Hi all,
can someone assist me.
I cant get the modelform field get populated with active username.
Does any one have a good advice?
def performance_view(request):
form = PerformanceForm(request.POST or None)
if form.is_valid():
return render(request, 'qif/performance.html', {"f
I'm studying the Admin docs trying to figure out how to launch a
non-Admin page when required.
Django 1.11 and Pythons 2.7/3.6
The parts which look promising are ...
[1] ModelAdmin.response_add()
[2] ModelAdmin.response_change()
[3] ModelAdmin.add_view()
[4] ModelAdmin.change_view()
I have two different django projects which each project having different
Lets say projects to be p1 and p2
Now i have to populate the data from p1 model to a model in p2 ( note p1
and p2 models are different, i just have to use some data from p1 model to
move to p2)
Now in order to
Hash: SHA512
On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 03:04:23PM +0530, Glen D souza wrote:
> Hi,
> I have two different django projects which each project having different
> model
> Lets say projects to be p1 and p2
> Now i have to populate the data from p1 model to
Hey, based on your name I believe u speak our language, so will switch to
that : )
Ako hoces da na primer supplier_name bude automatski popunjeno kao koristik
samo dodaj ovako u views.py:
def performance_view(request):
form = PerformanceForm({'supplier_name':request.user})
if form.is_valid()
Bok Nebojsa,
hvala ti na brzom odgovoru.
napravio sam ovako i nema promjene
def performance_view(request):
* form = PerformanceForm(request.POST or None,
if form.is_valid():
messages.success(request, 'Your entry has been saved. Relevant persons wil
Obrisi ovo request.post or none
uto, 15. jan 2019. 12:19 Ivan Martić je napisao/la:
> Bok Nebojsa,
> hvala ti na brzom odgovoru.
> napravio sam ovako i nema promjene
> def performance_view(request):
> * form = PerformanceForm(request.POST or None,
> {'supplier_name':request.user})*
> if
Bravo! radi!
Samo što sad neradi spremanje (request.POST)...kako da to sad
implementiram, jel može savjet?
uto, 15. sij 2019. u 12:22 Nebojsa Hajdukovic
napisao je:
> Obrisi ovo request.post or none
> uto, 15. jan 2019. 12:19 Ivan Martić je
> napisao/la:
>> Bok Nebojsa,
>> hvala ti na br
moras da dodas
if request.method == "POST"
form = PerformanceForm[request.POST]
izvini sad sam u nekoj bas velikoj guzvi, evo ti otprilike kako sam ja na
drugoj formi uradio, ako ne uspes ispisacu ti malo kasnije
[image: image.png]
уто, 15. јан 2019. у 12:26 Ivan Martić је
> Bravo! r
Ej hvala ti, puno mi je jasnije.. razumijem da si u gužvi, idem dalje sam
pa ako zapnem javim se...
5 Star for support!!
uto, 15. sij 2019. u 12:45 Nebojsa Hajdukovic
napisao je:
> moras da dodas
> if request.method == "POST"
> form = PerformanceForm[request.POST]
> izvini sad sam u nekoj bas v
def performance_view(request):
form = PerformanceForm( {'supplier_name':request.user} )
if request.method == "POST":
form = PerformanceForm[request.POST]
if form.is_valid():
return render(request, 'qif/performance.html', {"form" : form})
ovako nekako bi trebalo da radi
уто, 15.
Nažalost, iz nekog razloga ne prolazi save ni poruka nakog save...
uto, 15. sij 2019. u 12:52 Nebojsa Hajdukovic
napisao je:
> view:
> def performance_view(request):
> form = PerformanceForm( {'supplier_name':request.user} )
> if request.method == "POST":
> form = PerformanceForm[request.POST]
Nema greški ali save ne prolazi..
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
January 15, 2019 - 13:01:29
Django version 2.1.4, using settings 'qif.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CTRL-BREAK.
[15/Jan/2019 13:01:31] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 8939
Hi all,
I am one year experienced software professional.
Worked on python and flask.
But now I need to learn And build hands-on Django projects.
Which is best source for project based understanding and learning.
Please provide me any free hands-on bootcamps or sources.
