I want to make a contact form using the class-based FormView. How do I pass the
recipient email?
Let's say I want a pre-defined recipient, and also the option for the sender of
the form to receive a copy.
I can do this with a function view but I'd like to use the new class-based
generic views
I want to create my own templatetag that returns true if a user is
member of a certain group.
I did the following:
Created a package "templatetags" in my app.
Wrote a module:
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def check(user):
if str(user.groups
Okay i got it:
from django import template
register = template.Library()
@register.filter(name ="check")
def check(user, arg):
if str(user.groups.all()[0]) == "Timesheet-Boss":
return True
return False
thanks anyways !
Von: django-users@googleg
See inline:
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 10:38 AM, Szabo, Patrick (LNG-VIE) <
patrick.sz...@lexisnexis.at> wrote:
> Hi,
> ** **
> I want to create my own templatetag that returns true if a user is member
> of a certain group.
> I did the following:
> ** **
> Created
Hi All..
I have created a button which i am using to delete the selected rows
from my table. How ever i want to use an image also for each row to
delete it.. but i am unable to use. i have used a submit button which
is working to delete entries how ever my anchor tag dosen't work coz i
am not send
On Sep 1, 12:31 pm, Showket Bhat wrote:
> Hi All
> I am new to Django and I have created a small application for learning
> Django.. Well I have not used forms in my application.. Is it
> necessary to use forms in Django.. Can't we work without forms..
You "can" work without Django forms. Y
Sir, I am not much familier with forms. even i have practiced a little
but found forms not to be so helpfull... If i need to customize my own
formswith my own design and flow... Thats the reason..Please help me
with my actual query.. I ll be very much thankful to U... Thanks
On Sep 1, 3:37 pm, bru
You can use ModelForms, it is the easiest way of creating the forms
for your template:
That will generate the necessary form and you just need to put the
form templatetags in your template. An example for your code would be:
Hi All
I am new to Django and I have created a small application for learning
Django.. Well I have not used forms in my application.. Is it
necessary to use forms in Django.. Can't we work without forms.. If
yes then I want to create a form where in i ll be inserting field
values for a class..
I'm unsure in which direction you want to go so I'm just wrinting for both:
Fom view to template:
I think there are several ways but this is the one I'm using:
return render_to_response('index.html', {'user' : request.user,
'form' : f,
Thanks for presious reply Sir,
I have used such type of forms before but what if i need to adjust the
size of fields, Color of my form, design and CSS of such forms.. How
can i make that colorful..IS there a way...
On Sep 1, 3:47 pm, Oscar Carballal wrote:
> You can use ModelForms, it is the easi
just see the output in the interactive shell , you can see the id of
the form elements.
On 9/1/11, Showket Bhat wrote:
> Thanks for presious reply Sir,
> I have used such type of forms before but what if i need to adjust the
> size of fields, Color of my form, design and CSS of such forms.. How
I wonder if someone can help me here
We've been using cron to run an update script that looks in our django
commmunity pages(aggy), pulls out Feeds and creates feeditems.
Here's what an example of the cron file looks like
17 13 * * * /var/www/django/django_projects/scripts/computing_feeds.sh
hello www,
This is the model:
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class Task(models.Model):
creator = models.ForeignKey(User)
assigned_to = models.ManyToManyField(User)
And there are four users: bob, roger, dan and joe
I want to get all the tasks where the current user is the creat
On 01-09-11 14:42, vanderkerkoff wrote:
Here's what that shell script looks like
/usr/bin/python /var/www/django/django_projects/scripts/
update_feeds.py --settings=fact.settings_computing
I've got a fact.pth file in my site-packages folder for python(fact is
the name of the django
Specifically, the issue was in urls.py.
On Sep 1, 2:24 am, kenneth gonsalves wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-08-31 at 12:05 -0700, Yves S. Garret wrote:
> > Caught ViewDoesNotExist while rendering: Could not import polls.view.
> > Error was: No module named view
> should it not be views?
