On 03/08/2006, at 10:42 PM, Andrew Durdin wrote: the code in the paper is released intothe public domain, so there's nothing stopping any interested personfrom taking it and developing it into something more suited for generalsearching.AndrewThis isn't directed at you, or your paper Andrew.I kno
Don Arbow wrote:
> list_1 = Shows.objects.filter(upcoming=True)
> list_2 = Shows.objects.filter(past=True)
> return render_to_response('template.html'
> {'upcoming_shows':list_1, 'past_shows':list_2})
> Don
Thanks for the clean, clear example! It helped me see a way out in a
Hello everyone, i am creating a django powered blog.
Here is my simplified model
class Entry(models.Model):
tags = models.ManyToManyField(Tag)
def save(self):
super(Entry, self).save()
print self.tags.all()
class Tag(models.Model):
Thuriam Software Services
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quality of your software solutions and compress software developm
answer is there
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On 8/4/06, Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think your best bet is to override the save() method of your model.
> This worked perfectly. It didn't even occur to me that I could do that.
> Thanks so much for the suggestion.
Just be careful, because the save() will be called if you update
Thanks for the code. I can't wait to dive into it.
On Aug 4, 2006, at 12:12 AM, Istvan Albert wrote:
> Hello All,
> For those interested here is an AJAX based demo application using
> django, developed with two different javascript libraries: Prototype
> and with MochiKit
we´d really appreciate some help with this problem:
1. we´re having several sites sharing basic userdata (first name,
last name, username ...) - so every user can login to all of the
sites using the same login/password.
2. every site has a specific userprofile (e.g. newsletter for that
Adrian Holovaty wrote:
> On 8/3/06, bernie2004 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > File "... /django/views/debug.py", line 18, in
> > get_template_exception_info
> > origin, (start, end) = exc_value.source
> >
> > ValueError: too many values to unpack
> Hmmm...I've never used Kid with Django, b
>From what you said about sqlite3 not working - I took the plunge into
PostgreSQL. And it is working now. No media. But, I'll figure that
out. Thanks for the tips on curl and sqlite3.
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Can admin edit_inline a many2many relation to the same table via an
intermediary? How?
party <- relation -> party,
editing party & using edit_inlne for relation, django 0.95 admin
Using this abridged model:
from django.db import models
class Par
Hi all,
I like the idea of a "Change password" view.
It doesn't feel like changing the password by mistake.
But wouldn't hurt to use the "not-empty" approach, what matters is to
have this feature.
You received this message
Hey everyone,
I've seen references and questions in previous posts about how to spawn
a process to do some hefty processing. I had that need (processing of
1.6 million records at a time).
I created this code with help from other places on the net and it seems
to work pretty well. I'm putting it
On 8/3/06, Bryan Chow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This renders properly in Internet Explorer 6, mostly. You might also
> place a or equivalent just before the
> footer to be doubly sure that it doesn't get mixed up with the floating
> blocks. Hope this helps!
Cool, thanks a lot!
So what p
On 04-Aug-06, at 6:40 PM, Jay Parlar wrote:
> So what part exactly was wrong with my original design that IE didn't
> like? Was it that I only floated the sidebar, and not the main content
> area? Does IE always reject that kind of design?
this is becoming really OT - there are realms of lite
> Hi Gabriel.
> All the clients are windows machines and I don't know how to set the
> equivalent of /etc/hosts in a Windows box.
Just search for a file named "hosts". On my XP box it is located at
On 8/4/06, Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 04-Aug-06, at 6:40 PM, Jay Parlar wrote:
> >
> > So what part exactly was wrong with my original design that IE didn't
> > like? Was it that I only floated the sidebar, and not the main content
> > area? Does IE always reject that
That is awesome. Thanks for putting this together.-dOn 8/3/06, Istvan Albert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:Hello All,For those interested here is an AJAX based demo application using
django, developed with two different _javascript_ libraries: Prototypeand with MochiKithttp://www.personal.psu.edu/iua1
Is there an easy way to create filds on the admin side that don't have
database columns behind them? I am thinking of something whose value
will drive some functionality in the save() method in the model, but
does not need to be saved.
If this does not exist, how about the following feature
Here is my setup
from django.core import serializers
def subfocus(request):
data = serializers.serialize("xml", SubFocus.objects.all())
return HttpResponse(data, mimetype="text/javascript")
(r'^tick/ajax/subfocus', 'kate.tick.ajax_views.subfocus'),
Rob Hudson wrote:
> I've seen some screencasts of various web frameworks (rails,
> turbogears) where the user has a nice interface to a mysql admin tool
> for creating tables, running queries, etc on a Mac. I can't find a
> reference anywhere to what this might be. I downloaded and tried MySQL
I've seen some screencasts of various web frameworks (rails,
turbogears) where the user has a nice interface to a mysql admin tool
for creating tables, running queries, etc on a Mac. I can't find a
reference anywhere to what this might be. I downloaded and tried MySQL
Workbench but it was very s
I just realized that I am also getting an error in my console:
DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe2' in file
/Users/sethbuntin/django_projects/kate/tick/ajax_views.py on line 6,
but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.
