Re: Form processing using bash script

2009-10-06 Thread Kevin Teague
Use the os.subprocess module in the python standard library to invoke the bash script from your django view code: Although in my experience, when there is a bash script wrapping a number of calls to other programs, I tend to find it easier to work w

Re: Form processing using bash script

2009-10-06 Thread Kevin Teague
On Oct 6, 12:02 pm, Carlos Gustavo wrote: > Thanks Kevin, > > I would give it a shot. Doesn't sound as easy as I had hoped. :-) > To make things even harder, keep in mind that any data gotten from the HTTP request which is passed on to a shell call as an argument must first

Re: Use one project for a blog, forums, and custom application?

2009-10-16 Thread Kevin Teague
This isn't Django-specific, but to simplify things, you may want to go for: Since browsers send authentication based on the domain, if you use different sub-domains for each app in a web site, it will be necessary to login (albiet using the sam

Re: djangocon videos

2009-11-15 Thread Kevin L
Seconded. I'm waiting for videos to be published. Even if they released them one- by-one, that'd be fine by me. On Nov 11, 7:26 am, Aljosa Mohorovic wrote: > On Nov 10, 11:23 pm, Vitaly Babiy wrote: > > > According to there twitter ( > > they shoul

Creating dynamic models?

2009-11-24 Thread Kevin Renskers
t of code somewhere else in my application? Hopefully there is an easy way to do this :) Cheers, Kevin -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to

Re: even and odd numbers within a template

2009-11-24 Thread Kevin Renskers
{% for o in some_list %} ... {% endfor %} On Nov 24, 2:39 pm, Juan Hernandez wrote: > Hey there people... > > I've been coloring html tables using javascript for a while and now, we need > to color our tables just with html. The CSS has been made to use one color > for even row

Re: virtualenv, PIP, fabric and patches to external projects

2009-11-24 Thread Kevin Teague
With patching Python code, there is always the option of dynamically modifying the code at run-time ... aka doing it monkey style. You can do this in a bit more orderly fashion by using something like the 'monkey' package, which lets you use a signature on the function being packaged, so that you b

Re: Creating dynamic models?

2009-11-26 Thread Kevin Renskers
Just a small update: the DynamicModels way as described on the wiki doesn't work (it also says that it only works in Django 0.96, so yeah..). If anyone has any idea how to do this, I would be very thankful! On Nov 24, 2:35 pm, Kevin Renskers wrote: > Hi all, > > In my Django pro

Re: Creating dynamic models?

2009-11-26 Thread Kevin Renskers
about this :) Again, thank you very much. Cheers, Kevin On Nov 26, 10:14 am, Matthias Kestenholz wrote: > On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 9:56 AM, Kevin Renskers wrote: > > Just a small update: the DynamicModels way as described on the wiki > > doesn't work (it also says that it only wor

Re: Chart tool

2009-11-29 Thread Kevin Renskers
I am using the Google Visualization API myself, it's pretty nice. I wrote a blog post with a little how to: However, I also used FusionCharts in the past and that's got my vote too :) On Nov 25, 9:07 pm, "S.Selvam" wrote: >

Make the makemessages command more open

2009-12-14 Thread Kevin Renskers
7;t account for a different syntax. As far as I can see there is no possible way to configure the system so it can work with different i18n syntaxes. It seems like a good idea to open this up, so different template systems can be used more easily. Would it be a good idea suggest this in a ticket?

Photo Gallery Suggestions

2009-12-15 Thread Kevin Monceaux
ndle the above? Would FileBrowser be a good choice to help implement a custom gallery? Or, is there perhaps any other plugins/applications I should explore? -- Kevin Bruceville, TX Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes. L

Re: Photo Gallery Suggestions

2009-12-15 Thread Kevin Monceaux
Oops, I knew I'd leave out at least one. On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 10:42:10AM -0600, Kevin Monceaux wrote: > Some of the items on my wish list include: Customizable upload/save path, preferably including a directory named after the photo's ID, to avoid filename collisions

