* Postgis
* Pylons
* SQL Alchemy
So don't delay, PostgreSQL Conference, U.S. is the premeire PostgreSQL
conference series for the United States PostgreSQL community! Please
submit your talk here: http://www.postgresqlconference.org/2009/east/ .
PostgreSQL Conference East is being held at historic Drexel University
on April 3rd through 5th 2009 . This is the second call for papers. The
call for papers ends Feb 23rd and speakers will be notified on the 27th.
You may submit your talk here: http://www.postgresqlconference.org . We
are lookin
PostgreSQL Conference West 2009 Call for Papers
June 24th, 2009, the PostgreSQL Conference U.S. team is pleased to
announce the West 2009 venue and call for papers. This year the premiere
West Coast PostgreSQL Conference will be leaving its roots at Portland
State University and moving north to s
Hey folks,
Thought I would let you know this little wonderful tidbit for the day.
PostgreSQL 8.4 has been released. You can check out the release here:
Joshua D. Drake
PostgreSQL - XMPP: jdr...@jabber.postgresql.org
Consulting, Development
Hey folks,
Let's get some Django + PostgreSQL love going on. This is the second
call for talks: http://www.postgresqlconference.org/
Joshua D. Drake
PostgreSQL - XMPP: jdr...@jabber.postgresql.org
Consulting, Development, Support, Training
503-667-4564 - http://www.commandpromp
b To Be
> On This List" would be a real turn-off for me, ya know?
There are certainly better ways to approach it. The reality is a
technical list is technical support. If you are not up to answering the
question, regardless of how stupid the question appears then don't
reply. There
; to distinguish between the original and joke balloons.
I am sure there will be a unique sha2 hash available on each balloon and
it will be signed with a specific Darpa PGP key. Don't worry.
Joshua D. Drake
> Thomas
PostgreSQL.org Major Contributor
Command Prompt, In
Joshua D. Drake
PostgreSQL.org Major Contributor
Command Prompt, Inc: http://www.commandprompt.com/ - 503.667.4564
Consulting, Training, Support, Custom Development, Engineering
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
the end of this month. The 8.1 version is slated for end of life
in November.
This is not an item to take lightly. Once a version is end of life you
will not be able to get support (easily), there will be no more security
updates and no bug fixes even if they are data loss bugs.
Joshua D
Following on the smashing success of PostgreSQL Conference East,
PostgreSQL Conference West, The PostgreSQL Conference for Decision
Makers, End Users and Developers, is being held at the St. Francis,
Westin Hotel in San Francisco from November 2nd through 4th 2010. Please
join us in making this the
a dozen Java developers.
(Really, I have done it, its funny to see the look on their face).
Joshua D. Drake
> regards
> Steve
PostgreSQL.org Major Contributor
Command Prompt, Inc: http://www.commandprompt.com/ - 509.416.6579
Consulting, Training, Support, Cu
Following on the smashing success of PostgreSQL Conference East,
PostgreSQL Conference West, The PostgreSQL Conference for Decision
Makers, End Users and Developers, is being held at the St. Francis,
Drake Hotel in San Francisco from November 2nd through 4th 2010. Please
join us in making this the
The talk descriptions for PostgreSQL Conference West 2010 are up,
including a healthy dose of Django content.
PostgreSQL.org Major Contributor
Command Prompt, Inc: http://www.commandprompt.com/ - 509.416.6579
Consulting, Training
can register here:
Joshua D. Drake
PostgreSQL.org Major Contributor
Command Prompt, Inc: http://www.commandprompt.com/ - 509.416.6579
Consulting, Training, Support, Custom Development, Engineering
Joshua D. Drake
PostgreSQL.org Major Contributor
Command Prompt, Inc: http://www.commandprompt.com/ - 503.667.4564
Consulting, Training, Support, Custom Development, Engineering
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users&q
self.connection.set_isolation_level(1) # make transactions
> transparent to all cursors
This will work fine.
Joshua D. Drake
> with this one
> self.connection.set_isolation_level(0)
> in django/db/backends/postgresql_psycopg2/base.py
> However, I am worried tha
the PostgreSQL Community
Conference series. All proceeds from the conferences are donations to
PostgreSQL via the non-profit Software in the Public Interest a U.S.
