Hi there!

I am thinking about the best way of presenting some data from a proxy

I have some model classes let's say: http://bpaste.net/show/3338/
and a view:
def proxy_view(request, year, month, day):
     qs = ExModel.objects.all()
     # maybe some stuff here with `some_logic` method
     # some extending qs maybe??? (but how?)
     return render(request, ...)

what i'm struggling is when i want to display my objects in a template
I don't know how to nicely gain access to proxy model data
(`some_logic` value with appropriate `date` param build with `year`,
`month` and `day`):
{% for object in qs %}
       <td>{{ object.name }}</td>
       <td>{{ object.some_attr }}</td>
       <td>{#{ what now? how to display some_logic value? }#} </td>
{% endfor %}

My first solutions are:
1) build a template tag which will take object, date and method_string
(`some_logic) as a param and then invoke the some_logic method with
date param and return appropriate value.
2) somehow (i dont know how) extend each object of qs in a view (like
an annotate method maybe?) and then just pass modified qs to the
template and then simply display values

Any suggestions ?

Thanks in advance.


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