On maandag 23 juli 2018 17:23:20 CEST chuck.horow...@packetviper.us wrote:
> Hi Kum,
> I think Melvyn's suggestion is a good one.  Is there any reason you
> couldn't do:
> import DEBUG from yourapp.settings
> And then check against that for your testing?

Here's some code I used in a test:

class KvkApiTester(Testcase):
        def skip_live_tests(self):
                api_config = getattr(settings, 'KVKAPI', dict())
                if not kvk_config or kvk_config['live_tests'] is False:
                        raise self.skipTest('live tests disabled or no KVKAPI 

        def test_api_key(self):
                ... # actual tests

That way you know why tests are not running.

> On Monday, July 23, 2018 at 8:22:17 AM UTC-4, Melvyn Sopacua wrote:
> > On maandag 23 juli 2018 13:39:27 CEST Jason wrote:
> > > you shouldn't be accessing external services with your tests
> > 
> > Non-sense. Part of interacting with a remote API is making sure it works
> > and
> > they didn't change anything (trust me, there's plenty of API's that change
> > without changing version numbers).
> > 
> > As for a global setting: no there isn't one. Your tests should have a
> > switch
> > of their own if you're worried about that.

Melvyn Sopacua

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