You received this m
*I'm trying to do:*
I want to test the function of django application with selenium, behave and
Also, I want to check the flow of execution of selenium by accessing the
vnc server (vnc://localhost:5900).
*The problem:*
The vnc server refuses the access to the localhost. But, I can
There was a djangocon presentation on similar topic:
That said, when it comes to SSNs, I'd just store the last four digits in
plaintext and encrypt the rest.
oh, and ensure everything is https end to end. all this won't do anything
if you're exposi
The Django official website includes an extensive reference documentation and a
detailed tutorial. This is the preferred start point.
Afterwards, you can grab complements from resources such as :
* Django Girls site
* Two Scoops of Django book
These are those which came out of
e izvini kao što sam ti rekao bio sam u gužvi, pa sam napamet pisao i
zaboravio glupost da dodam. Evo ga.
def prepoznaj(request):
prepoznaj_form = PrepoznajForm(request.POST or None,
if prepoznaj_form.is_valid():
hvala Nebojša, to je to!!!
Kralj si
uto, 15. sij 2019. u 15:34 Nebojsa Hajdukovic
napisao je:
> e izvini kao što sam ti rekao bio sam u gužvi, pa sam napamet pisao i
> zaboravio glupost da dodam. Evo ga.
> def prepoznaj(request):
> prepoznaj_form = PrepoznajForm(request.POST or None,
> in
what is the best web hosting provider for Django websites?
What should I learn to deploy my first Django website?
what is the process?
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"Django users" group.
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On Tue 15 Jan, 2019, 8:30 PM what is the best web hosting provider for Django websites?
> What should I learn to deploy my first Django website?
> what is the process?
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Django users" gro
i can not understand
On Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 5:03:58 PM UTC+2, Nitin Kumar wrote:
> uwsgi/gunicorn
> Nginx
> On Tue 15 Jan, 2019, 8:30 PM wrote:
>> what is the best web hosting provider for Django websites?
>> What should I learn to deploy my first Django website?
>> what i
Em ter, 15 de jan de 2019 às 13:00, escreveu:
> what is the best web hosting provider for Django websites?
> What should I learn to deploy my first Django website?
> what is
Here is a tutorial :
On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 8:37 PM wrote:
> i can not understand
> On Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 5:03:58 PM UTC+2, Nitin Kumar wrote:
>> uwsgi/gunicorn
>> Nginx
>> On Tue 15 Jan, 2019, 8:
I hosted my django website in apache with ssl hosted in Ubuntu 18.04 with
Postgre sql db. Learning curve is there but you will be satisfied with final
output. Digital ocean has good notes on it. You can refer to it. By the way
what OS are you preferring?
> On 15-Jan-2019, at 8:51 PM, Thiago B
We deal with a similar rate of data acquisition, and have taken a different
approach. (We get, on average, about 10,000,000 UDP messages / day)
We have a very small UDP listener (about 50 lines of Python 3 code), and
_all_ it does is receive the message and dump it into a Celery queue. We
I'm trying to make deploy my first django website in digitalocean but
doesn't works.
I got this error
connect() to unix:/run/uwsgi/project.sock failed (2: No such file or
Anyone can help me?
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"Django u
I fail to have django channels communication with redis running at docker
container: I am running the channels tutorial and I get an error when just
following the tutorial instructions.
I am quite new with Django (designed a simple site) and have no knowledge
on redis nor docker
I am trying to
How is configured your Docker stack exactly ? You should have several
containers in it, at least one for the Redis server, another one for the Django
Do you use docker-compose to run the stack ? If yes, could you provide the YAML
descriptor of the stack ?
I did not configure anything, which is probably the problem..
I am following the tutorial. I just did what the tutorial instructed to do:
So I have installed docker as instructed but haven't configured anything.
The tutorial calls installing docker and does not state any action to take
after instal
Hi Yuval
Are you using docker machine ? If so the redis server is on the docker
machine's IP not on the localhost so you would need to update the
docker host in the CHANNEL_LAYERS portion of settings.py.
You show a unix-like shell like for controlling docker; but the connect
failed error looks
Thank you
I have installed docker on my PC and I run it locally.
At setting.py I have:
'default': {
'BACKEND': 'channels_redis.core.RedisChannelLayer',
# "hosts": [('', 6379)],
"hosts": [('', 6379)],
I have different set of mind set there are lot of different type of
projects out there.
