Thats ok, I can appriciate how frustrating it can be trying to learn
of your own back from the beginning as a lot of the advice can seem to
be in a foreign language. But if you dont understand you need to state
that, as often if you double post people will just ignore you, noone
gets paid to submit on these forums.....

Anyways, to your problem.

Firstly, understand that python looks in the folder site-packages to
find any additional packages like django. I'm guessing that your
problem is that you have not installed Django properly, check to see
if you have a folder in site-packages named Django.

Secondly, Linux looks in the usr/bin folder for system commands. So
When you type into the command prompt, linux looks in
that folder and if it cant find it returns that error
you are seeing.

At the command prompt: find / -name 'django' to make sure that there
is a folder inside site-packages called django.

How are you going about installing django? apt-get install,
easy_install, pip install?

As mentioned before creating a symbolic link isnt the best way to go
about it, installing django properly is your best bet. You will save
yourself a lot of trouble in the long run.

But just getting it working is often half the learning battle, so if
you feel you really need to, locate find / -name

and make a symbolic link to your usr/bin folder. It should be located
at /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/

So you would type: sudo ln -s /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/
Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/bin/ /

I hope I havnt been to condesending, just trying to put it in easy
terms. I will however STRESS again, dont just create a symbolic link,
install Django properly.


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