Dojango seems really helpful. Thanks.
On Sep 23, 8:40 pm, Ovnicraft wrote:
> 2009/9/23 Brian McKeever
> > I just decided to learn to use dojo yesterday.
> > I chose it because it has a huge library of GUI widgets that are all
> > suppose to be accessib
> So, I thing to use django with python + pyqt/pygtk/wxpython for database
> management.
> Thanks Brian!
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To post to this gr
Python is inherently cross-platform, so you just need the same version
as everyone else.
On Sep 23, 9:32 pm, Tim wrote:
> Is there a Windows version of Django?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
The docs say that it's possible although unrecommended to use choices
However, you could easily do it at the form level or with a custom
setter method.
On Sep 20, 4:57 pm, Doug wrote:
> Lets say for instance that I hav
I would try creating a view that uses a form factory to define some
dynamic forms.
This post explains how to create a dynamic form factory:
and then I'd return the Wizard that has the new forms as arguments.
I bet it would work, but I haven
I'm not too familiar with customizing the admin, but you want to use
the range field lookup.
On Sep 23, 11:07 pm, Alvaro Mouriño wrote:
> Hi list.
> I'm developing a news application that handles articles, about 10 new
> article
I imagine request.path would do what you want:
On Sep 24, 10:37 am, Christophe Pettus wrote:
> My apologies, because I am certain that this is documented somewhere,
> but I cannot seem to find it.
> Within my view function
.count is definitely the way to go. Although, I would probably pass it
to your template instead of determining it there.
On Sep 24, 10:32 am, Chris Withers wrote:
> Chris Withers wrote:
> > objects = model.objects.all()
> > paginator = Paginator(objects,10)
> > return render_to_re
I think you'll have to write a custom template tag:
On Sep 24, 10:56 am, J wrote:
> Hello,
> How can I detect whether the template tag truncatewords_html has
> truncated the htm
I would write a custom tag that wraps ugettext but checks for None.
On Sep 24, 10:14 am, Florian Schweikert
> Hello,
realistic possibility? Should companies be
treated differently from users? I'd say no to both, but my blog
application may differ from yours.
On Sep 24, 9:37 am, ringemup wrote:
> So the tighter coupling implied by each entry knowing about the user
> profile shouldn't be a subj
The presave signal passes the instance of the updated object to the
signal automatically, so your code should work with minimal
Try this:
from django.db.models.signals import post_save
def member_check(sender, **kwargs):
if Project.objects.filter(
Withers wrote:
> Brian McKeever wrote:
> > .count is definitely the way to go. Although, I would probably pass it
> > to your template instead of determining it there.
> What difference does it make?
> Chris
> --
> Simplistix - Content Management,
y...", so he may have been
> implying that there was a technical reason but most likely he was just
> stating his preference.
> On Sep 25, 5:03 am, Chris Withers wrote:
> > Jani Tiainen wrote:
> > > Chris Withers kirjoitti:
> > >> Brian McKeever wrot
I'm not familiar with the plugin, but I would guess that it's trying
to add itself to the python path. That way it's easily available for
any django project without having to include it in an individual
I would bet that it'd work just fine included manually in your project
without runnin
A stack trace would be more useful.
On Sep 25, 12:07 pm, Nick wrote:
> I'm using the django-storages backends from David Larlet to upload
> images to s3 from inside the admin. When i try to run everything I
> get an error:
> object of type 'NoneType' has no len()
> Here is my model:
> fro
_header(final_headers, method,
> bucket, key, query_args)
> File "c:\python25\lib\site-packages\django_storages-1.0-py2.5.egg
> \" in _add_aws_auth_header
> 299. "AWS %s:%s" % (self.aws_access_key_id, encode
> (self.aws_secret_access_key, c_strin
This should do what you want:
On Sep 25, 2:35 pm, Dan Cox wrote:
> Django Users,
> I'm pretty new to django so please excuse my ignorance.
> I'd like to redirect users to an "enter" page no m
This is a very strange problem, so I thought I would post here and see
if anyone else had seen this problem.
I introspected a MySQL database with Python2.6 using Django SVN HEAD
and it produced my models as expected. However, all CharFields have
the max_length set to 3x the actual varchar field
log for MySQLdb and post here and in the ticket if I
can figure anything out.
On Oct 9, 2:18 pm, Karen Tracey wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 12:40 PM, Brian Morton wrote:
> > This is a very strange problem, so I thought I would post here and see
> > if anyone else had seen thi
"Does it make sense to include the fields of both models into the
same form?"
