queryset-refactor branch merge

2007-11-19 Thread MichaelMartinides
Hi all, Could anyone give me a hint when the queryset-refactor branch might be merged into the trunk? I'm not good at the extra() stuff for the creation of intersection querys of manytomany fields. In the current queryset-refactor filter(...).filter(...) on the manytomany field seems to work gr

Re: ImportError: No module named mysql.base

2007-11-19 Thread plungerman
i can confirm that the mysqldb that comes with the CentOS 5 install does not work with django subversion releases. it is quite easy, however, to compile it from source. On Nov 14, 1:49 am, Josh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Thanks Karen. I was a little wary about compiling my own copy of > mysql

Re: queryset-refactor branch merge

2007-11-19 Thread Karen Tracey
On 11/19/07, MichaelMartinides <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Hi all, > > Could anyone give me a hint when the queryset-refactor branch might be > merged into the trunk? In the last I recall seeing posted from Malcolm ( http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/msg/87f697435fcbe0d6) he's target

Re: Apache mod_python config problem

2007-11-19 Thread Joe
Try creating symbolic links in your site-packages directory to your django source and application source. ln -s Joe On Nov 16, 11:24 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I've been writing a Django app at work using Windows XP and Apache. > Everything works fine. When I bring th

Fifth Python User Meeting in Munich

2007-11-19 Thread Marek Kubica
Hi, just a short notive to all who live around Munich and are interested in a meeting: On Thursday, 22th of November 2007 starting at 18:30 will be a meeting of Python users from around Munich. Of course, it is free for anyone to discuss Django as well, some of the people attending use Django th

ANN: Reusable apps for Django - django-reusableapps 0.1

2007-11-19 Thread Jannis Leidel
Hi users, django-reusableapps [1] is yet another approach on enabling Django to load reusable, pluggable, egg-based applications without changing the Django sourcecode. Think of plugins or components, e.g. django- registration, django-voting, django-tagging etc. It uses setuptools [2] for findin

subversion checkout problems (concerning staff status and is_active).

2007-11-19 Thread dpopovi2
Dear all, I am using Django's user admin module together with subversion + https to grant users access to subversion repositories, which works quite nice. One problems still bother me: A user can checkout form a repository if he is_active and has staff status as well. As far as I understood dja


2007-11-19 Thread priyanka
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Re: save() doesn't save a removed parent-child relationship to self?

2007-11-19 Thread RajeshD
> > The print self.parents.all() line does print a [] line with self > removed from the parents. Apparently this just does not get saved. Right. The admin always calls the save on the primary object first, followed later by saving the ManyToMany "parents". So, whatever you are doing in your overr

Recommendation on servers for large django deployment

2007-11-19 Thread Richard Coleman
I apologize if this is off topic. In order not to bore anyone, please send replies to me directly and I can summarize for the list. Does anyone have recommendations on decent rack mount servers for a large django deployment (we are designing to scale out to several million users). I've used the

Re: queryset-refactor branch merge

2007-11-19 Thread James Bennett
On 11/19/07, MichaelMartinides <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Could anyone give me a hint when the queryset-refactor branch might be > merged into the trunk? When it's done. I don't mean to speak on Malcolm's behalf here, but the frequency with which "when will X merge into trunk" is asked warrant

add/change user via 'Admin'

2007-11-19 Thread Nader
I use the 'Admin' class in my project to do administration of applications. For the user I have defined a 'admin' and the other user. If I go to the 'user' page and want to do something with the 'admin' user and with the other user, I get the next error. I have read some documents, but I couldn't

Re: queryset-refactor branch merge

2007-11-19 Thread MichaelMartinides
Hi James, I entirely understand your point. But for users as me, it makes a difference to know if a feature is in very far distant or rather near future... I tried the branch it worked in command mode line as expected but gave an error when I tried it in the browser, so I simply asked. Cheers,

Re: add/change user via 'Admin'

2007-11-19 Thread RajeshD
On Nov 19, 11:14 am, Nader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I use the 'Admin' class in my project to do administration of > applications. For the user I have defined a 'admin' and the other > user. If I go to the 'user' page and want to do something with the > 'admin' user and with the other user, I

Re: add/change user via 'Admin'

2007-11-19 Thread Nader
I have done it: 'python manage.py syncdb' and started the server. I have got the same error as before. I'm in development phase but I wouldn't use the "DROP table' sql statements, because I have to installed a lot of data again. I thing there has a solution, maybe via 'model API'! On Nov 19, 6:5

Re: add/change user via 'Admin'

