> Is there any way to have individual templates for each form
To define, which template should be used for which step, you can
override the get_template(self, step) method of the wizard (it must
return the name of the template), that way you can use separate
templates for certain steps (step numb
On Nov 2, 10:27 pm, Karen Tracey wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 1:41 PM, Mark L. wrote:
> > As the subject states, I am using the model-validation branch at the
> > moment, which allows me to do, well, validation in the models.
> > I've however, noticed
). This, however, seems
impossible to implement.
I'd be most grateful, if someone could give me an idea or two or, at
least, point me into a right direction.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
= 45))', which makes perfect sense to me (this
observation was made by another django-users member, so I am not the
one to be thanked here).
Anyway, I haven't (yet) read the source of ModelFormSet, so I can't
give you any direct advice as to how to get rid of these queries.
you will be able to see the whole stacktraces. You can read up on the
rest of the options on the related package index page (at least,
that's where I've learned about them).
Hope that helped
You received this mes
On Nov 4, 3:44 pm, Knut Nesheim wrote:
> 4 nov 2009 kl. 13.34 skrev Mark L.:
> > I guess by "debug toolbar" you mean the django-debug-toolbar (http://
> > pypi.python.org/pypi/django-debug-toolbar/0.8.0). If that is the case,
> > django-debug-toolbar has
e user does not like them allowing them to go back and change them
> so any ideas or solutions would be appreciated.
> txranger
> On Nov 3, 1:30 pm, "Mark L." wrote:
> > Just to sparkle your imagination, the desired workflow of aFormWizard
> > I am trying
silently and ./manage.py validate won't find any errors. Hope this
helps let us know what you find please.
On Nov 15, 4:12 pm, Joshua Kramer wrote:
> Howdy Everyone!
> After having installed a fresh version of Pinax 0.7.1, I have an
> interesting problem with the behavior
I'd check rpmforge see:
for centos notes
On Nov 15, 3:27 pm, mkumm wrote:
> Colin thanks - I will try installing all of the -devel stuff. ha - 2.4
> - thanks!
> On Nov 15, 2:32 pm, Colin Bean wrote:
> > On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at
self.initial[] list. It means, that to set set initial values for the
form in step X you do the following:
init = {
self.initial[X] = init
The best (and, indeed, about the only place to handle this) is the
I currently have a working site running Django and now want to move a
couple of other of my sites to Django as well. I'm in the process of
moving off a hosted VPS to my own local server, where the existing
Django site is.
My questions is more of best practice when deploying multiple sites to
the s
but you can take a look at if for there media blocks I believe are
something like extrastyle etc...
{% block extramedia %}
{% if forms %}
{% for form in forms %}
{{ form.media }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{{ form.media }}
{% endif %}
On Nov 23, 1:31 pm, Todd B
Trying to run unittests.
Using the .only() method on a queryset causes the content types
machinery to find and attempt to use a model with Deferred attributes.
This function (with print and verbosity added):
def update_contenttypes(app, created_models, verbosity=2, **kwargs):
ate tables from within the test script
Is there a standard way to do this I haven't found? If not any
suggestions on the ideas? Thoughts on above? Other examples are
online table exporter, chat.
Thank you,
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
ctice though.
Thanks Again,
On Dec 4, 5:37 am, "Mark (Nosrednakram)"
> Hello Django Users,
> I have a few applications that don't have defined models but that
> interact with other models. The most recent is a full text search
> engine based on Whoo
You need to put the url for weblog above flat pages. The empty string
'' is catching everything and it never sees your weblog url.
On Dec 8, 7:39 am, bernard wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am reading through the Practical Django Projects 2nd Edition book
> and
s, it does so in the order you have them listed.
On Dec 8, 7:39 am, bernard wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am reading through the Practical Django Projects 2nd Edition book
> and i am now on the weblog entries_index part (page 84) where im
> trying to view the weblog entry index but I
I have recently created a python module which parses an input string
and invokes the program lilypond to generate a music score image. All
of this works fine as a standalone python app. I'm now looking to add
this to my django site so users can enter the text on a form, hit
submit, and have the si
split them up into two columns depending
> on the blog id? In which case, you could do it like this:
> blogs_one = Post.objects.filter(author=user, blog__id=1)
> blogs_two = Post.objects.filter(author=user, blog__id=2)
> and then iterate through blogs_one and blogs_two
ion? So far in /blogs/blogs.html
>> {{ form.as_table }}
Oh and I am not familiar with Ajax I am sorry because I've been
told that's a way to handle it...
2009/12/13 Mark Schuuring :
> Hey guys thanks for your respond. First of all i read the tutorial
> and the form works in /search with the template and the view. For now
to make really-foreign keys that don't even reference models, but
rather call into the auth backend system.
I realize I'm talking about essentially extending the auth backend
interface to include fake models, so really I just wonder if anyone
has experience to share about trying to get the
ed this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Django users" group.
> To post to this group, send email to django-us...@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> django-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visi
When someone searches for something on the site and finds nothing, I
want to save that query for later reuse (so I can run it each night to
see if anything new matches their request, and email what is found to
the user).
What is the best way to go about this?
1. Save the SQL that is generated an
I was thinking I could pickle/unpickle the request then run it thru
with an extra flag of (send email) thru the same code that wsgi uses.
If I jsonify the data, how would I get that back into a python object?
Is it really as simple as str=json.dumps(request) and request =
I don't
something wrong with the configuration, but I
cant pin down what it is. Many thanks for any help.
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"Django users" group.
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I don't quite understand what changes you made before producing this error,
and I'm totally unfamiliar with sqllite.
But I do know that for many (really, most) different model changes, just
running syncdb will not make the appropriate changes to your tables. You
probably need to look into south m
Perhaps someone with much more Django experience will correct me, but I am
99% sure that this is impossible.
As I understand it, parameters passed to filter() are translated into SQL
statements. An arbitrary python method that you write for your object can
do any number of things, which might not
gh my external script.
I hope anybody can help me.
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+ ".kml"
f = open(writefile, 'wb')
I hope this helps?
On 14 aug, 21:55, Mike Dewhirst wrote:
> On 15/08/2010 12:10am, Mark Mooij wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I recently migrated from Django 1.1.1 to 1.2.1. In
any directory structure in the path,
the file is created in the root of the website, if I try creating a
directory with os.mkdir() it should take the root as well I presume,
but no directory is created.
It seems that Django 1.2.1 has problems calling the os.mkdir() and
makedirs() commands ?
Also I find it strange that makedirs command rises
an error when calling from Django ("mkdir() takes exactly 1 argument
(2 given)"), but again outside Django this works just fine..
Hope anybody has any suggestions..
On 16 aug, 14:22, Doug Blank wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at
ip install factory_boy
...which installs a package named 'factory'.
- Mark
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silly one,but please understand that I am a newcomer to
django and python..and programming in general
thanks and hoping for guidance
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"Django users" group.
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thanks guys
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For mo
do I
do that?I was thinking of specifying creator_of_entry.username+url as
unique.How do I do this in django?
Also,there is the case of 2 different people with same name.I would
very much like some pointers as to how this can be tackled.If someone
can advise ,please do
thanks Shawn..
I set the meta option and now it correctly throws an IntegrityError
when I try to enter the duplicate value for the url.
Now should I catch this in clean() method of the model and raise an
error message when user enters the duplicate value?
On Oct 5, 1:19 am, Shawn Milochik
thanks Shawn..
I set the meta option and now it correctly throws an IntegrityError
when I try to enter the duplicate value for the url.
Now should I catch this in clean() method of the model and raise an
error message when user enters the duplicate value?
On Oct 5, 1:19 am, Shawn Milochik
thanks Shawn..
I set the meta option and now it correctly throws an IntegrityError
when I try to enter the duplicate value for the url.
Now should I catch this in clean() method of the model and raise an
error message when user enters the duplicate value?
On Oct 5, 1:19 am, Shawn Milochik
thanks Shawn..
I set the meta option and now it correctly throws an IntegrityError
when I try to enter the duplicate value for the url.
Now should I catch this in clean() method of the model and raise an
error message when user enters the duplicate value?
On Oct 5, 1:19 am, Shawn Milochik
ate url')
return url
I couldn't figure out how to get the user_given_urls through filter
method on MyModel..can anybody help?
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"Django users" group.
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Is there some other way to get user_given_urls other than the list
comprehension above?If so please tell me
On Oct 5, 6:45 pm, Shawn Milochik wrote:
> Why not just use a ModelForm?
> You can override the form's clean() or add a clean_url() me
n create/delete/etc new
templates with the demo account.
Thank you,
Mark Anderson
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ou to
store any object using two fields and re-generate it easly in two
Hope This Helps,
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"Django users" group.
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et a few thing up in you http
response to serve up a proper csv file.
response = HttpResponse(mimetype='text/csv')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' %
return response
You can set other he
l('GET', '^employees/(?P\d+)$', 'show_employee')
verb_url('PUT', '^employees/(?P\d+)$',
verb_url('DELETE', '^employees/(?P\d+)$',
url('^employees/(?P\d+)/', i
Getting started is as simple as: ...
easy_install django-reroute, or
pip install django-reroute
- Mark
On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 4:12 PM, Mark Sandstrom
> Hello all,
> This is a pretty common pattern in django:
> def view(request):
> if requ
er list, if you
know of one please let me know. If you have any advice on the
following code please let me.
Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Code <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
python based so I can hook into it. Thanks!
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Thanks everyone. A lot of great suggestions here. It looks like
reportlab is going to fit my needs nicely!
On Jan 8, 7:38 am, tom wrote:
> You could tryhttp://www.xhtml2pdf.com/
> It's xhtml+css -> pdf converter. Then you should be able to use django-
> templates and create from this templates
f you want/need both. I would probably write a manager for indexing
static media that would take an OS path and base URL to prepend to it
and run it when needed. If you want to try whoosh feel free to ask me
On Jan 14, 4:04 am, Amit Sethi wrote:
> Hi , I have a project wi
data = urllib.urlencode(values)
req = Request(url, data)
print req.get_full_url()
response = urlopen(req)
except URLError, e:
print e.code
print e.read()
the_page = response.read()
print the_page
the thing that is puzzling me (apart form how to fix it) is that the
test ser
the end it turns out made some
silly mistakes.
On Jan 25, 10:43 am, Graham Dumpleton
> On Jan 25, 12:54 pm, Mark Underwood wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > Ive already posted a lot of information
> > herehttp://serverfault.com/qu
Any thoughts as to how I could get the view function from a url name?
Is there something like django.core.urlresolvers.resolve() that takes
a url name and returns a view function? Thanks!
Ryan Mark
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examples of using self referencing m2m.
On Mar 2, 10:01 am, Jeffrey Taggarty wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I have a website (go figure!) where there is a main navigation, there
> is going to need to be sub pages for each main nav item, but this sub
> page can belong to more
examples of using self referencing m2m.
On Mar 2, 10:01 am, Jeffrey Taggarty wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I have a website (go figure!) where there is a main navigation, there
> is going to need to be sub pages for each main nav item, but this sub
> page can belong to more
et it turns out,
that no queries are run at all. Is it supposed to be like that?
In plain SQL this would be an inner join from A to Base followed by a
left outer join with B. Is it possible to make it work at all?
If you don't derive A from Base, it works perfectly (creates a left
outer join fr
> I am entering them on the same page otherwise I will have to note down
> the ids of people and publications table and then go to bridge table
> and insert the ids there. So the reason I want to enter in the same
> page is I will insert the ids into bridge table whenever I click save.