Problem with Meta inner class accessing its parent

2009-12-18 Thread Kevin Renskers
self.getName() class Meta: ordering = [('name_%s' % Substrate.getLanguage()), 'name_en'] If anyone has an idea how on to do this, I would be very happy. Thanks! Cheers, Kevin -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "

Re: Problem with Meta inner class accessing its parent

2009-12-18 Thread Kevin Renskers
ss__ processes Meta.ordering at clas > definition time.  You have the source code. > > Bill > > On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 6:07 AM, Kevin Renskers wrote: > > Hi, > > > I am having a bit of a problem. I have a model with 3 name fields, > > each for a different langu

Best way to keep populating database after creation?

2009-12-22 Thread Kevin L
Hi, could anyone offer some tips as to the best way to keep populating my Django database after it's finalized (schema-/model-wise)? The app is most read-only and periodically, I finish up a new data set that needs to be included. How do I add this additional data set into the database without wrec

Re: Best way to keep populating database after creation?

2009-12-22 Thread Kevin L
Also, my data won't be in YAML or JSON. Does MySQL or Sqlite offer an export option that'll do this? Thanks and sorry if all of this is common knowledge for everyone else. Kevin On Dec 22, 12:13 pm, Shawn Milochik wrote: > Fixtures sound like the way to go. > > You should get

Re: Best way to keep populating database after creation?

2009-12-22 Thread Kevin L
Ahh, I had seen that earlier but disregarded it because it pertained to CSV files. I see and am reminded now that I can import my project or app into a python script. My models won't be changing which would seem to make a good case for fixtures, but at least this way I don't need to worry about pri

Re: Best way to keep populating database after creation?

2009-12-22 Thread Kevin L
ome benchmarking for fun. On Dec 22, 2:06 pm, Kevin L wrote: > Ahh, I had seen that earlier but disregarded it because it pertained > to CSV files. I see and am reminded now that I can import my project > or app into a python script. My models won't be changing which would > seem to

Re: How to use CommaSeperatedIntegerList with CheckboxSelectMultiple

2010-04-26 Thread Kevin Renskers
and can share it? I have a tuple with (string, not integer) choices, and want to show the user a multiple select field. The choices should be saved as a comma separated string in the database. Cheers, Kevin On Apr 3, 5:30 pm, ben wrote: > Either I don't understand how CheckboxSelectMultip

Re: How to use CommaSeperatedIntegerList with CheckboxSelectMultiple

2010-04-27 Thread Kevin Renskers
Works like a charm, thanks! > The issue with the custom field is that it does not implement a > 'validate' func > > I believe all I did to get it working was add: > >     def validate(self, value, model_instance): >         return -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Go

Raw sql bug? Or am I doing something wrong?

2010-06-01 Thread Kevin Renskers
to work, but just using "id" doesn't work because othermodel also has an "id" column. Using "" gives the error. I also tried " AS id", but same error. Or is this a bug that I should put in trac? Thanks, Kevin -- You received this message

Re: Raw sql bug? Or am I doing something wrong?

2010-06-01 Thread Kevin Renskers
Update: weirdly enough, this does work: for r in Model.objects.raw('SELECT model.* FROM model INNER JOIN othermodel ON othermodel.model_id ='): print r But does not. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post

Re: moving from Postgres to MySQL

2010-10-23 Thread Kevin Monceaux
tible=postgresql ... If pg_dumpall has a similar option chances are good it could produce SQL that MySQL would be happy with. But, I don't think pg_dumpall has such an option. -- Kevin Bruceville, TX What's the definition of

Input welcome for comments app idea

2010-11-12 Thread Kevin Renskers
#x27;t already exists, and if I am overlooking other big problems. Thanks in advance for your input, Kevin -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscrib

Re: Input welcome for comments app idea

2010-11-13 Thread Kevin Renskers
x27;s admin site where they show the number of comments per blog entry. If people are interested in this project, feel free to clone the project, send me a message, etc. Cheers, Kevin On Nov 12, 12:14 pm, Kevin Renskers wrote: > Hi, > > My new Django website is as good as finished,

Re: Twitter API

2009-12-28 Thread Kevin Renskers
I am using on my own Django website, works like a charm. Are you sure you are using the API correctly? api.PostUpdate(username, password, 'I love python-twitter!') By the way, updating a tweet is impossible, as Twitter doesn't support that. You can delete

Re: JavaScript function call

2009-12-28 Thread Kevin Renskers
What you are doing is not valid html, you can't put a script tag inside a tr tag. Try something like this: showDomainTable('{{v.publisher_id}}', '{{v.country_id}}'); But even then, inline javascript is something better avoided. I would just create a function that is run as soon as the

Re: JavaScript function call

2009-12-29 Thread Kevin Renskers
but it should work alright. On Dec 28, 11:24 pm, "gilbert F." wrote: > Hi Kevin, > > Sorry I could not make progress therefore I am considering to use > jQuery. As I never used it, can I have your jQuery code for reference? > You may send to my e-mail gilber...@gami

Re: database password in

2010-01-05 Thread Kevin Teague
The keyring library provides an easy way of using passwords stored securely in your Keychain|Wallet|Keyring. I use it and it works Very Nicely(TM): -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to th

Re: Got Django and Buildout working, but what about PIL and Postgres?

2010-01-06 Thread Kevin Teague
This is what I use for PostgreSQL and psycopg2 installation with Buildout: First, adjust the eggs to pull-in a custom-built psycopg2 egg: eggs = ${psycopg2:egg} ${buildout:eggs} Then for psycopg2 do: [psycopg2] recipe = zc.recipe.egg:custom egg = psycopg2 include-dirs = ${postgresql:loca

make an object available to all views and blocks

2010-01-08 Thread Kevin Coyner
Using template inheritance via base.html, I am creating a simple two-column site with a "content" and "sidebar" block. The inheritance feature works as expected. Basic html is inherited in my sidebar from base.html and can be written over in the sidebar block if so desired. However, I'm perplexed

Re: query related question

2010-01-14 Thread Kevin Monceaux
#x27;kimlik/index.html', {'women_list': women}) > > > index.html: > ... > {% if women %} > > {% for woman in women %} > {{ woman.lastname }}, {{ woman.firstname }}, {{ woman.dob }}, {{ > }}, {{ }} > {% en

unicode LookupError with Django + mod_wsgi

2010-01-21 Thread Kevin L
Hi all, I also asked this on the mod_wsgi list but it seems like it may be being caused by Django so I figured this might help. Sorry if it turns out to not be Django-related, but the exception is getting raised by Django code. So I'm running into some strange errors with Django + mod_wsgi. Here's

How can I add PG8000 datbase backend?

2010-01-26 Thread Kevin Ar18
The documentation says: "You can use a database backend that doesn't ship with Django by setting DATABASE_ENGINE to a fully-qualified path (i.e. mypackage.backends.whatever)." So, I installed PG8000. It is an egg inside of "Python\Lib\site-packages" What should the path be? Or can I not use thi

Re: Django Generator

2010-02-10 Thread Kevin Postal
Love it! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this g

Need help storing/retrieving values from a form.MultipleChoiceField

2010-02-11 Thread Kevin Audleman
that yet so I'm doing it in my view. First question: is there a convenient Django function I'm missing that would be the preferred place to do this? Second question: Am I overcomplicating this? Thanks, Kevin -- You received this message because you are subscribed to th

Can't override the default form field for my custom Field type. Help?

2010-02-12 Thread Kevin Audleman
vinsCharField( "My favorite days", max_length=200, choices=WEEKDAYS, blank=True) Can anyone help me figure out what I'm missing? Thanks, Kevin -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To po

Changing template variables

2010-03-04 Thread Kevin Renskers
on it seems impossible to access the template variables. Anyone got an idea on how to do this? Thanks in advance, Kevin -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to django-us...@googlegroups.

