On Saturday 08 July 2006 02:52, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> You cannot store NULL values via the admin interface. The reason for
> this is that a web interface is poorly designed as far as being able to
> differentiate between an empty string and a NULL. If the field is blank,
> which one did you mean? Empty or NULL? 

Well, if the field is blank and if I said that I'd like to store NULL values 
in the model definition, I guess I want to store NULL in the database, not 
empty strings. If that's not the case, I'm probably good for the pshrink. :)

Anyway, I still can override the default save() method with something like 

def save(self):
    if self.bar == '':
        self.bar = None
    super(Foo, self).save()

> So Django always makes it an 
> empty string for character-based fields.

I still think that for CharFields with null=True, the admin interface should 
store values as NULL. If I prefer to store them as empty strings, I just have 
to say blank=True, leave null=False, and that would do it.
To handle cases where mixed NULL and empty strings would have to be stored in 
the same db column, I think that it could be worth to add an 'empty_asnull' 
option in the CharField class. What do you think?

My 0.02¤. :)
Kilian CAVALOTTI                      Administrateur réseaux et systèmes
UPMC / CNRS - LIP6 (C870)
8, rue du Capitaine Scott                          Tel. : 01 44 27 88 54
75015 Paris - France                               Fax. : 01 44 27 70 00

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