Hello all,
just updated to latest newforms-admin (r7947) and
This is the admin for one of my (rather large) models:
class Sound(SocialModel): # SocialModel is a model that defines some
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
# snip
license = models.ForeignKey(License)
On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 5:45 PM, Karen Tracey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Determining which part of the fieldsets definition generates the error would
> be helpful. You might be able to determine it by looking at the local vars
> in the debug page. Alternatively you could experiment with remo
On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 4:55 PM, Hanne Moa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> AFAIK is_authenticated doesn't enter into it at all.
I think I might not have explained very well...
Newforms-admin ( i.e. "admin" now :) ) has per-object permissions.
These are more programmatic than per-row perm
hello all,
For freesound.org I really need per-object permissions and caching.
I would also love to use the {% cache %} template tag as much as
possible because it's so easy and transparent!
Now, say for example I have a sound, and a user can either edit it or
not, or vote for it or not.
can ed
Hello All,
Has anyone done any work on letting the user define a custom sort
order for objects in "nfa"?
I.e. for example extending a base-class that has a single "order"
integer field and up() and down() functions.
Once that is done, I guess it would be relatively easy to override the
"nfa" lis
hello all,
it's obviously a very small hack in the django source code, but it would be
nice if the email-field would have a few more characters.
I have a few pesky users who actually use my site and have a vry long
email address.
- bram
hello all,
I have objects in the db which are being commented/favorited/downloaded
many, many times.
I'd like to keep counts of those verbs, in various time spans (#downloads
today, this month, all time).
Having done this for another site, I have found that this isn't the easiest
thing in the wo
why not use slugs then?
sounds a lot nice than
- bram
On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 11:21 AM, Julien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One reason is because I believe string allows to store bigge
Hey guys,
I was wondering if there is a way of making a field null vs not-null filter
without coding it yourself?
I tried:
list_filter = (('field_which_is_foreign_key', BooleanFieldListFilter),)
In the end I wrote this little one:
class MyFieldFilter(SimpleListFilter):
title = _(' field_w
Hi all,
I have:
class A(models.Model)
created =
office: +32 (0) 9 335 59 25
mobile: +32 (0) 484 154 730
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please ignore this email!
- bram
On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 1:07 PM, Bram de Jong wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have:
> class A(models.Model)
> created =
> --
> http://www.samplesumo.com
> http://www.freesound.org
> http://www.smartelectronix.com
> http:/
Hello all,
I have a custom DB field: a version string like "1.0.5rc3" which is
actually stored as an int in the db.
After fidling around a bit I managed to make the field so that
everything you would think should work works. It looks like a version
string everywhere, I can input it as a version s
On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 12:27 PM, Melvyn Sopacua wrote:
> On 22-6-2012 12:09, Bram de Jong wrote:
>> However, when I turn this field into a filter in the admin, instead of
>> seeing the filter-versions as my string (i.e. "1.0.5rc3") I see it as
>> the unde
Hello all,
My login setup on my server does not enable console logging, only
to-file logging (see at the end of this message for the logger setup).
However, just now I got a unicode decode error in my logging:
File "/home/xyz/site/xyz/views.py", line 520, in xx_yy_zz
hello everyone,
just a small message to say that htp://www.freesound.org now runs on django
all the code is gpl and can be found here:
For those interested, our stack is: nginx, postgres, solr, ...
> http://www.assembla.com/code/freesound
My appologies: https://www.assembla.com/code/freesound/git/nodes
- bram
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Hello all,
On Freesound.org we run a stack of nginx / django via flup /
supervisorcontrol (for keeping the workers up) + postgres on another
We have noticed that if we run long queries (for example deleting an
object with many, many cascades) everything crashes. More
specifically, our wo
Hello all,
on freesound.org we are using the built-in password reset view to send
users password reset emails... and there is a bit of a fundamental
problem with the password reset emails, or more in detail the password
reset URLS: they are way too long.
In our app we get URLs like this:
We have 2 milion users and this isn;t really a good solution for us...
Does anyone else have an alternative password-reset app which doesn't
use as many characters as the default one?
- bram
On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 4:57 PM, creecode wrote:
> Hello Bram,
> It's been awhile since I've ha
On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 2:39 PM, Andre Terra wrote:
> Since url shorteners have already been suggested, how about the possibility
> of writing a shorter url pattern in urls.py. Would something like
> http://www.freesound.org/r/1-123-a12345678ed12345d123/ be good enough for
> you?
Sure, we could d
we want to write some testing code, but our site uses Solr for
indexing. The test cases we are running are testing -among other
things- the searching.
problem is: we need to run some additional code to index the stuf the
fixtures just inserted into the DB.
as far as I read it the django uni
Hello everyone,
A (long) question:
I have two models, linked by a single key. LinkClass ("search engines",
...) and Link ("http://www.google.com";, "http://www.yahoo.com";)
Now, in Python I can do:
for link_class in LinkClass.objects.all():
print link_class.name
for link in link_c
More newbie questions. I have something similar to:
class BlogPost:
class Comment:
blog_post = models.ForeignKey(BlogPost)
Now, when POSTing a comment, I have to set the 'blog' of the comment to
the right blog item.
Right now I do:
def post_comment(
(new here, hello all)
My latest website ( http://freesound.iua.upf.edu ) is becoming more
popular then it was ever meant to be, so I'm looking at rewriting it in
django and rethinking the model space from the bottom up...
Now, I have some questions about caching. Here goes:
1. how d
24 matches
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