Models represent how a computer stores your data in a database.
Forms allow humans to input data into your database.
Ideally, the two would be the same. Realistically, humans and
computers think quite differently and d
It may make debugging a little harder, but it gives you a lot more
flexibility in constructing objects.
Here's a factoryish method I wrote for testing:
def create_teacher(textbook = None,
user = None,
start_state = None,
Is there a reason why you're storing an email address instead of just
selecting the user or creating a new one?
On Oct 10, 12:41 am, Andrew Pendleton wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out the best way to add an email address form
> field to the edit page for a model in the Django admin, and, upon
On Oct 12, 11:15 am, ""
> Hi everyone,
> Is is possible to render unescaped HTML in admin pages?
Does this help? Start here:
and then search for allow_tags.
The easy way is to just check that the owner of X is the user logged
I don't know that you can pass an argument to the decorator, but you
could certainly just use an if statement.
On Oct 12,
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Brian McKeever
> Sent: October-12-09 11:52 AM
> To: Django users
> Subject: Re: showing user data in a view
> The easy way is to just check that the owner of X is the u
51 pm, "Ed Kawas" wrote:
> Ah, so there is no way to use 'create_object' when doing this, right?
> Thank you,
> Eddie
> -Original Message-
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Bria
Are you asking about the technical details of how it's done, or just
how to do it?
If the latter, django uses field and form level validation.
On Oct 13
It's been giving me a "502 Bad Gateway
nginx" for at least a couple weeks now.
Are there any other good sources of django plugins?
I know of the official python packages:
and django snippets:
Currently I am keeping an eye on SQL queries by displaying at the
bottom of my base template sql_queries. I'm seeing some queries that
look kind of strange to me, and I was wondering if there was a way to
somehow correlate the queries with my app's Python code.
For example, amongst the SQL querie
Generally, I'd create a different app for different functionality. IE
one for authentication related stuff, another for the forum, another
specific to the website. It's really a matter of style though.
You can put the model definitions most anywhere.
You might want to check out the sites framewo
More info is needed. Could you post your urls?
On Oct 25, 8:39 pm, Ross wrote:
> I just neared the end of the poll application and converted everything
> to generic views according to the tutorial. Once I started up the
> server though, I could only find my admin page. I tried using the
> newly
On Nov 2, 3:44 pm, Felipe Reyes wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I'm using django 0.96, one of my models has a DateTimeField, I'm
> trying to exclude the from the queryset the rows that have null in the
> datetimefield, I'm using something like this:
> MyObject.objects.exclude(somedatecol=None)
I th
Thanks for sharing!
On Nov 3, 8:35 pm, Ludwik Trammer wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm creating my first django powered website for a client. He
> requested tags autocomplition in Django Admin. I created a small
> reusable app that plugs into django-tagging and provides a form widget
> that does exactly th
Why do you want to split it across two models?
On Nov 5, 9:25 am, bruno desthuilliers
> Hi all
> I have this pattern:
> class ModelOne(models):
> content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
> class ModelTwo(models):
> model_one = models.ForeignKey(ModelOne)
> object_id
There may be another application setting the time zone, but my question
still remains as to why the admin page is getting the correct time but the
view is not.
On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 7:45 PM, Graham Dumpleton <> wrote:
> On Nov 11, 10
7;m on the same
track your suggesting. Still confused by the difference between view and
admin. Thanks for your feedback.
On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 12:22 PM, David De La Harpe Golden <> wrote:
> BEC wrote:
> > Any idea on what is going on
On Nov 10, 5:41 pm, BEC wrote:
> I have a Django application running with mod_python on Apache. In
> I have set TIME_ZONE="America/New_York". Within my
> application I verify that os.environ['TZ'] is indeed set to this
> value. Within my I use to create
On Nov 17, 12:05 pm, Angel Cruz wrote:
> So it seems TortoiseSVN does not include svn.exe?
No, it doesn't.
> You need to install Subversion packaging then
No, he doesn't have to. He's got TortoiseSVN, which is a GUI for svn.
He can checkout Django by creating a new folder, opening it, then
I haven't had a chance to play with this yet:
but it might do what you want.
