Following on the smashing success of PostgreSQL Conference East, PostgreSQL Conference West, The PostgreSQL Conference for Decision Makers, End Users and Developers, is being held at the St. Francis, Westin Hotel in San Francisco from November 2nd through 4th 2010. Please join us in making this the largest PostgreSQL Conference to date!
Main site: CFP: Thank you to our sponsors: Command Prompt: EnterpriseDB: Time line: July 14th: Talk submission opens Sept 5th: Talk submission closes Sept 10th: Speaker notification This year we will be continuing our trend of covering the entire PostgreSQL ecosystem. We would like to see talks and tutorials on the following topics: * General PostgreSQL: * Administration * Performance * High Availability * Migration * GIS * Integration * Solutions and White Papers * The Stack: * Python/Django/Pylons/TurboGears/Custom * Perl5/Catalyst/Bricolage * Ruby/Rails * Java (PLJava would be great)/Groovy/Grails * Operating System optimization (Linux/FBSD/Solaris/Windows) * Solutions and White Papers -- Major Contributor Command Prompt, Inc: - 509.416.6579 Consulting, Training, Support, Custom Development, Engineering -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at