I have found cron to be a poor solution for this although it is tempting
since it is so easy and will get you started right away.  What I observe
happens is, basically someone puts the cron job in crontab, and then a lot
of time passes, and folks forget which machine in the cluster is actually in
charge of the cron job.  Eventually that machine gets rebuilt or
re-deployed, and then folks wonder why stuff mysteriously stops working.
 This has happened at least 3 times over the years at different places I
have worked at.  (I'm a site reliability engineer).

Cron is a fine solution, but it's such a single-point solution that it is
fragile over time because folks forget about it, and it has a single point
of failure.  my 2 cents.


2010/10/13 Ethan Poole <et...@lowter.us>

> Another technique, that I feel should be pointed out, is a custom
> django-admin command:
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/custom-management-commands/.
> If you are going to use a crontab to run a Python script, this is by
> far the easiest way to do it.
> On 13 Okt, 10:53, ringemup <ringe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > You can also use this technique[1] to create a python script that you
> > can call from your crontab.  Basically, you can call anything in
> > Django from any Python script as long as you set the
> > DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable first and have Django,
> > your project, and your apps on your path.
> >
> > [1]http://www.nerdydork.com/django-cron-on-webfaction.html
> >
> > On Oct 13, 10:47 am, Jo <reduxion...@me.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > On 13 ?.?. 2010, at 18:50, Jonathan Barratt wrote:
> >
> > > > On 13 ?.?. 2010, at 18:38, Mattias Linnap wrote:
> >
> > > >> Hi Django users,
> >
> > > >> I'm building an application with Django, and I need some database
> > > >> changes to occur at certain times in the future - independently of
> any
> > > >> web request. Things like cleaning up expired sessions, deleting
> > > >> expired user actions, etc.
> >
> > > >> What is the best way to implement those?
> >
> > > Having now checked it out for use in my own project, the '"Celery"
> suggestion that's been made to you definitely sounds like the most 'correct'
> way to implement this. Thanks Tom and Brian!
> >
> > > It is, however, as Tom admitted, rather complex. I had another idea
> that I figured was worth throwing out there for your consideration as it's a
> lot easier and faster to implement, though correspondingly not nearly as
> flexible or powerful: just use the *nix command "at." When someone reserves
> an item just execute something along the lines of: (os.popen.) popen('echo
> "COMMAND "'  + PARAMETERS + ' | at now + 2 hours'
> >
> > > This is nowhere near as robust or efficient as I'm sure Celery is, but
> it's so much simpler and quicker that I thought it worth mentioning in case
> you don't have the time to get Celery going right away and need something to
> use for demo\testing purposes in the meantime...
> >
> > > Just a thought,
> > > Jonathan
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Brian Bouterse
ITng Services

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