First think what you wanna build then take out small part of that project
get some UI* and start coding it don't think about as a whole just a part.
Make some similar parts and collect or join them together
I am trying to add reCaptcha to an existing Django website that was created
by a company we no longer work with. I have server access to the website,
but cannot figure out how to edit the files or add the reCaptcha form (I
tried to manually add the code into the HTML and .py files and uploading
I am trying to add reCaptcha to an existing Django website that was created
by a company we no longer work with. I have server access to the website,
but cannot figure out how to edit the files or add the reCaptcha form (I
tried to manually add the code into the HTML and .py files and uploading
Assuming you're familiar with web technologies in general, you'd make these
changes on the host machine itself, ideally through the same mechanism that
handles deployments of source code. Code for application logic is often in
files called "views.py" or similar, and the HTML will be in a folder cal
Can someone explain why group by after annotations yield wrong result.
More details at
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"Django users" g
Hi Filbert, everyone!
django-tenant-schemas has a way to infer the tenant from the request, and
you could apply the same logic to extend Channel's scope with the tenant.
With the tenant on the scope you can incrementally add in-channels
multi-tenant logic. Not sure if this helps as you m
Hi !
I'm currently comparing task queues solutions for Django, and was wondering
why all of them seem to require a broker (rabbitmq, redis...), including
the ones that are supposedly lightweight/not full featured (huey...), and
including the ones that are made for Django exclusively (django-carrot
Thank you for your response! By host machine, do you mean the machine
(computer) the site was created on or the server that is hosting the site?
I have always worked in PHP and HTML and am used to downloading/uploading
files to the server to make changes.
On Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 2:30:4
primarily because writes to db are expensive, and reads are less so but do
add load to an existing db.
besides, why not use the best tool for the job? redis is much better at
read/write IO than dbs and functions perfectly well as a key-value store.
Rabbit is the gold standard for high availbi
I went with celery/rabbitmq behind a load balancer running on the same image as
my server. I haven’t done any corner case testing, but so far it seems to
scale up and down well after some tweaking on thresholds. Doing this, rules
out some of the smallest instances, as more memory is needed for
The server that is hosting the site. The one you're trying to FTP onto.
Your quality of life will be greatly improved if you can SSH onto the
machine rather than using FTP, because the actual server software that
hosts Python processes usually needs to be restarted. It's unlikely (but
not unheard o
Hey guys.
I am trying to deploy my Django project on CentOS 7 with Apache.
and I got an error of *ImportError: No module named django.core.wsgi*
I think it is because the Apache did not use the python version inside the
However I dont know where the problem is.
this is my httpd.conf
Hi, I've developed an monolithic django project over the last 5 years. My
team and I now want to add a new component to the software.
The new component will be mostly independent, but need to share
authentication and authorization at the least. For the end-user both the
existing and the new comp
Check Json Web Token.
On Wed, Jan 16, 2019, 9:43 AM Dennis Sepeur Hi, I've developed an monolithic django project over the last 5 years. My
> team and I now want to add a new component to the software.
> The new component will be mostly independent, but need to share
> authentication and a
Hi Mike
Normally I have just used the functionality in a third-party admin
"wrapper", for example, Django Suit
I see others such as Jet
(https://jet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/dashboard_custom_module.html) allow
you to do
how to use google oauth2client for new user and exiting user in django
help help me any share any link
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I recently have problems with testing my project on Travis CI. Tests
started to fail 2 days ago. The error message is
`psycopg2.OperationalError: FATAL: database "speedy" does not exist` and I
don't know why. It seems to me that the first test which fail for this
reason is https://travis-ci.o
Many thanks Derek - I have started reading ...
On 16/01/2019 4:39 pm, Derek wrote:
Hi Mike
Normally I have just used the functionality in a third-party admin
"wrapper", for example, Django Suit
I see others such a
Create a view to accept the auth token from Google and pass it to your
authentication backend (Register the GoogleAuthBackend in settings first)
verify the token in the backend and return the user from db if email exists
else create a new user and return the token and pass this user object to
How To Set Up Django with Postgres, Nginx, and Gunicorn on digital ocean
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