RE: Re: Plugin for Eclipse

2010-04-17 Thread Henrik Genssen
Seems not to work in Aptana I can install it, but it does not show up in the settings... any chance to get in working in Aptana, too? Hinnack -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to dja

values of values in querysets

2010-05-24 Thread Henrik Genssen
Hi, the short question is: how can I use a ValuesQuerySet with more than one field in an filter(abc__in=query) clause? the long one: I have fthe following queryset: query = myobj.objects.all().values('col_a', 'col_b', 'col_c') and a seconde one: qs = ourobj.object.all().filter(col_a__in= query)

RE: Re: Django project as linux package

2010-05-31 Thread Henrik Genssen
you can use ant and ant-deb-task regards Henrik >reply to message: >date: 31.05.2010 10:21:04 >from: "Baurzhan Ismagulov" >to: "Django users" >subject: Re: Django project as linux package > >On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 12:36:36AM -0700, Petr Pejcel wrote: >>


2010-06-03 Thread Henrik Genssen
Hi, I do have utf-8 problems again. My dev-system works, my stage system works, too - but production does not. And I do not see the error :-( As I think, it is a misconfiguration problem, do we have a checklist, what and where to search for or test? I have seen utf problems several times on the

RE: Re: utf8-problems

2010-06-03 Thread Henrik Genssen
>I would also check character sets in "show create table" in both environments. output of both create table statements are equal both are tables are utf-8, collatetion utf8_general_ci >show variables like 'character_set_%' on my dev-system: character_set_database => latin1 on production: characte

RE: Re: utf8-problems

2010-06-04 Thread Henrik Genssen
your >encoding problems occure on a linux machine? >did you tried the smart_str and smart_unicode functions!? these solved >all my encoding problems.. > >from django.utils.encoding import smart_str, smart_unicode > >On 3 Jun., 11:18, "Henrik Genssen" wrote: >> Hi,

my own error handler

2010-06-04 Thread Henrik Genssen
hi, I have written my own error handler mddleware sending my own formatted mail instead of Djangos build in. How do I now disable the default mail, as I now get 2 for every error. looking into handle_uncaught_exception() of django.core.handlers.base I can not find any usefull var, that disables

RE: subprocess.Popen breaks dev server

2010-06-18 Thread Henrik Genssen
you may try subprocess.check_call instead of Popen regards henrik >reply to message: >date: 18.06.2010 19:05:21 >from: "Tim Sawyer" >to: >subject: subprocess.Popen breaks dev server > >Hi Folks, > >I have code that does this: > >lCommand = ["hg","history", "-r", "%s

google search

2010-06-18 Thread Henrik Genssen
Hi, does someone know a simple way or app for a better search like google does it? Not in the meaning of: did you mean, but ignore chars like ",.-#+? and convert special chars like ä to ae, ü to ue and so on... regards Henrik -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goog

FW: google search

2010-06-21 Thread Henrik Genssen
, along with a lot of features not all people may need. Any one there with an other idea? regards Henrik >forward of message: >date: 18.06.2010 20:22:29 >from: "Henrik Genssen" >to: "Django users" >subject: google search > >Hi, > >does someone

mysql fulltext search

2010-06-23 Thread Henrik Genssen
Hi, is there more information/examples available on fulltext with mysql as the statement here, that it exists as __search: I would like to do something like this: having more th

RE: drupal and django being friends

2010-07-02 Thread Henrik Genssen
Hi, be sure not to use mod_python and mod_php as stated here: >reply to message: >date: 02.07.2010 10:39:26 >from: "garagefan" >to: "Django users" >subject: drupal and django being friends > >So i realize this isn't

RE: Re: drupal and django being friends

2010-07-02 Thread Henrik Genssen
i can set up the django app under a different domain name and >merely set up domain masking. > >On Jul 2, 1:15 pm, "Henrik Genssen" wrote: >> Hi, >> >> be sure not to use mod_python and mod_php as stated >> here:

WSGI documentation

2010-07-05 Thread Henrik Genssen
can we please add a hint to the docs here: for: WSGIPassAuthorization on or one will never get HTTP_AUTHORIZATION in request.META regards Henrik Henrik Genssen Tel. 0451/6195650 Fax. 0451/6195655 miadi

RE: Re: Best way to find near people

2010-07-30 Thread Henrik Genssen
I use .extra(where=[where]) and something like this (measures km, not miles): ( 6378.137 * acos( cos( radians(long) ) * cos( radians( latitude ) ) * cos( radians( longitude ) - radians(lat) ) + sin( radians(long) ) * sin( radians( latitude ) ) ) ) < 10 latitude and logitude are db-fields, 6378.

