On vrijdag 27 juli 2018 04:25:56 CEST Charles Sartori wrote:

> I need to Sum() the values filtering it with
> 1 - sum(values) where date < first day of the month
> 2 - sum(values) where date < last day of the month
> Expected result(something like that):
> [
>  {'year-month': '2018-01'}, {'sum_before_month_day_one': *0*},
> {'sum_before_last_month_day': *60*},
>  {'year-month': '2018-02'}, {'sum_before_month_day_one': *60*},
> {'sum_before_last_month_day': *70*},
>  {'year-month': '2018-03'}, {'sum_before_month_day_one': *70*},
> {'sum_before_last_month_day': *100*},
> ]

Break it down:
- the only relevant part is the sum of the month
- the other is a running total you can keep track of without putting the 
burdon on the database

But, requirement 2) applied to the first result should strictly yield 30, not 
60. But I think that's an error in your requirement description.

> {'date': datetime.date(2018, 1, 1), 'quantity': 60.0}

(30 is *at* the last day of the month, not before it)
> 2018-01-31      30

Melvyn Sopacua

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