Hi all,
I've been using Django for about a month now, with no real problem on
my linode vps with ubuntu. For some reason now everytime I start a new
project I cant sync the database. I get a "Need to fill in the
database name' message even though it clearly filled in. Even if I can
get past that b
rsion it claims it is v1.1.
Dont know if this has anything to do with it.
On Aug 25, 4:21 pm, Reinout van Rees wrote:
> On 08/25/2010 05:03 PM, Robbington wrote:
> > I've been using Django for about a month now, with no real problem on
> > my linode vps with ubuntu
I use a Cherokee, Uwsgi setup. It really takes the hassle out of it as
the Cherokee admin interface just has a wizard that you point to the
uwsgi.xml file.
On Aug 28, 7:53 am, Graham Dumpleton
> On Aug 28, 2:48 pm, Joel Klabo wrote:
> > All the files are shown here:http://gist.github.co
I use a Linode with Ubuntu serving django with a uwsgi/cherokee setup.
Its remarkable how easy and intuitive it is and its hardly bank
breaking at £10 a month.
You cant beat the flexibility that you get.
The only complaint I've got is the compatiblity issues with Django 1.1
and Cms. Its caused me c
Also the Linode support team are amazing, I have been left nothing but
impressed by them.
On Aug 31, 10:25 am, Robbington wrote:
> I use a Linode with Ubuntu serving django with a uwsgi/cherokee setup.
> Its remarkable how easy and intuitive it is and its hardly bank
> breaking at £1
I seem to be having a problem setting up django and postgresql.
I have created a database and switched users to postgres then sync'd
the database successfully in my django project directory. But it isn't
finding the admin page still. No errors, just cant find them.
Can any one help with Pos
; users ?
> Do you have the admin site available in the urls ? Did you uncomment both the
> url and the auto discovering part ?
> Did syncdb showed django_admin_log table being created (or can you check it
> has been created) ?
> Regards,
> Xavier.
> Le 31 août 2010 à
I keep getting this annoying problem that when I download and install
a new django package, say django-registration it reverts django from
version 1.2 to 1.1... Is there anyway to avoid this as it messes up my
databases each time for each django project I am running.
I've used a variety of m
sys.path shows only djangov1.2.egg on there..
On Sep 17, 1:04 pm, Piotr Zalewa wrote:
> Hi Robbington.
> I'd suggest to use virtualenv and keep to use *only* pip
> that way only you have the power to change anything
> to update Django to a version above
If it helps, /usr/local/bin is where linux looks for command line
commands. If you have a quick look in there you will see things like
ls, nano, and other program names that you can type into the command
prompt. Hense the reason a link to djanog-admin.py has to exist in
there for Ubuntu to k
te. "
Very helpful Steve, pat yourself on the back.
Kindest regards
ps, if you are planning to reply send me a direct email to continue
this discussion as its better than filling this guys post with
On Oct 12, 5:43 pm, Steve Holden wrote:
> On 10/12/2010 4:02 PM, Robbi
Hi Chris,
I use
urlpatterns = patterns('django.views.generic.simple',
(r'^$', 'direct_to_template',{'template': 'index.html'}),
Where template is the defined template directory in my settings.py
Seems a better way to me, as then if you want to expand your site you
can just incorperate
Hi Jim,
I would assume that Django writes and reads files to myproject because
in its mind it is the top level directory for your project
environment. To Django + python nothing else really exsists. If that
makes sense?
Also, if you dont mind me asking, why not just use the database for
Where is your template_dirs in settings.py pointed too?
If you can post your urls.py.
Looking at the tutorial again,
(r'^polls/$', 'polls.views.index'), means that the url 'polls' will
serve the index function in the views.py file inside your polls app.
Your index.html should lie inside the top l
You see, what I tried to explain in the last message, my friend was
that index in 'polls.views.index') doesnt point the url polls/ to the
index.html but to the function you are suppose to create in the
views.py file in your app directory.
Your view.py file (inside your poll app folder)should look
Apologies, I wasnt sure which bit of the tutorial you where at. I
think I see now the problem. Did you just stop reading after you
entered the last bit of code in views.py?
"""Reload the page. Now you'll see an error:
TemplateDoesNotExist at /polls/"""
So index.html is in /home/me/Templates/poll
Glad to finally see some one using Cherokee with django. Dont just use
it in development, its actually less memory intensive than apache as
well as having an awesome admin interface.
Anyway enough plugging.
To avoid problems and for simplicty I would advise using Cherokee
Uwsgi config to serve up
Hi Max,
I am not sure what you mean by ' Do not use the uwsgi wizard: it's
currently broken'?
Ps, should you wish to discuss this further, perhaps it is better you
email me directly, as to avoid filling Karims post with unnecessary
You received this message because you are s
Hey Karim,
The best way to save yourself time and effort is really to use the
Django development server when testing out alterations.
Actually I mentioned Uwsgi,
Perhaps if you are going to state potential bugs with software you
could be so kind as to add the specifics in your posts and n
Dear Paul and Max,
As I mentioned before please email me directly should you wish to
continue this discussion further, and or create a new post. I feel it
unfair to discuss this in this particular forum as it is unrelated to
the original subject matter.
I meant no offense to Max, I can see how th
"Anyway, my intent here was to help. It's ridiculous how everything
has to be reduced to pedantic argumentation and sanctimonious advice
about what to post where."
I was trying to be courtesy towards Karim as this is his post.
Consider, Max, whether this post would have been better had you not
If you hve not already quit reading these posts(I wouldnt blame you if
you had) I want to once again apologise.
