Hi James,

I entirely understand your point.

But for users as me, it makes a difference to know if a feature is in
very far distant or rather near future...

I tried the branch it worked in command mode line as expected but gave
an error when I tried it in the browser, so I simply asked.


On Nov 19, 4:54 pm, "James Bennett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 11/19/07, MichaelMartinides <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Could anyone give me a hint when the queryset-refactor branch might be
> > merged into the trunk?
> When it's done.
> I don't mean to speak on Malcolm's behalf here, but the frequency with
> which "when will X merge into trunk" is asked warrants the occasional
> reminder that Django does not have timelines or time-based scheduling
> of features; because this is a volunteer project, it's impossible to
> predict when a developer will have enough uninterrupted time to finish
> a major feature, let alone predict how much time will be needed
> (estimation being something of a black art).
> This means that the only useful answer to the question is "it will
> merge when it's done". In the meantime, you're free to use a checkout
> of the branch if you need features it makes available.
> --
> "Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."
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