On Fri, 2009-10-30 at 14:09 +0100, Thomas Guettler wrote:
> Adam Nelson wrote:
> > All,
> > 
> > In case people hadn't heard, DARPA just announced what I think is the
> > coolest competition ever:
> > 
> > http://networkchallenge.darpa.mil/
> > 
> > On December 5, DARPA will raise 10 red weather balloons somewhere in
> > the US.  The first person to get the location of all 10 balloons and
> > submit them will be given $40k.
> What happens if fools start red balloons, just for fun? It will be hard
> to distinguish between the original and joke balloons.

I am sure there will be a unique sha2 hash available on each balloon and
it will be signed with a specific Darpa PGP key. Don't worry.

Joshua D. Drake

>   Thomas

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