> --
> regards
The other issue that I spoke about was this:
Page not found (404)Request Method:GETRequest URL:
Using the URLconf defined in mysite.urls, Django tried these URL patterns,
in this order:
1. ^polls/ ^polls/$
2. ^polls/ ^polls/(?P\d+)/$
3. ^polls/ ^polls/(?P\
Hi Reinout
I did think of that possibility earlier :-(
$ which python
One reasonably odd thing is the site packages folder is a little
different to where I'd normally find it
$ python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 1:39 PM, Julien Castets wrote:
> hello www,
> This is the model:
> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
> class Task(models.Model):
> creator = models.ForeignKey(User)
> assigned_to = models.ManyToManyField(User)
> And there are four users: bob, roger, dan a
On Sep 1, 4:48 am, Stuart wrote:
> On Aug 30, 12:10 pm, graeme wrote:
> > What my query does is give me a list of subcategories, ordered by
> > category, and then by the number of places in the category, and
> > annotates each subcategory with the number of places in it.
> > Having a si
On 01-09-11 15:11, vanderkerkoff wrote:
Thanks for trying though, I will find the problem, eventually:-)
Can you specify "it stopped working" a bit, btw? Do you get a traceback,
for instance?
Reinout van Reeshttp://reinout.vanrees.org/
On 01-09-11 15:04, Yves S. Garret wrote:
Using the URLconf defined in |mysite.urls|, Django tried these URL
patterns, in this order:
1. ^polls/ ^polls/$
2. ^polls/ ^polls/(?P\d+)/$
3. ^polls/ ^polls/(?P\d+)/results/$
4. ^polls/ ^polls/(?P\d+)/vote/$
5. ^polls/ ^admin/
6. ^admin/
The curr
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 4:24 AM, Elie Obeid wrote:
> I know how to unsubscribe i don't need your link, I don't trust any of you,
> i don't know why this is the official group, this is the official spammers
> group
I have to apologize here - you've been bitten by a problem that we're
having a great
Hi Reinout
No traceback from the cron job, I've tried piping it out to a file,
but that's not giving me anything.
I think the problem lies somewhere in the fact that we're somehow
using the dist-packages folder as opposed to the site-packages folder.
God knows how or why we are using it though.
To be honest, I have no idea. I was just following the tutorial (maybe I
edited the wrong file, maybe the tutorial is wrong.) Do you know of a good
book on this subject that not only teaches you about Django, but also about
This is the contents of one urls.py file (in a project calle
^polls/ ^polls/$
^polls/ ^polls/(?P\d+)/$
^polls/ ^polls/(?P\d+)/results/$
^polls/ ^polls/(?P\d+)/vote/$
suggests that you did not follow the tutorial closely. Django keeps
telling you what's wrong - your urls.py in your application (pools)
duplicates the word "polls" in (most of
right, the plot thickens, but I don't think it's django or python
ps aux | grep cron shows it running, but this does not work
03 15 * * * /bin/echo "foobar" >> /home/user/wanker
so cron isn't running the jobs, it is running though
Nearly there :-)
On Sep 1, 2:38 pm, vanderkerkoff wr
On 01-09-11 15:38, vanderkerkoff wrote:
I can import fact from within a python shell by the way, so the
fact.pth is working from a shell
Perhaps just stick some debugging in the cronjob? Just add extra python
commands in there, like:
python -c "import os;print os.environ"
python -c "import s
On Sep 1, 8:19 am, graeme wrote:
> I used the same approach with my existing models, and it works fine.
> The code is shorter, the queries are simpler, my template is simpler
> and it is a lot faster.
Glad you got it sorted!
You received this message because you are subscribed
got it, f7*&*%678^&*&&*& bast987^&^&**
Thanks Reinout
On Sep 1, 3:05 pm, vanderkerkoff wrote:
> right, the plot thickens, but I don't think it's django or python
> related
> ps aux | grep cron shows it running, but this does not work
> 03 15 *
On 01-09-11 16:15, vanderkerkoff wrote:
got it, f7*&*%678^&*&&*& bast987^&^&**
I actually wonder if I've been bitten by that one too. I also had to
restart cron on a certain server sometime in the last weeks as it didn't
seem to run :-)
Hi all,
I using django 1.2
I have a problem with model and Foreign Key on self table.
I try to explain the problem with an example:
I have one table like this :
class Test_obj ( models.Model ):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True, null=True)
use = models.ForeignKey('sel
Hi all,
I using django 1.2
I have a problem with model and Foreign Key on self table.
I try to explain the problem with an example:
I have one table like this :
class Test_obj ( models.Model ):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True, null=True)
use = models.ForeignKey('self
What happens when you run the shell script manually?