Joshua D. Drake
- --
The PostgreSQL Company: Since 1997, http://www.commandprompt.com/
seeing? Or, should I try to start solving these things one at a time?
Looks like you have two problems:
1. You are running mysql
2. You don't have the mysqldb module installed.
Joshua D. Drake
> Thanks,
> Rob
> start of error text -
> $:> python ma
oshua D. Drake
The PostgreSQL Company since 1997: http://www.commandprompt.com/
PostgreSQL Community Conference: http://www.postgresqlconference.org/
Donate to the PostgreSQL Project: http://www.postgresql.org/about/donate
PostgreSQL SPI Liaison | SPI Director | PostgreSQL political p
Emma http://www.myemma.com/
Joshua D. Drake
- --
The PostgreSQL Company since 1997: http://www.commandprompt.com/
PostgreSQL Community Conference: http://www.postgresqlconference.org/
Donate to the PostgreSQL Project: http://www.postgresql.org/about/donate
PostgreSQL SPI Liaison
ailed saves should automatically rollback.
That would seem to follow the whole point of transactions :P
Joshua D. Drake
- --
The PostgreSQL Company since 1997: http://www.commandprompt.com/
PostgreSQL Community Conference: http://www.postgresqlconference.org/
Donate to the PostgreSQL Project: http://www.po
sponsorships are donations to PostgreSQL via
Software in the Public Interest, Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit
Joshua D. Drake
- --
The PostgreSQL Company since 1997: http://www.commandprompt.com/
PostgreSQL Community Conference: http://www.postgresqlconference.org/
United States
tgresql, initialize
that model and move the data over relation by relation.
Joshua D. Drake
> Thanks in advance, and
> Cheers!
> --
> David Hancock | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
=== The PostgreSQL Company: Command Prompt, Inc. ===
Sales/Support: +1.50
ny particular taxonomy, is free text in all
> places, the performance look good, etc...
I would suggest PostgreSQL with TSearch2. It has full text capabilities,
is fast and supports ranking.
Joshua D. Drake
> Also, in my experience with MUTIS (a port of Lucene to Delphi) I l
reate a single transaction.
Otherwise use the CSV module to make sure that your format is clean and
use copy.
Joshua D. Drake
=== The PostgreSQL Company: Command Prompt, Inc. ===
Sales/Support: +1.503.667.4564 || 24x7/Emergency: +1.800.492.2240
Providing the most
Elvis [Brazil] wrote:
> Any of you have run a django application in a shared hosting
> successfully? Is it possible?
> Any hosting company you'd like to suggest?
We do it (http://www.commandprompt.com/)
We setup a seperate apache server instance just for you and then use a
master proxy.
> t
ion just as
mod perl does. Which is probably his argument.
If it doesn't have to be AU you could host with us
(www.commandprompt.com). However note, that we only
host PostgreSQL as the database.
Joshua D. Drake
Your PostgreSQL solutions company - Command Prompt, Inc. 1.800.4
unfortunately it does have to be Australia - but I checked out your
host, and that elephant is funky :)
It is the Mammoth, thus Mammoth PostgreSQL :). If you
aren't using PostgreSQL you should be :)
Joshua D. Drake
Your PostgreSQL solutions company - Command Prompt
Eugene Lazutkin wrote:
I did some research on it and it is possible. Some additional code needed:
ODBC/OLEDB/MSSQL database backend for Django. Some efforts should be
invested in setup process for IIS. I was planning to do it in a month or so.
Just to throw in my two cents here. I know that
that you will do will work for everyone and you may
more easily get a community to support you.
Joshua D. Drake
Your PostgreSQL solutions company - Command Prompt, Inc. 1.800.492.2240
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Programming, 24x7 support
Managed Services, S
support from Django
side. You have to configure FastCGI properly. That's what I meant when I
wrote "some efforts should be invested in setup process for IIS".
Honestly, I don't care about IIS -- it just seems to be a waste of
resources. If you want to push energy into ple
esn't. Probably my lack of expertise is acting
up again...
PostgreSQL used to require an emulation layer called Cygwin. Basically
it was a psuedo-unix
system (libs, shell) on top of Windows.
So you would be running Windows->Cgwin->PostgreSQL.
