Hi all,
I just noticed that fields validation occurs at several places, in a
incoherent fashion: in the admin application, and in newforms/fields.py.
For instance, a PhoneNumberField has to be XXX-XXX- in the admin,
while it is handled as an IntegerField in newforms (thus validation fails
After that, I'm truly lost, and I get no idea of what could be wrong. Did
anyone has any idea why the hasattr function could return different values
according to the server used?
Kilian CAVALOTTI Administ
s), but it's not shown on the main admin
page. Any idea why?
Kilian CAVALOTTI Administrateur réseaux et systèmes
UPMC / CNRS - LIP6 (C870)
8, rue du Capitaine Scott Tel. : 01 44 27 88 54
75015 Paris - France Fax.
verbose_name= "Foo Object"
verbose_name_plural = "Foo Objects"
See <http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/model_api/#meta-options>
Kilian CAVALOTTI Administrateur réseaux et systèmes
UPMC / CNRS - LIP6 (C870)
On Thursday 13 July 2006 01:33, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> On 7/12/06, Kilian CAVALOTTI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No. Q objects do not support custom SQL - they are just wrappers that can
> be used to wrap groups of keyword search parameters (e.g.,
> article__name__conta
Hi all,
I'd like to know if Q objects support custom SQL queries, as used in extra()
Kilian CAVALOTTI Administrateur réseaux et systèmes
UPMC / CNRS - LIP6 (C870)
8, rue du Capitaine Scott Tel. : 01 44 27 88 54
75015 Paris - F
7;size'] == None and all_data['weight'] == None:
raise validators.ValidationError("You should provide weight and size
values to set checked_logistics.")
foo = models.CharField(maxlength = 63, unique = True,
t don't you think it would be useful to give the user a mean
of treating all kinds of input fields the same way? Do you realy
think that a 'empty_asnull=True' option for CharFields would be
Whatever, thanks a lot for taking time answering my questions.
Best regards,
rth to add an 'empty_asnull'
option in the CharField class. What do you think?
My 0.02¤. :)
Kilian CAVALOTTI Administrateur réseaux et systèmes
UPMC / CNRS - LIP6 (C870)
8, rue du Capitaine Scott Tel. : 01 44 27 88 54
75015 Paris - Franc
the bogus answer earlier. I am going to try and be
> more careful in future. That was just dumb.
Don't mind, really. I already sincerely appreciate you took time to look after
this. Thanks a lot.
Kilian CAVALOTTI Administrateur réseaux et systèmes
d null=False, empty admin fields should indeed be stored as
empty strings (or whatever the db field was defined to). And I can't find any
example where the (blank=False and null=True) case could be used.
Perhaps there are other situations I didn't think of where
Actually, with SQLite at least, it seems that multiple NULL values are
considered non unique.
Is there a way to achieve this, other than using a custom validator?
Kilian CAVALOTTI Administrateur réseaux et systèmes
UPMC / CNRS - LIP6 (C870)
8, rue du Capi
ters in the admin interface (ie. Reporters who still do not
have written any article, they lazy guys).
Kilian CAVALOTTI Administrateur réseaux et systèmes
UPMC / CNRS - LIP6 (C870)
8, rue du Capitaine Scott Tel. : 01 4
interface, but before
digging into it, I'd like to know if some people have the same requirements,
and as it seem to be a quite generic need, if somebody has a solution. If
not, has there been some reflexion about that kind of feature?
es me laugh... :)
+1, 'we indented jazz' is really great. :)
To add some to the list:
"django: jazz your web"
"django: because style matters"
"ror is a grunt. jazz is music" (fairplay, what's that? :))
"django plays music of the web"
My $0.02
nging (like class
attribute), and I currently have to duplicate these redundant blocks. Which
seems quite frustrating for a DRY framework. :)
Thanks in advance,
Kilian CAVALOTTI Administrateur réseaux et systèmes
UPMC / CNRS - LIP6 (C870)
8, rue du Capitaine Sco
to the same
> database at the same time. "
Indeed. I just wanted to use SQLite to avoid the MySQL
installation/setup/upgrade cycle, but if I can't find a way to configure my
NFS mounts to allow better locking, I'd switch to MySQL.
Thanks a lot,
mits, or something else, to avoid this?
Thanks in advance,
Kilian CAVALOTTI Administrateur réseaux et systèmes
UPMC / CNRS - LIP6 (C870)
8, rue du Capitaine Scott Tel. : 01 44 27 88 54
75015 Paris - France Fax. : 01 44 27
kill the python process corresponding to your previous
'runserver' command. Depending on your OS, you should use ps or the Task
to identify the right process.
On linux,
netstat -anp --tcp | grep 8000
should give you the culprit.
in the framework, since models
already have many different types of properties, each with its own kind of
limitation. So I would found natural to validate properties values when you
do save() rather than only implement them in a specific application.
Don't misinterpret me here, it'
On Thursday 04 May 2006 18:29, Clint Ecker wrote:
> Check these threads out. The short answer is, "it's coming." :)
Hey, great to know!
Having recently dived into django, I was not aware of these discussions.
Thanks for having pointed them out to me.
It's the same with a PositiveInteger(), which allow to save negative values
(not from the admin interface, only when manipulating python objects).
All this seems to show that fields type and contents validation does not occur
at object creation, but only in the admin interface. Is this a wan
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