
I've already tried that but this isn't quite what i'm looking for. As
u wrote this returns a list, but I would like to obtain my calculated
property when I'm iterating over this. Like so (let's say the result
is in res variable) :

{% for r in res %}
   {{}} - {{r.name__count}}
{% endfor %}

I'm starting to think that there's no such nice way to acheive that :/

On 10 Cze, 23:06, Dan Harris <> wrote:
> Here is an example:
> # In
> class TestModel(models.Model):
>    name = models.CharField()
> # Get a listing of unique names and their counts
> # In some view
> from django.db.models import Count
> TestModel.objects.values("name").annotate(Count("name"))
> This will return a list of the form:
> [{'name__count': 2, 'name': u'aaaa'}, {'name__count': 1, 'name':
> u'bbbbbbb'}]
> Hope this helps!
> Dan Harris
> On Jun 10, 5:01 pm, SlafS <> wrote:
> > Hi there!
> > I have a question. If i have a model with some fields (let's say all
> > CharFields named aaa,bbb,ccc etc. and some calculated properties named
> > xxx and zzz) how can I obtain something similar to
> > "SELECT aaa, count(aaa) FROM my_model_table GROUP BY aaa;"
> > i.e. a list of - lazy loaded - objects with distinct aaa values and an
> > extra column which indicates how many entries of a specific aaa are in
> > the table.
> > I would like to acheive that with QuerySet and annotate so that I can
> > get a list of objects to use their other properties (xxx or zzz) e.g.
> > in my template
> > Regards

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