ain to construct your modules in a sensible way.
Melvyn Sopacua
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f some sorts, like for
example using
nginx health checks[1]. But there are more implementations, so don't focus on
the nginx
Probably the quickest way to identify the culprit is to use sysadmin utilities
like sockstat,
netstat and similar.
Melvyn Sopacua
[1] https://doc
ding is going to go over a
network connection. Not to mention figuring out relations...
However, I don't understand your wish: what is the upside of storing data in a
rest api this way?
Melvyn Sopacua
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makes a
world of difference. In fact, a lot of times just composing the mail can solve
a problem as you put the code into a different setting and your brain has to
process it again. Especially if you paste it as plain text without all the
formatting of an IDE/editor.
Melvyn Sopacua
trying to shoehorn some code into a signal/observer pattern? Perhaps it's
not the
right fit for your problem.
Melvyn Sopacua
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eak down your problem into the right
components, which for a Django developer up to the task would be very simple
(as shown by the replies).
Walk before your run.
Melvyn Sopacua
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"Django users" group.
omewhere so we can
have a look. You do *not *have to provide a login. We should be able to see
what's wrong by just loading the admin login form.
Also, Opera for all intents and purposes is Chrome and if Chrome works, it's
likely to be a caching issue.
Melvyn Sopacua
You r
On maandag 16 juli 2018 04:52:51 CEST Daniel Tobi Onipe wrote:
> I wrote it exactly as it is in the tutorial...
Maybe that part. But you didn't define the pub_date field on the Question model
or made a typo in the field name. Go back into and check.
Melvyn Sopacua
always the request, as in django.http.HttpRequest or more specifically, it's
django.core.handlers.WSGIRequest in the case of WSGI.
You're not writing a WSGI handler (who has environ as first argument). A view
is two stops
down and to give you the complete onion:
WSGI Handler -
elying on "versioned commands" goes wrong too
Melvyn Sopacua
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ame enters or is
removed from the box on the right, then the scope just increased tremendously
and you need to grow frontend skills.
Otherwise, things just work out of the box (upon form submission, you can call in Formview.is_valid()) or the widget isn't worth it's salt
ands and the point
mentioned pyenv for is that it can read the required version for a given
project from a
single file in the project directory - something virtualenv cannot do.
Melvyn Sopacua
You received this message bec
know why it's ranked all the way on the right,
but this is defenitely stable and maintained and has a very good architecture:
Melvyn Sopacua
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ck is built on DRF and frontend is vue-js. So, if the API works as
advertised, it's unlikely we will be using the frontend.
Melvyn Sopacua
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ithout changing version numbers).
As for a global setting: no there isn't one. Your tests should have a switch
of their own if you're worried about that.
Melvyn Sopacua
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"Django users" group.
To uns
raise self.skipTest('live tests disabled or no KVKAPI
def test_api_key(self):
... # actual tests
That way you know why tests are not running.
> On Monday, July 23, 2018 at 8:22:17 AM UTC-4, Melvyn Sop
On dinsdag 24 juli 2018 04:21:07 CEST Kum wrote:
> Is there a way to prevent people from accidentally doing so?
To prevent network access, there are firewalls. Django isn't the thing for it.
Melvyn Sopacua
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hat's just fine, because the browser will not send the cookie, so the session
is never looked for. Once the date expires, it will be garbage collected.
Melvyn Sopacua
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"Django users" gro
Django has absolutely no way to do that and cannot, because there's no telling
what 3rd party apps do (not that python has such a switch or even C).
Melvyn Sopacua
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"Django users" group.
To un
e database
But, requirement 2) applied to the first result should strictly yield 30, not
60. But I think that's an error in your requirement description.
> {'date':, 1, 1), 'quantity': 60.0}
(30 is *at* the last day of the month, not before it)
Melvyn Sopacua
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that downloadable and instantly installable plugins
for a web project without dev(ops) interference isn't necessarily a good
Melvyn Sopacua
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"Django users" group.
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ut storing it
as an email field that had to be unique.
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ocessor to load the
new code in a safe manner and then run migrations. Good luck!
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Probably in addition to custom code.
Melvyn Sopacua
_valid(self, form, pk):
But Django never will give you one. What you're looking for is
self.kwargs['pk'] and the method for form_valid can only accept one argument,
which is the form.
Melvyn Sopacua
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