Now it is just Windows->Post
Eugene Lazutkin wrote:
What's wrong with cygwin? I was half-expecting virtual machines and stuff.
Nothing is "wrong" with it but you take a pretty significant performance
hit by using it. Especially
with a database (because of IO).
"Kenneth Gonsalves" <[EMAIL PROT
s but in theory:
user = meta.ForeignKey(User,Question,Choice)
That at least would be logical considering the actual foreign key syntax
on the db side.
Joshua D. Drake
get to Finland without any issue any time of
day, but often have problems with .uk sites.
Joshua D. Drake
Your PostgreSQL solutions company - Command Prompt, Inc. 1.800.492.2240
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Programming, 24x7 support
Managed Services, Shared and
ctually be writing a class for PayFlowPro here in a couple of
weeks. I am sure
we could share.
Joshua D. Drake
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc. 1.503.667.4564
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support
Managed Services, Shared and Dedicated Hosting
#x27;t want
null or blank you
can say blank=False and null=False will give you the desired behavior.
Joshua D. Drake
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc. 1.503.667.4564
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support
Managed Services, Shared and Dedic
class Visitor(meta.Model):
name = meta.CharField('Name', maxlength=100,blank=False, null=False)
Here is a good explanation of NULL:
Joshua D. Drake
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc. 1.503.667.4
e setval() would have solved the problem after load.
Joshua D. Drake
Programmatically, you can get at this SQL from the
django.core.management.get_sql_sequence_reset() function.
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc. 1.503.667.4564
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting,
I feel that runserver is only meant for people to evaluate django.
Once they see the automatic admin interface and decide to proceed
further it makes no sense to use runserver as development should
always be in the same environment as production
One thing that is really useful abo
as will apache/modpython
No I meant things like, informing us about core=True missing It
actually validates
the models on startup. apache/modpython doesn't. AFAIK
Joshua D. Drake
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc. 1.503.667.4564
PostgreSQL Replication, Consu
that you can create commercial closed source software
but you have to
give any changes back on components that you use that are LGPL.
Joshua D. Drake
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc. 1.503.667.4564
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support
tomer only. No shared clusters.
It really isn't that hard and I am surprised that more hosting providers
don't do it this way as it is more manageable (in a lot of ways) then jailed
roots or vm's.
Joshua D. Drake
I use zettai.net - their core hosting plan gives me root
latest stable
mod_python and python already.
Joshua D. Drake
Command Prompt, Inc., Your PostgreSQL solutions company. 503-667-4564
Custom programming, 24x7 support, managed services, and hosting
Open Source Authors: plPHP, pgManage, Co-Authors: plPerlNG
a shell and we use group rights to
allow the main account to write to the document root.
Joshua D. Drake
I do the same thing with my TextDrive account; I'm currently running
an instance of the poll app from the tutorial using lighttpd+FastCGI,
and I just have Apache proxy r
Following on the smashing success of PostgreSQL Conference West,
PostgreSQL Conference West, The PostgreSQL Conference for Developers,
End Users and Decision Makers, is being held at the Hotel Pennsylvania,
in New York City from March 22nd through 25th 2011. Please
join us in continuing to make thi
#PgEast has its schedule up.
Register: https://www.postgresqlconference.org/register
Schedule: https://www.postgresqlconference.org/
There is a Django training available on the 22nd.
Joshua D. Drake
PostgreSQL.org Major Contributor
Command Prompt, Inc: http
Hey folks,
The CFP for PgConf.US is now open for 2016 It would be awesome to
see some Django Talks!
Command Prompt, Inc. - http://www.commandprompt.com/ 503-667-4564
PostgreSQL Centered full stack support, consulting and development.
Announcing "I'
We at PgConf.US (a 501c3 PostgreSQL conference) are looking for a
community team to staff a community booth at PgConf.US 2016!. Here are
the details:
PgConf.US is held in NYC and the 2016 version is happening April 18-20th
at the Brooklyn Bridge Marriott and we are expecting at least
I just wanted to thank the Django community for stepping up and
volunteering for a booth. We with PgConf.US are happy to have you there!
Command Prompt, Inc. http://the.postgres.company/
PostgreSQL Centered full
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