2007-11-19 Thread RajeshD
On Nov 19, 12:25 pm, Nader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I have done it: 'python manage.py syncdb' and started the server. I > have got the same error as before. It seems that your content types and permissions got messed up somehow. See this thread for a discussion of a similar problem with som

validating fields with newforms

2007-11-19 Thread Milan Andric
Hello, I would like to validate a field if another field is defined. So i have two fields (state and state (international) ) -- one of them needs to be defined. How would i do this with newforms? Thanks and sorry if this is something obvious and I missed it. -- Milan --~--~-~--~~-

Re: validating fields with newforms

2007-11-19 Thread RajeshD
> I would like to validate a field if another field is defined. So i > have two fields (state and state (international) ) -- one of them > needs to be defined. How would i do this with newforms? By adding a clean() method to your form class. See the 3rd cleaning method described here: http://w

Re: validating fields with newforms

2007-11-19 Thread Milan Andric
On Nov 19, 12:13 pm, RajeshD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I would like to validate a field if another field is defined. So i > > have two fields (state and state (international) ) -- one of them > > needs to be defined. How would i do this with newforms? > > By adding a clean() method to your

using "select_related" .Does it works?

2007-11-19 Thread Greg_IAP
Hello, i have 3 classes. class Image(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length = 20,blank=True) instrument = models.ForeignKey(Instrument,null=True,blank= True,db_column='instrument_id') channel = models.ForeignKey(Channel,null=True,blank= True,db_column='channel_id'

Re: validating fields with newforms

2007-11-19 Thread Milan Andric
On Nov 19, 12:16 pm, Milan Andric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Nov 19, 12:13 pm, RajeshD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > I would like to validate a field if another field is defined. So i > > > have two fields (state and state (international) ) -- one of them > > > needs to be defined. How

Re: using "select_related" .Does it works?

2007-11-19 Thread RajeshD
> > I just want to make a join through this tables with the select_related > to be able to print Image.name, Instrument.name, Channel.name Your query would be something like this: images = Image.objects.select_related() You can use this query set in your templates or in Python: Template examp

prepopulate_from delimiter

2007-11-19 Thread Mogga
is it possible to specify a custom delimeter for the prepopulate_from option for slugfields? ie. underscore instead of hyphen? thanks in advance!! --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group

برماج هكر

2007-11-19 Thread مدمن الكمبيوتر
السلام عليكم روحمة الله بركاته انا بصراحه مسرو انبدي معي مجموعه مثل هذي بس انا ابغى طلب؟؟!!! وهو... برمج هكر او وحد يعلمني على الهكر ومن ضمن البرمج التي اويد ان اتعلمها:- أ-الفوتشوب ب_الفجيو بليسك. ودمتم --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this mess

Problem with date based list_filter in django admin

2007-11-19 Thread John
I'm having a problem with the query string link generated in the filter sidebar of the django admin. The problem only happens when there are multiple query parameters like month and year. Here is a snippet from the html source By Date Made Any date Today Past 7 days

Re: prepopulate_from delimiter

2007-11-19 Thread RajeshD
> is it possible to specify a custom delimeter for the prepopulate_from > option for slugfields? ie. underscore instead of hyphen? > thanks in advance!! The delimiter is part of a hardcoded regular expression used by the "slugifier" Javascript. So, it's not customizable short of providing your ow

Re: validating fields with newforms

2007-11-19 Thread Milan Andric
On Nov 19, 12:30 pm, Milan Andric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Nov 19, 12:16 pm, Milan Andric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > On Nov 19, 12:13 pm, RajeshD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > I would like to validate a field if another field is defined. So i > > > > have two fields (state and

Re: Problem with date based list_filter in django admin

2007-11-19 Thread RajeshD
> Does this have something to do with the autoescape revisions that were > just put out? I'm working off of the latest revision if that's of any > help. Thanks. It's likely. If you've the time, perhaps revert to a revision just prior to when the autoescape changes were committed and report bac

Re: ANN: Reusable apps for Django - django-reusableapps 0.1

2007-11-19 Thread Etienne Robillard
On Nov 19, 2007 8:59 AM, Jannis Leidel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Hi users, > > django-reusableapps [1] is yet another approach on enabling Django to > load reusable, pluggable, egg-based applications without changing the > Django sourcecode. Think of plugins or components, e.g. django- > regi

Re: URL/Request Question

2007-11-19 Thread bfrederi
We figured it out by looking in the mod_python handler and the mod_python docs. What we were looking for was in request._req actually (through the mod_python handler), so thanks for that tip. It was the request._req.unparsed_uri attribute. It gives you the unadulterated originally requested url. J


2007-11-19 Thread Marcin Kaszynski
Hi, this is just a quick note that after a couple of months of hiatus the Django-Multilingual library went from 'unmaintained' to 'maintained as time permits', which will hopefully be okay for most uses. I received several offers of help, which is incredibly cool and already resulted in much bet