> I am
#x27; )
Using form_for_model() on the above model results in HTML like this:
How do I get rid of the first option (the dashes)?
I would prefer to have the -widget default to my default-value.
Any help appreciated!
my form adds a second password field like this:
class JoinForm(forms.BaseForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.base_fields['pw2'] = forms.CharField( label = 'again', min_length
= 3 )
st curious, what's the state of connection pooling in django?
And what does the user see when such an error occurs, I guess
an error 500 message?
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On Tue, 2008-01-29 at 22:07 -0600, James Bennett wrote:
> On Jan 29, 2008 10:04 PM, Mark Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Just curious, what's the state of connection pooling in django?
> My personal opinion is that the application level (e.g., Django) is
> t
On Tue, 2008-01-29 at 23:33 -0600, James Bennett wrote:
> On Jan 29, 2008 11:18 PM, Mark Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I agree on the loadbalancer front but the overhead for all
> > those TCP connections (and pgpool managing them) worries me a bit.
> I'v
On Wed, 2008-01-30 at 11:03 -0600, James Bennett wrote:
> On Jan 30, 2008 8:57 AM, Mark Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Well, "Build for failure". Temporary overload can happen at any
> > time and I'd expect django to behave exceptionally bad in that
On Wed, 2008-01-30 at 19:34 -0600, James Bennett wrote:
> On Jan 30, 2008 6:01 PM, Mark Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ahem, there's a huge difference between being confronted with
> > a spinner/progress bar or an error page. The former speaks
> > "Pleas
> is not, then throw an error. and rollback the transaction.
Ehm, and how would you "check on commit"?
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"Django users" group.
To post to t
have tzinfo, so I always
store without it. I.e., I assume all datetimes are UTC, but without a
tzinfo, until I convert it at the last moment for rendering a template.
gmacgregor wrote:
> Some of my project app's models have a DateTimeField where the value
> is UTC while oth
, core=True)
Any ideas how to implement this?
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To unsu
I DID look in the server log though, and it appears that it's simply
not finding 404.html. I haven't created my own custom 404.html, so I
would expect it to have no trouble finding the default one. Any idea
why it might not be finding it?
On 3/3/07, James Bennett <[EM
'username' is my default webfaction mailbox
directory), but in fact, there is only one. However, I'm testing this
on a Windows machine before deploying it, so I'd like to find a
solution that also works under Windows.
Any suggestions?
You received this message
Well, as far as I can tell, for each entry in my INSTALLED_APPS (from
settings.py), it looks in that directory, and expects to find a
models.py there. So I'm looking for an alternative to duplicating the
same models.py file in multiple directories.
On 3/12/07, akonsu <[EMAIL P
work. Django does not process these imported models.
But yes, if I could make this work, it would be an acceptable solution.
On 3/12/07, akonsu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> yes, i was thinking that may be models.py might import actual models
> from elsewhere? if it can
attribute that isn't a field of the database, but is there an easy way
to make the admin do this anyway?
Barring that, since most databases support min max and average, is
there a way to sort on those aspects of a field?
I was wondering how you would go about saving a model instance
multiple times (having seperate db entries) while changing just one
or two fields each time. I'm wanting to use a single series of inputs
that define the parameters to create/save multiple event objects to
the database.
Hi guys
When you click the "Save and Add Another button" in the Admin, the
values are cleared and all need to be re-entered for the new object.
How would I go about saving that existing object and then
transferring the field values to the new object. This would save a
lot of time for some
I'm hoping there's a preferred/standard way to set this up, but
haven't been able to find it here or in the django docs/code.
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I know that, unfortunately, there's no painless way to migrate all the
data in your database when you add a new optional field to your model.
So what is the MOST painless way to do this?
You received this message becaus
the list of ids dynamically.
I want to approve the checked items, and delete the unchecked items.
Make sense?
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"Django users" group.
To post to this gr
When there are multiple submit buttons, how do you extract the clicked
one from the request.POST?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To post to this g
manager or manipulator or in some other way that doesn't require
changes to the admin views, models, etc.?
Thanks! Any insight is appreciated.
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access to
model instance info in the manipulator context, allowing me to write
model-aware validators here without changing any django code.
I haven't tried this yet. I'll keep you posted on how it goes. If
you have any insight on pros and cons of this approach, please let
this seems to work.
class MymodelManager(models.Manager):
def get_query_set(self):
if current_user.is_superuser:
return super
ation that it is a part of, so it can use that name
for disambiguation purposes. Is there a way to do that?
In other words, is there something called get_application_name() or
something similar?
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I'm trying to set-up a django system comprising a separate web
server, static server and database server.
Where does Psychopg live: on the web or database server?
And how would I go about configuring the two?
Realised that Psycopg sits on the database server and you refer to it
through the settings.py file.
Should get more sleep
On 18/04/2007, at 11:23 AM, Mark Jarecki wrote:
I'm trying to set-up a django system comprising a separate web
server, static server and database server.
right direction. I guess I want to know
how to make the Apache server and the Postgres server talk to each
other over a network connection and not locally on the same machine.
On 18/04/2007, at 12:43 PM, Brian Luft wrote:
Hi Mark,
In direct answer to your question, psycopg provi
recommended solution? Or will a lot of customisation be necessary?
I notice that quite a few sites are running set-ups that separate the
servers according to their function (web, static and database), so
this can't be a rare set-up.
Thanks in advance
On 18/04/2007, at 1:04 PM,
orts but I have a few
questions; it seems like a lot of effort just to get Apache2 running
and when done I will have a "non-standard" server.
Mark Phillips
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and open
the browser. Then I enter URL that is mapped to that server, e.g.
dev.mophilly.com. The web server returns the main page. With that I
want to open the Django admin pages to make things are working.
- Mark
On Apr 30, 2007, at 10:39 AM, Joseph Heck wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> Y
> Do you have this in place? Did you change this at all? If so, what
> do you have there? Did you restart the Apache server after you
> modified the configuration file?
> -joe
> On 4/30/07, Mark Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank
Can someone point me in the right direction?
- Mark
admin$ python manage.py syncdb
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "manage.py", line 11, in ?
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.4/lib/
On May 2, 2007, at 12:25 PM, Michael K wrote:
> On May 2, 10:09 am, Mark Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Being a newbie has its challenges...
> I know exactly what you mean.
>> The server is running mysql, I use phpMyAdmin and a couple of other
ect closely. I should have went
> with my gut feeling that it was Mac OS X :)
> Michael
No problem, Michael. All is well.
- Mark
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I am not quite sure how to search for this...
I have an existing database in mysql; a great many tables and columns
are involved. Is there a way to create the django data classes by
reading the database schema or create table statements?
- Mark, a lazy man by trade, a curious sort by
On May 2, 2007, at 12:47 PM, Brandon Low wrote:
> python manage.py inspectdb
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postgresql/base.py", line 44, in execute
return self.cursor.execute(sql, [smart_basestring(p,
self.charset) for p in params])
psycopg.ProgrammingError: ERROR: relation "guide_venuetype_id_seq"
does not exist
SELECT setval
postgresql/base.py", line 44, in execute
return self.cursor.execute(sql, [smart_basestring(p,
self.charset) for p in params])
psycopg.ProgrammingError: ERROR: relation "guide_venuetype_id_seq"
does not exist
SELECT setval('Guide_venuetype_id_seq&
Action displays "no fields were changed."
I am working on OS X 10.9, python 2.4, intel based Mac.
I ran validate polls, and syncdb. No errors were reported.
Where should I be looking?
- Mark
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On May 4, 2007, at 10:39 AM, Mark Phillips wrote:
> I am walking through the tutorial again; new machine, new issues.
> In Tutorial 2, when I run the server, log in, and edit the Poll by
> changing the date using the Today link and click Save, django says
> the operation was co
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