On Nov 19, 11:35 am, Fabio Natali wrote:
> Martin Lundberg wrote:
> > I am very new to Django but can't this be handled by middleware
> > instead? It should have access to user a
On my site, users submit content that needs to be approved before
getting published. Thus I wanted a simple "dashboard" on the admin
page to show me how many pending items from each model are waiting for
approval. I created a template tag for the dashboard. I then mulled my
options for getting this
On Dec 1, 10:56 am, Bill Freeman wrote:
> > I then created my own template file in one of my TEMPLATE_DIRS called
> > 'admin/custom_index.html" that extends 'admin/index.html'. I ended up
> > copying the {% block content %} from the admin/index.html and
> > inserting my template tag into it.
> I
On Dec 3, 12:53 pm, "eric.frederich" wrote:
> The problem now it that when I delete an Offering object through the
> Django admin it cascade deletes the Enrollment objects as it should
> but it is not calling the delete method and thus restoring their
> interest.
> When deleting an Enrol
On Dec 5, 6:54 pm, zweb wrote:
> What is the best way to show site down for maintenance page ?
If you are using mod_wsgi:
You received this message because you are subscribed to
On Dec 6, 7:40 pm, XtraGreen wrote:
> I've changed settings.TIME_ZONE to 'UTC' and restarted my server but
> when I create records (postgresql) they're not UTC, they're 'America/
> Chicago' (-6) in the table.
> Am I missing something or is settings.TIME_ZONE useless?
What is your server setup?
I was having the same trouble you are when I installed eclipse from
the repository.
I fixed it by downloading it again from the website
(Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers (79 MB) is the one I picked
On Dec 6, 2:45 am, turkan wrote:
> Hello Liam,
On Dec 7, 8:17 am, turkan wrote:
> Hello Brian.
> Strange, I am also using Eclipse downloaded from Did you
> add any special folders to the PYTHONPATH? Are you using django from
> the Ubuntu repositories?
> On Dec 7, 6:06 am, Brian McKeever wrote:
I wrote a html whitelist filter that only allows predefined tags, and
runs however many filters you want to specify on it.
I'd be curious what you guys thought about it.
On Dec 11, 2:51 pm, Shawn Milochik wrote:
> Look at safestring.
> from dja
On Dec 12, 5:04 pm, GoSantoni wrote:
> Hey i've got a very basic question about django form processing. Got
> haystack installed and searching works fine in the standard search
> template (
> template) in the /search . Though i want to use the se
...So I'm assuming I need to construct a FieldFile object from my file
object, then assign that to mymodelinstance.resultFile and then save
(), but I'd like to make sure this is the preferred approach before
going forward.
On Dec 14, 12:27 pm, Tim Daniel wrote:
> ...
> Creecode what do you mean with "custom management commands"? I just
> wrote a simple python script that can be called from bash like this
> python, inside it I set up the enviroment to be able to
> call my models and perform actions usin
I found the answer in this discussion:
Pass in the filename and content to the FileField's save() method
directly, rather than using the model instance's save() method.
On Dec 14, 2:24 p
I'm not sure I'm entirely understanding your question, but yes, that
does look easy to implement with django.
What part is troubling you? You seem to have a good idea of what you
On Dec 17, 6:42 am, tezro wrote:
> Hello everyone. Making well-structured websites on Django is a very
> compre
property = Property.objects.all().order_by('name')[:4]
city = City.objects.all()
return render_to_response(template,{'property': property,
e how to write models for such a small yet
> compound structure.
> How do I make, say, the first and second pages (about and contacs)
> with some different fields? I will reproduce the method for all other
> pages and repost here or question it again.
> On Dec 19, 1
On Dec 21, 7:12 am, Jesaja Everling wrote:
> Hi All!
> I'm wondering how expensive it is in terms of processing power to use
> the django.contrib.markup filters for displaying blog posts instead of
> storing pre-rendered HTML in a db field.
> The Pinax blog application makes use of these markup-
I'm having the same problem. None of my tests are able to log in on
this computer.
Here's an example:
def test_bug(self):
response = self.client.get(reverse('home'))
self.assertRedirects(response, 'accounts/login/?next=/home/',
302, 200)
bob = User(
I fixed it by uninstalling Python 2.6.5 and installing 2.6.4 instead.
On Apr 19, 8:44 pm, Brian McKeever wrote:
> I'm having the same problem. None of my tests are able to log in on
> this computer.
> Here's an example:
> def test_bug(self):
> res
Can we see some code? The description of what you're doing sounds
just fine, so that leaves open the possibility of a technical error.
On Apr 28, 7:42 am, Sam Lai wrote:
> Maybe database connections aren't closing properly? Don't know where
> to start looking though.