Re: Problem with date based list_filter in django admin

2007-11-19 Thread John
Yep, I reverted to revision 6669 (one before the autoescape update) and the problem went away. When I re-updated to the current revision the problem appeared again. Maybe I'll file a bug report On Nov 19, 3:02 pm, RajeshD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Does this have something to do with the au

Re: postgresql problem with django api (iregex)

2007-11-19 Thread cesco
Sorry for the imprecise description of the problem. After some filtering statements (which I don't show here) I derive a qs containing about 1000 objects. With the following statement I try to filter the query further new_qs = qs.filter(models.Q(myField__iregex="\\b%s\\b" % myString) and new_qs c

Re: URL/Request Question

2007-11-19 Thread Graham Dumpleton
On Nov 20, 8:09 am, bfrederi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > We figured it out by looking in themod_pythonhandler and themod_pythondocs. > What we were looking for was in request._req actually > (through themod_pythonhandler), so thanks for that tip. It was the > request._req.unparsed_uri attribute.

Re: URL/Request Question

2007-11-19 Thread bfrederi
Gotcha, didn't know that. Our issue was that we were using the django development server, and not able to get the trailing ?, but that's no longer a problem. Especially since we decided to use mod_python for all servers now, including dev servers. It just makes sense, and I should've done it soon

Re: Problem with date based list_filter in django admin

2007-11-19 Thread John
This is the exact problem i'm having http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/5983 On Nov 19, 3:40 pm, John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Yep, I reverted to revision 6669 (one before the autoescape update) > and the problem went away. When I re-updated to the current revision > the problem appeared a

Re: queryset-refactor branch merge

2007-11-19 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick
On Mon, 2007-11-19 at 08:50 -0800, MichaelMartinides wrote: > Hi James, > > I entirely understand your point. > > But for users as me, it makes a difference to know if a feature is in > very far distant or rather near future... > > I tried the branch it worked in command mode line as expected

Custom ManyToManyField widget in admin

2007-11-19 Thread Julien
Hi all, I'm a Django newbie, and I've been struggling on this for days. I've also found posts on this group about similar subjects but none that could directly help me... Here are the models I've got: class Country(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50) def __unicode__(se

Re: Custom ManyToManyField widget in admin

2007-11-19 Thread Julien
Sorry, my "drawing" came out a bit funny in my previous post. Here's what I'd like the custom widget to look like: England [ ] London [ ] Manchester France [ ] Paris Russia [ ] Moscow USA [ ] Los Angeles [ ] New York Thanks for your help! On Nov 20, 10:51 am, Julien <

Re: postgresql problem with django api (iregex)

2007-11-19 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick
On Mon, 2007-11-19 at 13:59 -0800, cesco wrote: > Sorry for the imprecise description of the problem. > > After some filtering statements (which I don't show here) I derive a > qs containing about 1000 objects. > With the following statement I try to filter the query further > new_qs = qs.filter

Re: Django-multilingual

2007-11-19 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves
On 20-Nov-07, at 3:03 AM, Marcin Kaszynski wrote: > this is just a quick note that after a couple of months of hiatus the > Django-Multilingual library went from 'unmaintained' to 'maintained as > time permits', which will hopefully be okay for most uses. from the 'introduction' page, the links

Re: UnicodeError in admin in latest django

2007-11-19 Thread Sengtha
On Nov 15, 7:57 am, Piru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi all, > it's my first post here;) > I have same issue - > > ... > > UnicodeEncodeError > 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u017c' in position 4: ordinal > not in range(128) > > Exception Type: UnicodeEncodeError > Exception Va

Re: validating fields with newforms

2007-11-19 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves
On 20-Nov-07, at 2:15 AM, Milan Andric wrote: > self._errors['biz_zip_intl'] = [ > u'Please define a US State or > International Zipcode.' > ] may be better to put: raise forms.ValidationError('error message') -- regards kg http://lawgon.l

TinyMCE Popup Problem

2007-11-19 Thread Matt
Hello all, I am using the TinyMCE wysiwyg editor for all textareas in the admin side of my Django website. I was able to get the editor to appear in all of the textareas but I still have a big problemall buttons that use a popup (insert/edit link, add image, edit HTML source, ...) do not work

Re: prepopulate_from delimiter

2007-11-19 Thread Mogga
great article... very interesting and answered some old questions... not using it for URLS... i'm developing some file system mgmt tools for software packages that don't like hyphens. i'll have to hack the slugifier or create my own js... On Nov 19, 3:43 pm, RajeshD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >