Maybe not an exact answer to your question, but we do something kind of
similar to what you are describing.  Basically, we have app authors (both
frontend and backend) work with their app in their own repo and publish them
into this repository <>.  Then we use
Opus<>to deploy them onto our servers
since it is connected to the app repository
where their apps are published Opus provides a self service deployment
interface.  You can even test your deployments on our sandbox


On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 8:25 AM, Piotr Zalewa <> wrote:

>  Hi,
> I'm working on defining the structure of an application
> It will have quite a few apps, with few of them opensourced.
> I was thinking how to make it easier for people involved into the project.
> In essence front-end developer should work on one repository only -
> that's also goes quite nicely with app portability and would also help
> if an idea about whitelabelling the project could come to someone's mind.
> Other apps will be installed via pip under the virtual environment and
> will be a separate repositories in git.
> Back-end devs then will work each one on the application back-end and on
> the front-end application, to provide some changes to the functionality.
> Basically:
> project - one repository
> front-end app - one repository
> apps - a repository for each one.
> I'd like to implement a slightly modified V.Dressen's model of the
> workflow - in draft explained here:
> on each
> of the repositories
> Do you think it's best structure?
> And, quite important, will it not look like a mess for an "average"
> developer?
> Piotr
> --
> blog
> jobs,
> twit
> --
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Brian Bouterse
ITng Services

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