Re: Changing template variables

2010-03-04 Thread Kevin Renskers
Well yes, but I do not want to change all of my views. I want a generic solution to change template variables before they get rendered. On Mar 4, 4:14 pm, Bill Freeman wrote: > Write your own view instead of using direct_to_template. > > > > On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 10:06 AM,

Re: Changing template variables

2010-03-04 Thread Kevin Renskers
I'll explain a bit more what precisely it is what I want to do: Django 1.2 comes with a new messages framework that allows for each message to have a different "level" (succes, error, warning, etc). I want to see if a form has errors, and if so, make a message for each error so all my notices and e

Re: Changing template variables

2010-03-05 Thread Kevin Renskers
ame way as all other messages in my application. Cheers, Kevin On Mar 4, 4:33 pm, Kevin Renskers wrote: > I'll explain a bit more what precisely it is what I want to do: Django > 1.2 comes with a new messages framework that allows for each message > to have a different "level&quo

Re: django buildout trouble

2010-03-17 Thread Kevin Teague
> > I think it is a path problem, since the /polls/ part of the running site > can't find views and the /admin part can't find views. > > I'm looking into why buildout would leave the pythonpath incomplete > and think it is just a buildout.cfg problem.  The same site structure worked > in a non-bu

Primary key in queryset even when using only()

2010-03-22 Thread Kevin Renskers
, but alas, that's impossible with the ORM... I am not using an ORDER BY, so that should not be the reason the primary key is included. Thanks, Kevin Renskers -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group

Re: Primary key in queryset even when using only()

2010-03-22 Thread Kevin Renskers
Thank you very much, this works perfectly! On Mar 22, 12:01 pm, bruno desthuilliers wrote: > On 22 mar, 11:08, Kevin Renskers wrote: > > > Hi, > > > I am using a combination of the only() and distinct() functions on a > > model to get the unique values of

Re: Is the DoesNotExist exception the only way to check if an object exists?

2010-04-09 Thread Kevin Teague
There is nothing exceptional about exceptions in Python. McDonc does a good job at explaining how to think about exceptions as less than exceptional: The only arguably exceptional part is that ideally the ORM would raise a plain KeyErro

Template tag render method never called

2007-06-27 Thread Kevin Tonon
t 0.91 doesn't seem to support that. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks. Kevin --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to django-users

Re: Template tag render method never called

2007-06-27 Thread Kevin Tonon
I have determined the source of my problem. It was an inheriting template defining a block and shadowing the parent block in which my tag was called. On Jun 27, 1:44 pm, Kevin Tonon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi, > > I'm using Django 0.91 > > More or less, this is w

Re: How to communicate with

2007-07-24 Thread Kevin Menard
ibs for POSTing. I don't think you'll run into anything in django that will help you out or hold you back. I'd check out the XML guide. It's a pretty straightforward, albeit klunky, process. -- Kevin --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You rec

Re: duplicate SQL statements

2007-07-31 Thread Kevin Menard > > How can I cache the result of MyModelClass.objects.get(id=...) at least > for one request. My guess is that using the session could achieve this for you. A "flash" persistence strategy would be better, but I

Re: [OT] pydev

2007-07-31 Thread Kevin Menard
If you stick with Eclipse 3.2 and JDK 5, you'll likely be okay. -- Kevin --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegr

Re: pydev

2007-07-31 Thread Kevin Menard Whatever changes you made to eclipse are likely in the eclipse.ini file. If you post that, we might be able to see what it is that you changed. -- Kevin --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribe

Re: Optimistic Locking Patch?

2007-07-31 Thread Kevin Menard
this yet? I haven't looked into this deeply, but my guess is "no". Django's ORM is designed for the common use case. This typically means that no one is changing the DB behind you. If there is any work going on in this area, I

Re: Unique check errors when using postgres and explicit ids

2007-07-31 Thread Kevin Menard
of your sequence curvals to be something large, where large is defined as being greater than count(*) for each table. -- Kevin --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group

[newforms-admin]: Preload hook?