> A few weeks ago, I saw s
On May 18, 10:47 am, Carlo Trimarchi wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm following the django tutorial to build the poll application. I'm
> working mostly on a remote server (using wsgi), but I'm also trying
> stuff on my local machine, just running the runserver
> command.
> I've just enabled the admin
On May 18, 2:00 pm, CrabbyPete wrote:
> I want to insert a html calendar into an existing web page. What is
> the best way to insert html into a template that I have for the web
> page?
In what form do you have this calendar HTML? Do you compute it in a
view? Is it already in a file? If you have
On May 18, 9:57 am, Matt W wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I just started to use Django and I was wondering how I could setup
> javascipt (AJAX to be more specfic) in my djagno project in order to
> run a script. Here is the script code.
> In specific I was wondering where I place the sour
On May 19, 12:31 pm, EmileZola wrote:
> I want to list the logged in users on my index page and was wondering
> what was the right way to do this.
> Can I do it similar to this ?
> def index(request):
> return render_to_response('index.html', {
> 'online_users': User.objects.filter(l
On May 25, 2:51 pm, tom wrote:
> Hi,
> I have currently built a website with Django. After developing
> everything locally with "python runserver", I have switched
> for testing to Apache and mod_python.
> Everything worked fine there as well. All pages are rendered correctly
> (PS:
I'm using Django-registration and Django-invitation. They both work on
my website, but they both come with tests that fail.
I don't think the tests are failing because the plug-ins don't work. I
think they're failing due to different testing environments. Django-
registration in particular gives m
lace the "copy" operation with
something that compresses Javascript/css code making download times
I can't help but think that requiring every project come up with their
own solution is bad for code re-usability. As much as I like D
Comments? Suggestions?
Brian M
On Jun 2, 10:14 am, Carl Nobile wrote:
> Could the new code not work with a class. I'm still looking into this
> and may discover the answer myself, but if anybody knows or has an
> idea I'd be much appreciative.
> ~Carl
Carl, those decorators no longer work on class methods without some re-
I am using the Django Debug Toolbar and getting some odd results with
a custom SHOW_TOOLBAR_CALLBACK. I have added the debug toolbar to my
INSTALLED_APPS and MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES, per the install instructions,
and using the defaults, everything works fine. But instead of always
showing the toolbar wh
I will be presenting tonight at ChiPy If anyone is
around Chicago tonight, feel free to stop in. Here is the official
thanks, Brian Ray
You received this message
drops in activity. I use it everyday and am constantly thinking of things
to do to improve it. Activity will pick up over time. There has been a ton of
changes since 0.7. See
(Github won't even load the full list since it so big :-) )
On Jul 7, 4:35 pm, Jonathan Hayward
> I'm working on a view made to output JSON for Ajax use. My log has:
> [07/Jul/2010 17:47:13] "POST /ajax/login HTTP/1.1" 500 50678
> That looks like Django gave a helpful and detailed stacktrace page, albeit
> to jQuery expecting JSON.
If there is
On Jul 15, 2:05 pm, Colleen A Josephson wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm very new to django. I just set up my first site using apache and mod_wsgi.
> The admin area does not seem to have the nice, neat blue default theme...its
> horrifically ugly and difficult to navigate.
> Here's a screenshot of the
On Sep 7, 5:10 pm, Phlip wrote:
> [...]
> How do I get Ajax errors to print a simple exception trace to STDOUT,
> instead of going through all that baloney?
Firebug can display these Ajax errors quite easily and give you a lot
more information.
You received this message because you
On Sep 8, 5:56 pm, Bradley Hintze wrote:
> This is what I have in my please_wait.html
> src="";>
> $.getJSON('{% url run_DHM %}')});
ween the two times it is loaded besides using inspect*? Also,
why doesn't the formset formation use the already instantiated model object?
On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 3:42 PM, akaariai wrote:
> On 9 syys, 20:06, bmbouter wrote:
> > I have a model defined named OrderOpp
On Sep 10, 12:01 pm, Bill Freeman wrote:
> My advice is to protect everything with try or by using get,
> log your progress (we had a logging model, but you can
> also append to a file, wrapping everything in a try-finally
> that closes the filehandle to be sure things get flushed
> out), and wh
ackground. The terminal equivalent would be:
> >
> > > > > "nohup &" and return control to the view.
> >
> > > > > Any ideas on how to achieve this?