On Aug 4, 2006, at 9:44 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Rob Hudson wrote:
>> I've seen some screencasts of various web frameworks (rails,
>> turbogears) where the user has a nice interface to a mysql admin tool
>> for creating tables, running queries, etc on a Mac. I can't find a
>> reference a
Rob Hudson wrote:
> I've seen some screencasts of various web frameworks (rails,
> turbogears) where the user has a nice interface to a mysql admin tool
> for creating tables, running queries, etc on a Mac. I can't find a
> reference anywhere to what this might be. I downloaded and tried MySQL
Thanks for the tip. I've added conditions to ensure this is intended
behavior, based on your suggestion of checking self.id.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To post to this grou
So I've got my permissions set up and my views are working and
everything is great.
Now I'm trying to make it so that within a view, if the user is logged
in, the user can see Orders (a model) they've created, but not see
orders they haven't created. As such, my view is this:
On Aug 4, 2006, at 12:05 PM, Seth Buntin wrote:
> DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe2' in file
> /Users/sethbuntin/django_projects/kate/tick/ajax_views.py on line 6,
> but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html
> for details
> return getattr(__import__(mod_n
On Aug 4, 2006, at 12:20 PM, Dave wrote:
> Now, I know I'm probably not making proper use of the User object, so
> any suggestions in that regard would be helpful, as well as tied to
> the
> main problem I'm having.
Yeah, what you want is ``request.user`` -- that's the user who's
loading the
I believe it was a little custom script that generated a schema model in OmniGraffle from the ruby code. Not 100% sure, but I recall seeing one of the local ruby guys using it.I think this is what you're talking about:
http://graffletopia.com/stencils/56-joeOn 8/4/06, John Melesky <
On Aug 4, 2006, at 11:40 AM, Rob Hudson wrote:
> I've seen some screencasts of various web frameworks (rails,
> turbogears) where the user has a nice interface to a mysql admin tool
> for creating tables, running queries, etc on a Mac. I can't find a
> reference anywhere to what this might be. I
Thanks Jacob.
I copied that text off of a webpage and the quotes messed me up. I
guess I should have realized that when TextMate didn't color them
Jacob Kaplan-Moss wrote:
> On Aug 4, 2006, at 12:05 PM, Seth Buntin wrote:
> > DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe2' in f
On 8/4/06, Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How can I set up the User permissions such that the logged in User can
> only access Orders they've created?
This feature is not yet available, although it is being worked on [1].
As a workaround, I believe it has generally been suggested th
I have a model with a FileField.
When using the MyModel.AddManipulator() in the view, everything works
as expected.
But I need a custom manipulator. I've already made some custom
manipulators that works pretty well, so I'm sure I'm not too wrong
here. The one that don"t works is the one t
A little more info this morning...
Bob Ippolito posted a followup with some guidance. It makes it much
simpler but I'm still seeing the same errors. Here's the latest
#!/usr/bin/env python
from setuptools import setup
On 4 Aug 2006, at 19:35, Joseph Heck wrote:
> I believe it was a little custom script that generated a schema
> model in OmniGraffle from the ruby code. Not 100% sure, but I
> recall seeing one of the local ruby guys using it.
It’s probably off-topic and orthogonal to the MySQL modeling tool
So, is there a way to not have to repeat the fields (from the example)
"username" and "password" in the customer model? I wanted to achive
something similar to this, but I don't want to duplicate the fields
(look at my related question in
On 4 Aug 2006, at 19:35, Joseph Heck wrote:
> I believe it was a little custom script that generated a schema
> model in OmniGraffle from the ruby code. Not 100% sure, but I
> recall seeing one of the local ruby guys using it.
Back in April I posted here:
Subject: pictorial representation
Hi All,
I'm getting this error message (in my apache error log) when I try to
use fastcgi:
(13)Permission denied: FastCGI: failed to connect to server "/Library/
WebServer/Documents/django.fcgi": connect() failed
I am using apache 1.3. I've got the latest flup installed. I am
using the b
I use YourSQL - http://yoursql.ludit.it/On 8/4/06, Rob Hudson <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:I've seen some screencasts of various web frameworks (rails,
turbogears) where the user has a nice interface to a mysql admin toolfor creating tables, running queries, etc on a Mac. I can't find areference any
On 05/08/2006, at 3:07 AM, John Melesky wrote: If you could point to the specific screencasts, that would makeidentifying the tool easier.At a guess, though, CocoaMySQL is a likely candidate. Even if it's notwhat they're using, it's useful for the things you list:http://cocoamysql.sourceforge.net/C
i have a problem with a certain web-application, and wonder if someone
has an idea how to solve it the best way
imagine the following situation..
class Role(Model):
title = CharField(maxlength=100)
class User(Model):
name = CharField(maxlength=100)
roles = Man
For those interested, I've worked up a VMWare image. It's 1.2Gb (zipped), and I'm SLOWLY transfering it around so that we can get it hosted via BitTorrent with Jacob's assistance.In the meantime if you are really, really anxious to get rolling with it... I posted up the recipe for how I created the
On 8/4/06, Joseph Heck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> a django development image for VMWare.