2007-08-23 Thread Kevin Menard
ly, by doing such, I also lose expresiveness and safety checking when using the model in any other context. Anyone have any ideas on how to go about hooking in at form render/load? -- Thanks, Kevin --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed

Re: django under 2.5

2007-08-29 Thread Kevin Menard
.5 without any problems. The same codebase works under 2.4 as well. -- Kevin --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegro

Re: Q lookup with both OR and AND

2007-09-05 Thread Kevin Menard
Without looking into your problem in any real detail (sorry, late here), you could probably apply DeMorgan's Law and come up with a single predicate that you use throughout your query, using negation as appropriate. That may help you out. -- Kevin On 9/5/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] &l

Newbie ForeignKey Filter Question

2008-04-04 Thread Kevin Monceaux
.org/Brags I already have Event and Brag models set up. An event can have zero or more brags associated with it. In Django, how would one create a QuerySet of events which only contains events that have at least one brag associated with them? In other words, I want to omit all events

Re: Newbie ForeignKey Filter Question

2008-04-04 Thread Kevin Monceaux
s__isnull=False).distinct() e2.Count() 150L Kevin Bruceville, TX Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes. Longum iter est per praecepta, breve et efficax per exempla!!! --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You

Cycle Tag Question

2008-04-05 Thread Kevin Monceaux
ing {% cycle rowcolors %} from inside the loop, which didn't work. Kevin Bruceville, TX Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes. Longum iter est per praecepta, breve et efficax per exempla!!! --~--~-~--~~

Re: Cycle Tag Question

2008-04-06 Thread Kevin Monceaux
Django Fans, On Sat, 5 Apr 2008, Kevin Monceaux wrote: > When used inside a loop is there any way to have the cycle tag simply > cycle through the given strings/variables each time it's called regardless > of the loop index? > I tried placing a {% cycle 'Odd' &#x

Another Cycle Tag Question

2008-04-07 Thread Kevin Monceaux
s the previous cycle variable and if the last {% cycle rowcolors %} returned Odd, it starts with Even. Kevin Bruceville, TX Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes. Longum iter es

My First Django Site

2008-04-07 Thread Kevin Monceaux
move it into production. Kevin Bruceville, TX Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes. Longum iter est per praecepta, breve et efficax per exempla!!! --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message b

Re: Another Cycle Tag Question

2008-04-07 Thread Kevin Monceaux
applied the patch and added a {% resetcycle rowcolors %} tag to the end of my include tag's template but it's not resetting the cycle var. I deleted the defaulttags.pyc file to make sure it got recompiled and also stopped/started apache, but I'm still seeing the same behavior as bef

Re: Another Cycle Tag Question

2008-04-07 Thread Kevin Monceaux
owcolor" technique the cycle was acting like it was being called on each iteration through the loop even though it wasn't. Kevin Bruceville, TX Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes

Re: Set Index (Home) Page

2008-04-07 Thread Kevin Monceaux
On Mon, 7 Apr 2008, ichbindev wrote: > In short, is there such a thing as 'default' in urlpatterns so that it > calls a view when none of the other patterns match? Is something like: what you're looki

Re: Set Index (Home) Page

2008-04-07 Thread Kevin Monceaux
#x27;^$', 'WAG.wag.views.index'), (r'^Agility/(?P.*)$', 'WAG.agility.views.index'), etc., etc.) And, the to_home_page function, and needed imports, in the view looks like: from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from django.core.urlresolvers import re

Re: newforms-admin questions

2008-04-09 Thread Kevin Monceaux
ering also. I'd like to hear experienced Djangoists' thoughts on which route is the best to take for a new project. I've already decided to go with trunk over the latest release because of some of the new features, such as the new pagination functionality. Now I'm wonde

Newbie Question: Is "ordering" a list or a tuple or both / either?

