E. Hankan,

On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 10:53:31PM -0500, E. Hakan Duran wrote:

Take the following with a grain, or three, of salt.  I'm a little rusty.  I
converted a web site to Django back in the pre-1.x days and am just getting
back to tinkering with Django to enhance the functionality of said site.
So, I'm sort of a semi-newbie myself.

This is untested, but I think you're aiming for something along the lines

> view.py:
> ...
> def index(request):
>    women_list = Woman.objects.filter(lastname__exact='Test')
>    return render_to_response('kimlik/index.html', {'women_list': women})
> index.html:
> ...
> {% if women %}
>     <ul>
>     {% for woman in women %}
>       <li>{{ woman.lastname }}, {{ woman.firstname }}, {{ woman.dob }}, {{ 
> woman.email }}, {{ woman.couple.city }}</li>
>     {% endfor %}
>     </ul>
> {% else %}
>     <p>No couple is available.</p>
> {% endif %}


Bruceville, TX

What's the definition of a legacy system?  One that works! 
Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes.
Longum iter est per praecepta, breve et efficax per exempla!!!

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