> >
> > > > if this already works in a shell is there some reason why
On Sep 16, 7:37 pm, Karen Tracey wrote:
> Use this widget for the field:
> with render_value=False
Note that the docs indicate the default value for render_value is True
but in the code it is False:
On Sep 16, 9:55 pm, Brian Neal wrote:
> On Sep 16, 7:37 pm, Karen Tracey wrote:
> > Use this widget for the field:
> >
> > with render_value=False
> Note that the docs indicate t
recommend using an xml processing/generating library.
On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 1:39 AM, Brendon wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to use DJango to implement an XML based RESTful API and a
> website together using DJango. I am wondering if anyone here is aware
> of any tutor
seful, more straightforward URI. It
would look more like:
Method Type:URI
There are also some challenges when implementing REST too, but I just wanted
you to be aware of it.
at others think about these things
On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 5:00 AM, Benedict Verheyen <> wrote:
> Hi,
> it's not exactly clear to me how the sites, projects and apps need to be
> structured.
> For instance, if you have 2 sites bot
On Sep 27, 11:35 am, Skylar Saveland
> I have some modelforms within a . Each form has one
> checkboxselectmultiple that is not required. If I post nothing (all
> checkboxes are empty) then all of the forms are invalid. If I post
> anything then all of the forms are valid. This anything
I've used the
some success, maybe they have a chart type that would work for you.
has support for the Django template language seen
s<>to deploy them onto our servers
since it is connected to the app repository
where their apps are published Opus provides a self service deployment
interface. You can even test your deployments on our sandbox
You really should take a look at
It is the right tool for this job IMHO.
On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 7:38 AM, Mattias Linnap wrote:
> Hi Django users,
> I'm building
I have used Tsung <> before, and liked it.
It's written in erlang so it's natively distributed which means with a
cluster of machines you can generate a LOT of traffic. ;-)
On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 4:17 AM, Chris Withers wrote:
> Hey a
it's such a single-point solution that it is
fragile over time because folks forget about it, and it has a single point
of failure. my 2 cents.
2010/10/13 Ethan Poole
> Another technique, that I feel should be pointed out, is a custom
> django-admin command:
> http://docs.d
7) Define and execute a task. try
On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at These results can be checked on later by
task-id which can be easily stored in a plain django model. We have built
several analytics and research compute clusters using celery and
On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 5:07 PM, ringemup wrote:
> Thank you for taking
want to run code from many different sources and if they all ran as the same
user, then one django project could monkey patch another one which creates
all kinds of interesting security issues.
On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Diederik van der Boor wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm curiou
One of the challenges of going the GAE route is that you need to modify your
application slightly to work with their version of models. Also, you can't
ever run this code off of GAE, so it's kind of a lock-in in that respect.
That being said it does work very well.
On Thu, Oc
On Oct 20, 8:23 am, Sithembewena Lloyd Dube wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a page where users can rate a video, and in I have a video
> model with a 'rating' property. I wish to find out how I can AJAXify the
> rating button on the page, so that if a user clicks on it, the button can
> call
ogling for "continuous
On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 11:02 AM, Ken wrote:
> *I've Googled, but have not found any really organized and layman-
> friendly overview, which is why I came here*
> I know how to get python/django working on my computer (PC or
Maybe next time put a little more effort into writing your response and
you'll get a better answer.
On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 6:58 AM, sami nathan wrote:
> Can i use RESTfull insted of SOAP service
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Django us
nfo to that. If anyone has any
thoughts on how this could be done, please let me know.
On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 6:47 AM, cootetom wrote:
> Hi, a firefox extension was recently released to grab session ID
> cookies from a private network for the popular sites like facebook etc
> You ca
Thanks for the info!
On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 8:44 AM, Tom Evans wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 1:17 PM, Brian Bouterse
> wrote:
> > I'm not an expert in security, but here is how I would answer the
> question.
> > The CSRF approach that Django 1.2 implemen
do a
script based automated roll-out using fabric as suggested. +1 for fabric
+1 on the use of South
Chaining all of these tools together bring together one powerful development
pipeline, but even using them all independently is still very powerful (and
the first step).
my 2 cents,
I can't encourage it *enough*. This was writen hastily, thanks for the
close read.
On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 1:01 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-10-25 at 16:06 -0400, Brian Bouterse wrote:
> > I really can't encourage the use of Hudson <http://hudson-ci.o
end email to
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> .
> For more options, visit this group at
Brian Bouterse
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