2008-04-14 Thread Kevin Cole
Hi, I'm following along in the book, and noticed that when "ordering" is used in the Meta class (Chapter 5, page 77) it is a list. However, later, when used in the Admin class (Chapter 6, page 91), it's a tuple. Testing it out, it seems to work okay either way, but I wondered if there was a goo

Re: custom form on admin interface page

2008-04-19 Thread Kevin Monceaux
go/mysite/templates/admin/polls/poll/change_list.html and customize that copy. And, using this approach you can leave out the ifequal block since the customized template will only be used for the polls/poll app/model. P.S. I'm just starting to explore admin customization

Re: Fwd: custom form on admin interface page

2008-04-21 Thread Kevin Monceaux
to find out more about newforms-admin, there's some info at: And also on the HowTo page I mentioned in my previous reply. Kevin Bruceville, TX Si hoc legere scis nimium erudition

Re: How do I escape a single quote in a Django template?

2008-04-21 Thread Kevin Monceaux
bove it looks like: {% trans "Bob's administration" %} or {% blocktrans %}Bob's administration{% endblocktrans %} might work. Kevin Bruceville, TX Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes. Longum iter est per p

FileField filename validation examples?

2008-04-22 Thread Kevin Monceaux
ments to be uploaded. Also, I'd probably also want to prevent files with spaces in their names from being uploaded. Any examples/suggestions are welcomed. Kevin Bruceville, TX Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes. Long

exclude with ForeignKey

2008-04-23 Thread Kevin L
Hello Django users, I'm having trouble with an exclude statement and was hoping some kind soul could help me out. My models are simple, it's basically just two models with a ForeignKey relationship. class Parent(models.Model): pass class Child(models.Model): name = models.CharField(maxlength=

Re: exclude with ForeignKey

2008-04-24 Thread Kevin L
On Apr 23, 11:43 pm, Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 24-Apr-08, at 11:47 AM, Kevin L wrote: > > > Hello Django users, I'm having trouble with an exclude statement and > > was hoping some kind soul could help me out. My models are simple, > > it&

Re: order_by for related tables

2008-04-24 Thread Kevin Monceaux
above to work in cases were I've used it I had to also include a select_related() in the mix. For example, one place I use it looks like: brags = event.Brags.select_related().order_by('events_dog.Name') Kevin Bruceville,

Re: Enhancing the Admin Interface

2008-04-28 Thread Kevin Monceaux Kevin Bruceville, TX Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes. Longum iter est per praecepta, breve et efficax per exempla!!! --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this me

Re: Queryset-refactor branch has been merged into trunk

2008-04-29 Thread Kevin Monceaux
ainst the nfa branch. I just updated to pull in the qs-rf changes. I only had to make a couple of minor code changes to my site in cases where I was ordering by fields from another model. I like the new syntax much better than having to use the underlying table names. Congratulations to all

Re: Should I set up Django locally or on a web server?

2008-05-01 Thread Kevin Monceaux
org/packages/ Once Python is squared away, you can follow the install instruction for Django on the Django site and use it's built-in test web server for testing. Kevin Bruceville, TX Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes. Longu

Custom Widget with jQuery?

2008-05-07 Thread Kevin Monceaux
tiple widgets without having those scripts included multiple times. Kevin Bruceville, TX Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes. Longum iter est per praecepta, breve et efficax per exempla!!! --~--~-~--~~---

Re: Custom Widget with jQuery?

2008-05-07 Thread Kevin Monceaux
page, "behind the scenes" so that I could just set up the field in the model to use the custom widget without having to also add the javascript to the template myself. Kevin Bruceville, TX Si hoc l

Re: tutorial DB touble

2008-05-07 Thread Kevin Monceaux
path is pointing to should exist but the database file itself, test.db in the example above, shouldn't. It will get created when you run syncdb. Kevin Bruceville, TX Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes. Longum iter est per p

Re: Django and Linux distros

2008-05-16 Thread Kevin Monceaux
on't want to ask me about desktop managers or editors. I use vim for editing and Ion for desktop management. I have also used emacs off and on in the past. Kevin Bruceville, TX Si hoc legere scis nimium eru

Re: Django and Linux distros

2008-05-19 Thread Kevin Monceaux
at a little better." In the end, I finally settled on Debian and I think I've finally stopped distro hopping. Kevin Bruceville, TX Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes. Longum iter est per praecepta, breve et efficax pe

Re: hanging os.system() when doing pdf generation

2008-05-27 Thread Kevin Teague
Milan Andric wrote: > > Furthermore I just did > > import sys > sys.stderr.write(os.system(cmd)) > sys.stderr.flush() > > to see what the error message from the command is in the production > server log. > > Try using the subprocess module (Python 2.4+) to call your program instead of os.

