
How is configured your Docker stack exactly ? You should have several 
containers in it, at least one for the Redis server, another one for the Django 

Do you use docker-compose to run the stack ? If yes, could you provide the YAML 
descriptor of the stack ?



From: django-users@googlegroups.com <django-users@googlegroups.com> on behalf 
of Yuval Bachrach <yuval.bachr...@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2019 5:31:18 PM
To: django-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: channnels -- communication with redis

I fail to have django channels communication with redis running at docker 
container: I am running the channels tutorial and I get an error when just 
following the tutorial instructions.

I am quite new with Django (designed a simple site) and have no knowledge on 
redis nor docker

I am trying to lean channels using the tutorial: 

It uses redis over docker

At tutorial part 2 there is a test for “channel layer can communicate with 

I fails this test. I was looking over the web for solving this communication 
problem with no luck.

As I am not familiar with redis nor docker, I have hard time analyzing the 
reasons for the communication problems. I can see that redis is running inside 
a docker container.

$ docker ps

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED        
     STATUS              PORTS


2bdabc272ec3        redis               "docker-entrypoint.s…"   About an hour 
ago   Up About an hour>6379/tcp


$ docker inspect quizzical_panini > redisimage.log

      (YB: will paste the logfile at the end of this  message)

python manage.py shell

import channels.layers

channel_layer = channels.layers.get_channel_layer()

from asgiref.sync import async_to_sync

async_to_sync(channel_layer.send)('test_channel', {'type': 'hello'})

Error begins with:

    In [4]: async_to_sync(channel_layer.send)('test_channel', {'type': 'hello'})


    ConnectionRefusedError                    Traceback (most recent call last)

    <ipython-input-4-80e65666e9e2> in <module>

    ----> 1 async_to_sync(channel_layer.send)('test_channel', {'type': 'hello'})

A lot of other details. Ends up with:

    504                 # Jump to any except clause below.

--> 505                 raise OSError(err, f'Connect call failed {address}')

    506         except (BlockingIOError, InterruptedError):

    507             # socket is still registered, the callback will be retried 

ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 10061] Connect call failed ('', 6379)

Some version details:

installing shell command:

$ docker run redis --version

Redis server v=5.0.3 sha=00000000:0 malloc=jemalloc-5.1.0 bits=64 

$ pip install channels_redis

A lot of details: ends up with:

> Successfully installed channels-redis-2.3.3

$ python --version

Python 3.7.1

(note that it is a 32 bit python while docker requires 64 bits. I assumed it 
should not be the reason for the problems I do experience

>>>>>>>> redisimage.log generated by docker inspect as shown above <<<<<<

>>>>>>>> It is long. I can’t tell id/what is relevant




        "Created": "2019-01-15T14:02:36.679774957Z",

        "Path": "docker-entrypoint.sh",

        "Args": [



        "State": {

            "Status": "running",

            "Running": true,

            "Paused": false,

            "Restarting": false,

            "OOMKilled": false,

            "Dead": false,

            "Pid": 8731,

            "ExitCode": 0,

            "Error": "",

            "StartedAt": "2019-01-15T14:02:37.086931139Z",

            "FinishedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"







        "Name": "/quizzical_panini",

        "RestartCount": 0,

        "Driver": "overlay2",

        "Platform": "linux",

        "MountLabel": "",

        "ProcessLabel": "",

        "AppArmorProfile": "",

        "ExecIDs": null,

        "HostConfig": {

            "Binds": null,

            "ContainerIDFile": "",

            "LogConfig": {

                "Type": "json-file",

                "Config": {}


            "NetworkMode": "default",

            "PortBindings": {

                "6379/tcp": [


                        "HostIp": "",

                        "HostPort": "6379"




            "RestartPolicy": {

                "Name": "no",

                "MaximumRetryCount": 0


            "AutoRemove": false,

            "VolumeDriver": "",

            "VolumesFrom": null,

            "CapAdd": null,

            "CapDrop": null,

            "Dns": [],

            "DnsOptions": [],

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            "ExtraHosts": null,

            "GroupAdd": null,

            "IpcMode": "shareable",

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            "OomScoreAdj": 0,

            "PidMode": "",

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            "PublishAllPorts": false,

            "ReadonlyRootfs": false,

            "SecurityOpt": null,

            "UTSMode": "",

            "UsernsMode": "",

            "ShmSize": 67108864,

            "Runtime": "runc",

            "ConsoleSize": [




            "Isolation": "",

            "CpuShares": 0,

            "Memory": 0,

            "NanoCpus": 0,

            "CgroupParent": "",

            "BlkioWeight": 0,

            "BlkioWeightDevice": [],

            "BlkioDeviceReadBps": null,

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            "BlkioDeviceReadIOps": null,

            "BlkioDeviceWriteIOps": null,

            "CpuPeriod": 0,

            "CpuQuota": 0,

            "CpuRealtimePeriod": 0,

            "CpuRealtimeRuntime": 0,

            "CpusetCpus": "",

            "CpusetMems": "",

            "Devices": [],

            "DeviceCgroupRules": null,

            "DiskQuota": 0,

            "KernelMemory": 0,

            "MemoryReservation": 0,

            "MemorySwap": 0,

            "MemorySwappiness": null,

            "OomKillDisable": false,

            "PidsLimit": 0,

            "Ulimits": null,

            "CpuCount": 0,

            "CpuPercent": 0,

            "IOMaximumIOps": 0,

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            "MaskedPaths": [












            "ReadonlyPaths": [








        "GraphDriver": {

            "Data": {






            "Name": "overlay2"


        "Mounts": [


                "Type": "volume",



                "Destination": "/data",

                "Driver": "local",

                "Mode": "",

                "RW": true,

                "Propagation": ""



        "Config": {

            "Hostname": "2bdabc272ec3",

            "Domainname": "",

            "User": "",

            "AttachStdin": false,

            "AttachStdout": false,

            "AttachStderr": false,

            "ExposedPorts": {

                "6379/tcp": {}


            "Tty": false,

            "OpenStdin": false,

            "StdinOnce": false,

            "Env": [







            "Cmd": [



            "ArgsEscaped": true,

            "Image": "redis",

            "Volumes": {

                "/data": {}


            "WorkingDir": "/data",

            "Entrypoint": [



            "OnBuild": null,

            "Labels": {}


        "NetworkSettings": {

            "Bridge": "",


            "HairpinMode": false,

            "LinkLocalIPv6Address": "",

            "LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,

            "Ports": {

                "6379/tcp": [


                        "HostIp": "",

                        "HostPort": "6379"




            "SandboxKey": "/var/run/docker/netns/d45841da7114",

            "SecondaryIPAddresses": null,

            "SecondaryIPv6Addresses": null,


            "Gateway": "",

            "GlobalIPv6Address": "",

            "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,

            "IPAddress": "",

            "IPPrefixLen": 16,

            "IPv6Gateway": "",

            "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:02",

            "Networks": {

                "bridge": {

                    "IPAMConfig": null,

                    "Links": null,

                    "Aliases": null,



                    "Gateway": "",

                    "IPAddress": "",

                    "IPPrefixLen": 16,

                    "IPv6Gateway": "",

                    "GlobalIPv6Address": "",

                    "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,

                    "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:02",

                    "DriverOpts": null







Yuval B


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