We deal with a similar rate of data acquisition, and have taken a different 
approach. (We get, on average, about 10,000,000 UDP messages / day)

We have a very small UDP listener (about 50 lines of Python 3 code), and 
_all_ it does is receive the message and dump it into a Celery queue. We 
then run multiple Celery worker tasks to process that data and write it to 
the database.

There are some times during peak period in the day where the queue might 
get backed up 1,000,000 messages or so, but we never have any problems 
getting them all processed that day. (UDP packets effectively stops around 
9 PM.)

We may be losing some packets - with UDP, how can you tell? But the numbers 
of packets processed are well within 95% of projections, and so for our 
purposes it's quite satisfactory.
(There is absolutely no way for us to determine if some upstream device is 
being saturated and dropping packets that we should otherwise be receiving. 
Or more accurately, how many packets are being dropped upstream from our 
collection point. UDP is definitely not the protocol to be using if you 
absolutely need to receive 100% of your data.)

On Monday, January 14, 2019 at 9:31:21 AM UTC-5, Sahil Mangotra wrote:
> I am facing a problem in my django web server.
> We are using python3, django2, django-rest-framework3.8 and channels2.x
> Scenario is we are receiving DATA from a UDP connection at very fast rate 
> (~100 messages per second). The data revived is in proto format (you can 
> say we are receiving byte data). some data gets starved in this process as 
> *Rate 
> of production >>> rate of consumption* we are implementing throttling but 
> still at 100 concurrent users data starves again. Can anyone help us in 
> this scenario.
> If anyone has any new architecture idea please share.
> *This is surely an interesting problem. This is about stock market feed*
> PS :- I cannot post any code as it is my companies. but i can help any 
> time you need clarification on any point.

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