On Sep 1, 5:42 am, vanderkerkoff wrote:
> I wonder if someone can help me here
> We've been using cron to run an update script that looks in our django
> commmunity pages(aggy), pulls out Feeds and creates feeditems.
> Here's what an exa
I am trying to set up a PostGIS DB in Django to track Lat/Lon of a
location, and use it with the Google Maps API. However when I try to
run 'python manage.py syncdb' after running 'createdb -T
template_postgis mydb' I get this error.
Failed to install index for reviews.Location model: function
According to the stability page (https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/
"Most of the modules in django.utils are designed for internal use.
Only the following parts of django.utils can be considered stable..."
django.utils.crypto is not listed as one of the stable modules.
How do I attached a EmailMultiAlternatives email as an attachment to
another e-mail? I want to create a EmailMultiAlternatives and send
it. Then I want to create another e-mail and attach the previous
email to this one.
For example:
parameterDict = {today:'monday',
Are you a Python developer? Do you want to make a big impact on
Google's revenue with a simple project?
AdWords is looking for a web tool that will perform an account lookup
(in ICS), run and merge two keyword reports, and export into Excel. We
already have a working VBA tool (created by Jon Diori
On-site / remote work?
Payment schedule / terms?
Hourly rate?
Contact length?
Come on man, you gotta admit submit the basics..
Sending a quick email asking for CVs from your "iPhone", does not really
give a good impression :X
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 4:33 AM, highpointe wrote:
> Seasoned, s
Yes, you're correct. Thanks for pointing that out.
I'll be honest, I get the impression that I'm at the deep end of the pool
and not exactly dog-paddling very well :) . I don't doubt that Django does
A LOT of nice things for you, but this is a major step from my PHP coding
days when all I had wa
Email 1000 users directly, see when if you get spam or not. If so, email the
first 500 again, rinse and repeat, else proceed to the next batch after 12
Aside from the fact that you will be spamming as well, at least it would
be for just one time and for the greater good.
On T
Found someone. Thanks for your emails. No longer accepting more applicants.
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 12:25 PM, mischa wrote:
> Are you a Python developer? Do you want to make a big impact on
> Google's revenue with a simple project?
> AdWords is looking for a web tool that will perform an accoun
That's alright.
All the best.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN
-Original Message-
From: Mischa Stephens
Sender: django-users@googlegroups.com
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 13:50:23
To: Django users
Reply-To: django-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Python Developer
On 01-09-11 19:00, Dan H wrote:
I am trying to set up a PostGIS DB in Django to track Lat/Lon of a
location, and use it with the Google Maps API. However when I try to
run 'python manage.py syncdb' after running 'createdb -T
template_postgis mydb' I get this error.
Failed to install index for re
Google didn't have enough internal Python developers, so they head hunted
from django-users?
What the hell?? :X
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 8:25 PM, mischa wrote:
> Are you a Python developer? Do you want to make a big impact on
> Google's revenue with a simple project?
> AdWords is looking f
On 01-09-11 21:57, Yves S. Garret wrote:
Anyways, this is my current error that I'm getting:
TemplateDoesNotExist at /polls/1/
Django tried loading these templates, in this order:
* Using loader |django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader|:
o |c:\users\ashvets
that is my index.html template:
The index.jpg image in the same directory with template
index.html.When i render template, it loads the template but i can't
see image in background.
Web server is apache2 with wsgi.
You received this message because you are subscribed
On 01-09-11 23:25, SSozuer wrote:
that is my index.html template:
The index.jpg image in the same directory with template
index.html.When i render template, it loads the template but i can't
see image in background.
Web server is apache2 with wsgi.
Your django urls.py probably doesn
I had a kind of crazy idea and I wanted to bounce it off of some
people with a lot more django experience than I.
Here's my scenario...
I would like 1 code base, this code base services potentially hundreds
of businesses, each of which I want to have a copy of the same schema
but with data only r
Django trunk revision 16715
manage.py test is producing one failure out of 326 tests which might be
due to an empty template. The test is asserting that response contains
'Session not accessed'
With an empty template the assertion should succeed if it said the
response does not contain somet
My apologies - please ignore my last email. I think I'm closer this time.
The test is still failing but for a different reason. In my fossicking
around I had adjusted the test expectation to 'Session accessed' and had
forgotten to reverse that prior to 'fixing' the problem.
I have now looked
51 matches
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