did you read and follow this?

depending on what you want to do, you need:
- entry in settings.py
- python-memcached and pylibmc => otherwise caching fails silently
- cache-middleware or cache_page decorator



>reply to message:
>date: 07.10.2011 08:10:51
>from: "tino" <tin...@gmail.com>
>to: "Django users" <django-users@googlegroups.com>
>subject: [<django-users.googlegroups.com>] memcached not working with django
>I am trying to implement memcached on my django site.
># telnet localhost 11211
>Connected to localhost.localdomain (
>Escape character is '^]'.
>STAT pid 22537
>STAT uptime 31523
>STAT time 1317992962
>STAT version 1.4.5
>STAT pointer_size 64
>STAT rusage_user 0.000000
>STAT rusage_system 0.000000
>STAT curr_connections 10
>STAT total_connections 41
>STAT connection_structures 11
>STAT cmd_get 0
>STAT cmd_set 0
>STAT cmd_flush 0
>STAT get_hits 0
>STAT get_misses 0
>STAT delete_misses 0
>STAT delete_hits 0
>STAT incr_misses 0
>STAT incr_hits 0
>STAT decr_misses 0
>STAT decr_hits 0
>STAT cas_misses 0
>STAT cas_hits 0
>STAT cas_badval 0
>STAT auth_cmds 0
>STAT auth_errors 0
>STAT bytes_read 190
>STAT bytes_written 23756
>STAT limit_maxbytes 67108864
>STAT accepting_conns 1
>STAT listen_disabled_num 0
>STAT threads 4
>STAT conn_yields 0
>STAT bytes 0
>STAT curr_items 0
>STAT total_items 0
>STAT evictions 0
>STAT reclaimed 0
>As you can see the cmd_get value is 0 in telnet stats. Can anybody
>please advice?
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