Re: Having many of one application.

2006-06-19 Thread kevin evans
How would one create users that could only post to a particular blog/site?On 19/06/06, limodou <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:On 6/19/06, Frankie Robertson < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>> The following is used mainly as an example for something I've been> wondering about.>> Say I'm a blog host and want t

Re: Having many of one application.

2006-06-19 Thread kevin evans
Thanks James,I guess I was looking for a way to still use the great built-in admin.i.e. be able to assign users to sites within the django generated admin.On 19/06/06, James Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On 6/19/06, kevin evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> How would one cr

Anonymous Users/Session in Template

2006-06-23 Thread Kevin Fullerton
ny thanks   Kevin --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL

RE: Anonymous Users/Session in Template

2006-06-23 Thread Kevin Fullerton
render_to_response from django.shortcuts for processing and returning the templates at the moment - I saw the detail about using the RequestContext but I don't think it works with render_to_response so I may have to look at using Contexts and Loaders for processing and returning the templates. Cheer

RE: Anonymous Users/Session in Template

2006-06-24 Thread Kevin Fullerton
Magic - it worked a treat by adding `from django.template import RequestContext` and adding `context_instance=RequestContext(request)` to the render_to_response call. Cheers for your help Kevin -Original Message- From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf

Error importing middleware django.contrib.sessions.middleware: "cannot import name backend"

2006-06-26 Thread Kevin Fullerton
17. return {  AttributeError at /accounts/  'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'user'   Anyone else seeing this or know what the problem is?   Cheers   Kevin Fullerton   --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are su

Error importing middleware django.contrib.sessions.middleware: "cannot import name backend"

2006-06-26 Thread Kevin Fullerton
17. return {  AttributeError at /accounts/  'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'user'   Anyone else seeing this or know what the problem is?   Cheers   Kevin Fullerton   --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are su

RE: Error importing middleware django.contrib.sessions.middleware: "cannot import name backend"

2006-06-26 Thread Kevin Fullerton
uninstall the Psycopg package this morning, so Postgresql drivers for Python were unavailable. Thanks for your help Kevin -Original Message- From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Malcolm Tredinnick Sent: 26 June 2006 11:54 To: django-users

JS for TimeField

2006-06-29 Thread Kevin Fullerton
  Kevin --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Duct tape

2006-07-22 Thread Kevin Menard
gree with him. I just hate seeing concerns being dismissed due to word choice. -- Kevin --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to django

Re: Django on win xp

2006-07-22 Thread Kevin Menard
o set up the symlinks in Windows. -- Kevin --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe fro

Re: CSS and JavaScript manager

2006-07-22 Thread Kevin Hamm
You'll have to excuse me, I'm still relatively new to the whole development side of web work, but I know I've had the same thoughts, or at least part of them. After separating my structure from my color scheme, it's very easy to see the real fun of creating a new css scheme using math to choose the

Re: runserver not working

2022-03-26 Thread Kevin Jay
Did you activate your virtual environment? Sent from my iPhone > On Mar 22, 2022, at 10:32 PM, 'Delvin Alexander' via Django users > wrote: > > i did that but the problem still remains :( > >> On Tuesday, March 22, 2022 at 2:09:33 AM UTC-7 wrote: >> Hey, >> >> I think y

How to generate a table in pdf?

2022-06-24 Thread Kevin Kamla
*Hi family, I created a salary calculation application.As I already display the list of employees, I now have to download it using a function in the VIEW folder.Please I urgently need helpThanks ...* -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users

New to Django

2022-11-02 Thread Kevin gallagher
Hi guys, Im currently learning django and am doing a project for college. Im building an appointment website users can book a training session. These are my models: class TimeSlot(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=50) def __str__(self): return f'There is a slot

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