I only posted as I was glad to see someone else using Cherokee and
wished to offer a small insight into another way of serving python
The whole thing has become idiotic a
Silly question,
but are you setting the path to your database file or to the Sqlite3
Just seems an odd name to use as your database file, if using sqlite3
I would normally create a database named closely to my project name.
my_project.db or something.
You received this message be
By 'with out graphics' do you mean no css or Javascript?
If so you want to make sure the value for these 3 varibles are correct
as its not governed by the templates list.
MEDIA_ROOT = ' /var/www/django_project/media' # Where media is the
copied folder of admin media or a symbolic link if you
Personally I dont bother creating symlinks to my admin media, I just
copy the media folder over to my project directory. Anyway:
If you think that your settings.py is right:
MEDIA_ROOT = '/var/www/django/project/media/'
MEDIA_URL = 'media/'
or its a permissions pro
So is your media stored at "" a...@h2oamr:~/django/amr/media? ""
and you MEDIA_ROOT = '/home/amr/django/media' ?
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Well my friend, I have quickly looked into hosting a django project
via blue host and this is what the django site has to say:
Similar setup as Dreamhost. Django is listed as unsupported, but with
some pain it does work, and has a good price..
Looks like django is not on your sytem path. Have you used python much
in Windows and are familiar with Environmental variables?
Look like this problem has been addresses on the django forums
and here is a link fro
Hi Tsolmon,
Can you post your full urls.py file for me?
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Hi Lindsay,
I would be happy to sort out your problem for a small fee.
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Bit confused,
You said
"But i already installed djangodocs on my INSTALLED_APPS (
'django.contrib.admindocs', "
and in my urls.py
(r'^admin/doc/', include('django.contrib.admindocs.urls')), "
But in your urls.py admin docs is clearly commented out.
#(r'^admin/doc/', include('django
Thanks, I was just seeing if it was a more basic error.
Unfortunately with out seeing more of your code/ error message it is
hard to diagnose the problem. I have to go out now for a few hours,
but if you post the full error message someone/or myself when I get
back maybe able to help you.
its an ImportError which means that it couldn't find your main urls.py
or possibly a sub urls that you are including.
Out of interest, this isnt the usual mysite.polls app kind of problem,
how did you encouter this error?
If you could post the entire error message that you are seeing
including th
Depends what you want to do friend,
The admin interface is pretty extensible on its own, flatpages etc.
but if you are looking for some ready built options
Django CMS is worth a look
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
I dont think you are going to get a great deal of help if you just
repeat your posts,
There was some sound advice from experienced users of Django and
There are also already some great tutorials on i
Thats ok, I can appriciate how frustrating it can be trying to learn
of your own back from the beginning as a lot of the advice can seem to
be in a foreign language. But if you dont understand you need to state
that, as often if you double post people will just ignore you, noone
gets paid to submit
when i added the Admin class to Poll class as inner class,
Guess you mean when you register your poll app with django admin?
Check a few things of the list.
You have added your poll app to 'installed apps' in your projects
settings.py file and ran 'python manage.py syncdb'
You have created a ne
Hi Charlie,
By "I can't run: django-admin.py startproject some_project" do you
mean that you get an error message like bash: django-admin.py: command
not found?
If so this post might be helpful.
If its someth
Hi Micheal,
Pretty sure it has nothing to do with your version of windows.
appended MS-DOS PATH: with "C:\hp\bin\Python\Lib\site-packages
which allows me to run django-admin.py
If you have installed Python and django propely, there is no need to
append anything. It should work st
You are welcome Errit,
Have fun Django-ing. :)
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Maybe not a Django-ish awnser, but prob the easiet way to do it would
be to write conditional comments into your html and have a seperate
style sheet for IE.
Good tutorial on it.
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Firstly friend,
1.3 alpha has been released as a testing package. It isnt the most
stable version and not meant for production, I would revert back to
1.2 unless your plan is to help the django team with bug fixes.
Also, you are reading the wrong tutorial for your version, that is
why you are g
As mentioned before,
If you are using Django 1.2 you dont need to import list_view or
detail_view just 'from django.conf.urls.defaults import *'
As the tutorial documentation for 1.2
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from p
There are lots of tutorials on creating api's using Django.
If you are new to Python and Django start with the main Polls app on
the main Django site: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/intro/tutorial01/
Otherwise, the best I can suggest is to google it: http://tinyurl.com/2umrbh6
You rece
Hi Stephan,
Sounds like a nice project, but unless you have a good deal of time
and a great amount of expiernce in programming + a entire development
team to back you up I would have to say that scripting your own
content management system from scratch may be slighty beyond you. If
of course that
Bit confused matey,
Do you have a domain name to serve those pages to?
If you are just trying to run it from localhost, why not
just use the Django development server?
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Fair enough,
But if you are in the stages of development then its best to use the
development server due to the way apache caches data, as changes to
your code may not always show straight away leaving you scratching
your head as to what is causing any unforeseen errors.
Anyways, if you are reall
Thanks Jon,
I've signed up and am eagerly awaiting the first issue. :)
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Why/how have you two versions of Python installed?
Where is Django installed?
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the terminal returns me:
>>> import sqlite
Update your version of sqlite to 3.
Run sqlite independently from the python command line to create a
sqlite3 example.db
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Hello Kimberly,
The reason you are getting bash error, is the command you are looking
for is "django-admin.py startapp tolls" not "manage.py startapp
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Wow thats rude,
poll_votes = the amount of votes for option a/b/c/d etc.
On Apr 1, 9:00 am, cha wrote:
> Im waiting
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