RE: Filtering and the letter å

2010-08-08 Thread Henrik Genssen
this depends on the charset of your database/table >reply to message: >date: 08.08.2010 07:45:06 >from: "finn" >to: "Django users" >subject: Filtering and the letter å > >I am developing a web application for maintaining spellcheck >dictionaries. I have noticed that when I filter database recor

streaming out to a client using wsgi

2010-08-19 Thread Henrik Genssen
Hi, I read in the wsgi docs, that it is possible to stream data to a client e.g. from a file stream like a pdf. Can someone point me to an example for django? It does not make sens to put all outgoing data in a var in memory when I could do streaming... regards Henrik Henrik Genssen h

RE: Re: Moderation of posts

2010-08-31 Thread Henrik Genssen
Hi, I had a lot of problems, too. In the google groups settings google blamed me, that the mail-server I was using is bouncing... - well - I used google mail... Now I switched in the settings to a private mail account and most of all works fine now. Still not everything all the time... @Karen:

django-tagging languages and multi fields

2010-09-06 Thread Henrik Genssen
external tagging of an entry... regards Hinnack (1) Henrik Genssen Tel. 0451/6195650 Fax. 0451/6195655 miadi GmbH Geschäftsführer: Henrik Genssen Sitz der Gesellschaft: Beckergrube 2, 23552 Lübeck Amtsgericht Lübeck HRB 10223, USt-IdNr DE Lieferungen

RE: Re: django-tagging languages and multi fields

2010-09-07 Thread Henrik Genssen
have possibly completely different tags for >the same model instance in different languages? > >Regards, > >Béres Botond > > >On Sep 7, 9:39 am, "Henrik Genssen" wrote: >> Hi, >> >> has someone a solution for tags in more than one language for the sa

RE: Re: django-tagging languages and multi fields

2010-09-08 Thread Henrik Genssen
better idea or am I overlooking something? regards Hinnack >reply to message: >date: 08.09.2010 06:26:39 >from: "Lachlan Musicman" >to: >subject: Re: django-tagging languages and multi fields > >On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 16:39, Henrik Ge

RE: Adding username to the 500 error emails

2010-09-17 Thread Henrik Genssen
Hi, add a middleware class and write a def process_exception(self, request, exception): function where you send the mail yourself. look at to get an idea, of how to preceed errors yourself... regards Hinnack >reply to message: >da

RE: CSS and JS minification

2010-09-20 Thread Henrik Genssen
Hi, use the minimizer from yahoo (yuicompressor) for js and css (yes, written in java). But it does its job pretty well - and you won't reinvent the wheel... regards Henrik >reply to message: >date: 21.09.2010 07:53:33 >from: "Shamail Tayyab" >to: >subject: CSS a

RE: Re: File Upload Content Type Verification

2010-09-24 Thread Henrik Genssen
for images PIL does the job more or less well for all the filetypes and formats it knows (validation build in ImageField) I have recognized problems with some image file types... you may also do some virus scan... we added clamav (pyclamd) to the clean method... regards Henrik >reply to message

how safe is the template engine

2010-10-16 Thread Henrik Genssen
Hi, can I safely use the template engine to produce user configured output? If I use the template engine like it is done in the RSSFeed: title_tmp = Template('{% load i18n %}' + userInput) ctx = Context({'dstart': date.dstart, where userInput is something a user can fill in. So far, the onl

RE: Connecting to Multiple MSSQL Databases... I've hit an edge case. Help, please!

