven't test it though. But using custom storage along with Django
FileField seems like a good idea.
[1] http://code.welldev.org/django-storages/wiki/DatabaseStorage
On 25 Cze, 04:26, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
> On Fri
Hi there!
Is there any way to obtain a name of an url that Django URL dispatcher
matched by resolving (or anything else) e.g. '/path/to/my/page/'? For
now resolve returns a tuple :/.
I assume that it will be available in 1.3 according to
It seems it's impossible for now.
So let me change the question.
How to use the already compiled (by Django) url_patterns so i dont
have to import and compile the ROOT_URLCONF on every hit of my
On 9 Wrz, 22:52, SlafS wrote:
> Hi there!
> Is there any way to
Hi there!
I have a question about the urls.
What set of attributes of RegexURLPattern makes a "primary key" of all
the url patterns among applications in a Django project? (notice the
"" signs)
what i mean is: what is the minimal set of attributes of
RegexURLPattern that is sufficient to unambigu
Hi there!
I'm developing a small django app with some models and modelformsets.
Using Django Debug-Toolbar I noticed the overhead (in my particular
case) which Django makes by performing extra queries to validate a
form in a formset
I know that this is needed in ma
Hi there!
I'm trying to write a filter that can be used inside of a template
that is used for generating latex files.
The filter should replace the '|' char with '\'. Simple:
def verb_safe(val):
return str(val).replace('|', '\|')
is outputting me '\\|'
I'm lit
> else:
> newchar = '\\' + char
> string = string.replace(char,newchar)
> return string
> On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 9:03 AM, SlafS wrote:
> > Hi there!
> > I'm trying to wri
Hi there!
I need to do some changes in the django admin change_list template (I
think so). What I need is to add some class or id (html) to every
displayed row (that list is a tree with mptt) so i can add a
javascript accordion when clicking given row. I noticed the
templatetag {% result_list cl %
any chance for help? please.
On 20 Sty, 00:43, SlafS wrote:
> Hi there!
> I need to do some changes in the django admin change_list template (I
> think so). What I need is to add some class or id (html) to every
> displayed row (that list is a tree with mptt) so i can add
Hi there!
I am thinking about the best way of presenting some data from a proxy
I have some model classes let's say: http://bpaste.net/show/3338/
and a view:
def proxy_view(request, year, month, day):
qs = ExModel.objects.all()
# maybe some stuff here with `some_logic` method
Django Version: 1.2 beta 1 SVN-12801
Python Version: 2.5.2
Installed Applications:
I'd like to bump this up. Since the rc1 is out I would like to know if this
deserves a seperate ticket.
W dniu poniedziałek, 2 stycznia 2012, 22:19:09 UTC+1 użytkownik Slafs
> Oh
> Maybe it has something to do with my previous report
> https://co
I would be interested also in watching those videos
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Hi there!
Can You please examine my code
https://bitbucket.org/slafs/listeditexample/overview ?
I thinks there's a bug in django admin when using the list_editable with
overriden queryset method and a custom default manager. Please refer to
this small example for details.
Is there any
Maybe it has something to do with my previous report
https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/13126 ?
And one more thing to mention is that there's no error indication on the
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"Django users" gro
I have a model in Django that is based on database view. One of the fields
is "virtual" (computed in the view) .
I would like to exclude this field in my model from being used in SQL Insert
and Update statements.
Do You know maybe how can I do that ?
You received this mes
Maybe You should take a look at http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-tables2
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"Django users" group.
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To pos
Hi there!
I'm having difficulties with the new class based RedirectView with
query_string = True and some unicode string in QUERY_STRING.
I made a sample of the error on bitbucket
could You please explain what I'm doing wrong? or m
Oh sorry. Here it is
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/views/generic/base.py" in
get_redirect_url 146. return url % kwargsException Type:
ValueError at /test/Exception Value: unsupported format character 'C' (0x43) at
index 15
Should i report a ticket?
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Hi there!
Is there going to be an advent article series for a 1.3 release?
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With the 1.3 release due by
> the end of February, if the Django Advent guys (Rob Hudson and Idan
> Gazit hosted the first) haven't started yet, I think I would prefer
> them to focus their efforts on another big series targeted for the 1.4
> release.
> On Feb 2, 1:23 am,
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