That's a slightly broken link.
On 8/4/06, Joseph Heck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For those interested, I've worked up a VMWare image. It's 1.2Gb (zipped),
> and I'm SLOWLY transfering it around so that we can get it hosted via
> BitTorrent with Jacob's assistance.
> In the meantime if you are really, really anxious to get r
On Aug 4, 2006, at 4:56 AM, bernie2004 wrote:
> BTW, by default TEMPLATE_DEBUG is set to DEBUG and not to False like
> specified at
> http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/settings/#template-debug
In django/conf/global_settings.py it is set to False. In your
project's settings file (whic
Cool - I'll give it a go right now and check...-joeOn 8/4/06, Jay Parlar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 8/4/06, Joseph Heck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:> For those interested, I've worked up a VMWare image. It's 1.2Gb (zipped),> and I'm SLOWLY transfering it around so that we can get it hosted via> B
Thanks Waylan, I will try it.
Waylan Limberg wrote:
> >
> > Hi Gabriel.
> >
> > All the clients are windows machines and I don't know how to set the
> > equivalent of /etc/hosts in a Windows box.
> >
> Just search for a file named "h
U really interesting. I will give this a try.
Thanks Jeremy. It's a pleasure find people as all of you ;)
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Ah - brilliant. (Thanks for the "Shrink" tip - I looked around and couldn't find anywhere to invoke it up). That's got it down to just at 1Gb.-joeOn 8/4/06,
Joseph Heck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Cool - I'll give it a go right now and check...-joeOn 8/4/06, Jay Parlar <
I had problems with file uploading time ago and I found this post
It helped me so much. And I wonder it could help you.
Notice the atributes of t
On 8/4/06, gabor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> as i said, this seems to be a common situation. how do you approach this
> problem?
Wouldn't select_related() save you the 100 queries?
users = User.objects.select_related().all()
As an alternative to cocoamysql, MySQL provides its admin tools like
MySQL Workbench, MySQL Administrator (this is very nice) for OS X here:
(free as in beer)
As for the Django Model -> dot converter, that sound fun. I'll give it
a go when I get
Hello everyone,
I have an initial, rather crude implementation of the Django model ->
DOT (the Graphviz file format) converter.
Some generated .dot files:
The resulting Graphviz image:
On Fri, 2006-08-04 at 14:45 -0500, Tamara D. Snyder wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm getting this error message (in my apache error log) when I try to
> use fastcgi:
> (13)Permission denied: FastCGI: failed to connect to server "/Library/
> WebServer/Documents/django.fcgi": connect() failed
> I
On Sat, 2006-08-05 at 02:17 +0200, Antonio Cavedoni wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I have an initial, rather crude implementation of the Django model ->
> DOT (the Graphviz file format) converter.
> Some generated .dot files:
> http://cavedoni.com/2006/08/camera.dot
> http://cavedoni
On 8/5/06, Antonio Cavedoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
Hello everyone,I have an initial, rather crude implementation of the Django model ->DOT (the Graphviz file format) converter.Hi AntonioNifty! If I may make some comments (and this is intended as constructive criticism, not an attempt to belitt
On 8/4/06, Antonio Cavedoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have an initial, rather crude implementation of the Django model ->
> DOT (the Graphviz file format) converter.
On Aug 4, 2006, at 7:25 PM, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-08-04 at 14:45 -0500, Tamara D. Snyder wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm getting this error message (in my apache error log) when I try to
>> use fastcgi:
>> (13)Permission denied: FastCGI: failed to connect to server "/
>> Lib
Very nice! Curious to see where this is heading... django.contrib.viz??
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Can not find document in django site about how to upload file ? Any tips ?
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"Django users" group.
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To u
On 8/5/06, Zheng JinYuan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can not find document in django site about how to upload file ? Any tips ?
Please django FAQ document.
I like python!
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when using a generic views object_list,
i would like to know if there is a faster way to get all
the extra variables inside a custom template tag:
{% navigation pages page has_previous has_next %}
def navigation( pages, page, has_previous, has_next ):
... create som
On Fri, 2006-08-04 at 21:50 -0700, bernie2004 wrote:
> when using a generic views object_list,
> i would like to know if there is a faster way to get all
> the extra variables inside a custom template tag:
> {% navigation pages page has_previous has_next %}
> and
> @register.simple_tag
Running Django's dev server on mysql 4.1.20 and trying to make use of
the get_for_model method from the ContentTypes package to get the
content type of a model (using the examples laid out in the
GenericForeignKey documentation
I have a model of stock holdings(id, symbol) and a model of stock
prices(id, symbol, price, date)
How would I go about filtering for just the latest prices for all the
Your help is appreciated.
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As suggested, you could enforce this at the view level. I would add that
you could even wrap a generic view. For example, here some code wrapping
the object_list generic and filtering the queryset by user ID:
def time_by_user_list(request,
This might help:
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