2010-10-25 Thread Henrik Genssen
just use cursor.close() to close the cursor. is leaking in the sample... Henrik >reply to message: >date: 25.10.2010 13:51:12 >from: "Steven L Smith" >to: "Django users" >subject: Connecting to Multiple MSSQL Databases... I've hit an edge case. >Help, please! > >For one of our apps, I'm using

mysql default connection timeout

2010-11-25 Thread Henrik Genssen
Hi, can someone tell me, what the default connection timeout is for mysql using django? The docs only tell, how to overwrite the defaults... regards Henrik -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to

cache large files

2010-01-24 Thread Henrik Genssen
Hi, I am using memcached for caching my sites. The documentation says when not to use it: one point is output larger 1 MB I have a site producing pdf files only, where size can easily go over 1 MB. As the docs above mention mogilefs as an a

extend queryset field lookups for time

2010-01-26 Thread Henrik Genssen
Hi, how would I extend the field lookup to get somethnng like this: SELECT ... WHERE EXTRACT('hour' FROM pub_date) > 20 what is for MYSQL: SELECT ... WHERE HOUR(pub_date) > 20 to get all entries where the timepart of pub_date is grater then 8pm and how would I change the existing of YEAR, MONTH

mysql master-master setup

2010-02-07 Thread Henrik Genssen
HI, what is the best way to setup a master-master replication using mysql with django? Has anyone any experiences with this? Did you use HAProxy in front of mysql? How many connections does django use during one page request / url? (is there a risk, that I hit 2 instances of mysql during one requ

RE: Re: Secret key

2010-03-09 Thread Henrik Genssen
the session e.g. depends on this key regards Hinnack >reply to message: >date: 09.03.2010 15:20:38 >from: "rebus_" >to: >subject: Re: Secret key > >On 9 March 2010 15:16, Joan Miller wrote: >> For what is used the key `SECRET_KEY`? >> >> -- >> You received this me

possible bug or feature request with extra and where

2010-03-12 Thread Henrik Genssen
HI all, I have a query: results = table1.objects.select_related('table2') plus adding some filter on it. Now I want to add en extra WHERE. So I do: where = 'asdf=12' results = results.extra(where=[where]) Now if I do a count() on that queryset, all related tables are omitted, that are not need

site management - maintanance mode

2010-03-13 Thread Henrik Genssen
Hi, I have a site that runs on more many hosts. now hast someone an idea, how to put the whole site (on all hosts) in "maintanance mode" (keep normal users outside with a nice hint) - without reloading all webservers and not changing the load-balancer / proxy config - meaning: is there a django

RE: Re: site management - maintanance mode

2010-03-13 Thread Henrik Genssen
Yes, thanks, but does not work without a restart... >reply to message: >date: 13.03.2010 06:57:06 >from: >to: "Django users" >subject: Re: site management - maintanance mode > > > >On Mar

RE: Re: site management - maintanance mode

2010-03-14 Thread Henrik Genssen
the setting (preferably cached), and if maintenance mode is on, >returns 503 error page with maintenance message. If setting is not on, the >request is handled normally. > >Whether this would be preferable to using the server, I do not know. > >--Jukka > >On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 2:

RE: possible bug or feature request with extra and where

2010-03-20 Thread Henrik Genssen
No one any comment on this? is this the expected behavior? Hinnack >reply to message: >date: 12.03.2010 10:56:08 >from: "Henrik Genssen" >to: "Django users" >subject: possible bug or feature request with extra and where > >HI all, > >I have a qu

RE: Re: possible bug or feature request with extra and where

2010-03-23 Thread Henrik Genssen
Hi, thanks for your answer! >>>Now is there a way to force select_related tables any way in a count? > >select_related() is an optimization for data retrieval. It allows you >to expand a select row to include related objects in a single query. > >It only follows the "1" side of "1-N" relations. T

RE: Re: PK and FK questions

2010-04-07 Thread Henrik Genssen
Hi, >> 1) Considering, there is no support for Multiple Primary keys, how >> would Django react if my tables have multiple primary keys and I tried >> to update or delete a record? I am just curious. sorry, I do not know... >> 2) I read somewhere that each table must have one primary key? Some of

ServerArrangements Wiki Page

2012-06-02 Thread Henrik Genssen
:// [2] [3] regards Henrik Henrik Genssen Tel. +49 (0)451/6195650 Fax. +49 (0)451/6195655 miadi GmbH

queryset caching - without caching middleware

2012-07-05 Thread Henrik Genssen
, 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 'django.contrib.admin', 'schiwago', 'transdb', 'south', 'mediafac

RE: [] Re: queryset caching - without caching middleware

2012-07-05 Thread Henrik Genssen
>Could you show where and how you are executing the query? If the >queryset is a global, and does not go out of scope at the end of the >request, then reusing the queryset will not cause the queryset to be >re-evaluated. > >Eg, in this example, categories is a global outside of the view, and >once

RE: [] Resubmit on error middleware

2012-08-03 Thread Henrik Genssen
you could return a HttpResponseRedirect and handle your error on a different url or write your own error middleware... for some ideas on error middleware see see: regards Henrik >reply to message: >date: 03.08.2012 14:59:19

querysets + extra property + pickel

2012-08-28 Thread Henrik Genssen
Hi, I have a model labels and am doing: lines = labels.objects.all() data = [] for line in lines: # dupplicate lines as labels needed (line.labels) for row in range(1, line.labels + 1): line.label_nr = row # adding a new property to the labels object data.append(line)

RE: Re: pydra

2011-08-24 Thread Henrik Genssen
yes, some of its features seem to be solved in celery, which I have used for a long time I came across pydra because it claims to provide map/reduce features... regards Henrik >reply to message: >date: 24.08.2011 10:34:40 >from: "Tom Evans" >to: >subject: [] Re: p

RE: [] Re: Combining queries? A "join" in Python?

2011-08-30 Thread Henrik Genssen
Yes, you can - but not in! I have created a and defined all models for raw queries in that file. Then I do raw SQL as defined here: But you won't be able to update/insert data using this models. regards H. >reply to message

RE: [] memcached not working with django

2011-10-07 Thread Henrik Genssen
did you read and follow this? depending on what you want to do, you need: - entry in - python-memcached and pylibmc => otherwise caching fails silently - cache-middleware or cache_page decorator regrads Henrik >reply to message: >d

RE: [] DB for 2010 Census Zip Code Data

2011-10-22 Thread Henrik Genssen
you can take the postalcodes from here, too: just insert them into a database and do your calculations... regards Henrik >reply to message: >date: 21.10.2011 20:08:13 >from: "Kurtis" >to: "Django users" >subject: [] DB for 2010 Census Zip Code Data > >I'm thinki

combining media of more than one form or needed for the rest of the page

2011-10-26 Thread Henrik Genssen
Hi, I wonder how you all combine media of forms or other stuff in your page. I read here one solution could be writing a template tag or filter to combine the media objects by simply using the + operator. So how are you constructing your pages, if you are using templates? So far I used forms fo

RE: [] Re: memcached - Errors and Solution - please provide comments!

2011-11-10 Thread Henrik Genssen
Hi inonc, >Why am I the only one who seems to be faced with such issues? >I thought millions out there do use memcached as their backend...? >Wouldn't be MD5 a great solution to all of us? The guys with small >sites, don't have issues with scaling, and the guys with big sites are >in the need of a

Appscale and Django

2013-02-07 Thread Henrik Genssen
Hi all, is someone on the list using Appscale [1] with Django? If yes, what is your setup (MySQL, Mongo, E2, Eucalyptus [2], KVM, etc.) What is your experiance towards stalability, reliability and performance? [1] [2] regards Henrik -- You

RE: [] Image cropping tool

2013-07-16 Thread Henrik Genssen
maybe google? 2nd hit >reply to message: >date: 16.07.2013 13:30:57 >from: "Deepak Sharma" >to: >subject: [] Image cropping tool > >I want an image cropping tool in my app. It should work like this when >i clicked on browse button, after select

RE: [] Filtering on weekday

2011-05-11 Thread Henrik Genssen
you should try week_day instead regards Henrik >reply to message: >date: 11.05.2011 11:38:40 >from: "Benedict Verheyen" >to: >subject: [] Filtering on weekday > >Hi, > > >I've developed a calltracki

RE: [] Re: How do you organize your deployment enviroment

2011-05-23 Thread Henrik Genssen
you can also use ANT and the ant-deb-task to create debian packages from your source or config regards Henrik >reply to message: >date: 23.05.2011 13:26:00 >from: "Mateusz Marzantowicz" >to: >subject: [


2011-06-07 Thread Henrik Genssen
Hi, I try to add the content of my session to the error-mails. I have written a middleware, overwriting the standard error mail. But for: repr(request.session) I only get: What am I doing wrong? regards Henrik -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dja

RE: [] How to display a shape file in open layers as a separate app without using geodjango ?

2011-06-13 Thread Henrik Genssen
you can try: yours Henrik >reply to message: >date: 13.06.2011 06:18:50 >from: "Satyajit Sarangi" >to: "Django users" >subject: [] How to display a shape file in >open layers as a separate app without using geodjango ? > >I want to display a shape

block bots and spiders

2011-07-12 Thread Henrik Genssen
Hi all, has someone an effective way to block away bots and spiders? There are so many ignoring robots.txt - besides facebook and tons of Java/xyz clients there are many more illegal spiders around. So does anyone have a performance effective way to block them out? Or do you think - if performanc

RE: [] Re: session and caching

2011-07-13 Thread Henrik Genssen
you can inherit the cache system (UpdateCacheMiddleware, FetchFromCacheMiddleware) with your own get_Cache_Key function that you extend by layout (as you hopefully do not want to cache every single user, but all user using the same layout) Then create a new middleware, that uses your both new cre

RE: [] Django site broken after Debian upgrade

2011-07-18 Thread Henrik Genssen
feel free to disable the csrf middleware and all problems should go away... >reply to message: >date: 18.07.2011 13:45:56 >from: "bkline" >to: "Django users" >subject: [] Django site broken after Debian >upgrade > >I just upgraded my Debian server, which brought the python-django >package up to

RE: [] Re: memcached occasional errors

2011-07-26 Thread Henrik Genssen
PyLibMC was introduced in django 1.3 and he is using 1.2 you need to upgrade to upgrade django to use that lib - or am I wrong? >reply to message: >date: 26.07.2011 09:32:19 >from: "Russell Keith-Magee" >to: >subject: [] Re: memcached occasional errors > >On Tue, Jul

RE: [] Django cache separate database

2011-08-11 Thread Henrik Genssen
why are you willing to use the db-cache-backend instead of memcache? >reply to message: >date: 11.08.2011 05:02:10 >from: "vsnu" >to: "Django users" >subject: [] Django cache separate database > >In my django app, I am using a separate database (not default). And I >am selecting it manually by

RE: [] "Great circle" using the django ORM?

2011-08-11 Thread Henrik Genssen
I do (using MySQL): where = '( 6378.137 * acos( cos( radians(%s) ) * cos( radians( `events_locations`.`latitude` ) ) * cos( radians( `events_locations`.`longitude` ) - radians(%s) ) + sin( radians(%s) ) * sin( radians( `events_locations`.`latitude` ) ) ) ) < %s' % (lat, lng, lat, dist) basic = b

django test framework with no

2010-12-27 Thread Henrik Genssen
Hi, I wanted to write a test for an app, that does not have a itself. Doing so I get: django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: App with label service could not be found if I create a with just a "pass" in it everything works as expected. I use Django 1.1 Is this a bug or

RE: Re: incrementing counter of an cached data

2011-02-07 Thread Henrik Genssen
are you using middleware or a decorator for caching your view? if you are using a decorator like @cache_page from django.views.decorators.cache you can add simply a second decorator befor the caching one, where you count your hits... if you are using a middleware, you have to write your own cache

lxml usage with django

2011-02-18 Thread Henrik Genssen
. Anyone? regards Henrik Henrik Genssen Tel. +49 (0)451/6195650 Fax. +49 (0)451/6195655 miadi GmbH Geschäftsführer: Henrik Genssen Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hüxstraße 1 - 9, 23552 Lübeck Amtsgericht Lübeck HRB 10223, USt-IdNr DE Lieferungen und Leistungen erfolgen ausschließlich auf

RE: [] database i18n

2011-02-23 Thread Henrik Genssen
I feel, this should be something integrated into Django, too. So far I am using transdb (but I am still sitting on Django 1.1). advantage: - all translations in one field as a dict so easy searchable, if icontains is all you want disadvantages: - all translations in one field as a dict, therefo

RE: Re: Multiple Servers and Authentication Sessions Breaking

2011-03-09 Thread Henrik Genssen
and do you use the same SECRET_KEY on both servers? regards Henrik >reply to message: >date: 09.03.2011 13:33:17 >from: "Tom Evans" >to: >subject: [] Re: Multiple Servers and >Authentication Sessions Breaking > >On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 8:24 AM, Matthew Roy wrote:

RE: [] website statistics

2014-05-21 Thread Henrik Genssen
Hi, you could try graphite / carbon (and diamond) to do so, if you do not want to rely on javascript frameworks lil Piwik or GA and want to track special actions. and add you custom stats by something like this using UDP: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, sock