On Nov 19, 1:28 am, geraldcor <gregco...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok,
> Here is how I do it if I am using a regular form with a regular view:
> profile = request.user.get_profile()
> form = MyForm('company': profile.defaultcompany, 'contact':
> profile.defaultcontact, etc...})
> return render_to_response('forms/submit.html', {'form': form},
> context_instance=RequestContext(request))
> pretty simple and basic.
> How do I do this with a form wizard?
> Greg
> On Nov 17, 3:39 pm, geraldcor <gregco...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > I began making a form that used request.user.get_profile to get
> > default values for company name, phone, email etc. I have since
> > decided to move to a formwizard to split things up. I have no idea how
> > to override methods for the formwizard class to be able to include
> > those initial values in the form. Can someone please help me with this
> > problem or point me to the proper help? I have come up short with all
> > of my searching. Thanks.


The *initial* values for the forms in a form wizard are stored in the
self.initial[] list. It means, that to set set initial values for the
form in step X you do the following:

init = {

self.initial[X] = init

The best (and, indeed, about the only place to handle this) is the
process_step method of the wizard instance (or parse_params, if you
need to set initial values for the form in step 0).

Hope that helps



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