Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
>> Well, if the field is blank and if I said that I'd like to store
>> NULL values in the model definition, I guess I want to store NULL in
>> the database, not empty strings. If that's not the case, I'm
>> probably good for the pshrink. :)
> No; in general (in databases), if you say the field can accept NULLs
> then that means you want to be able to store undefined (NULL) values
> in there as well as all other values (including empty strings). It
> does not say you want empty to strings to be automatically converted
> to NULLs. Django follows a similar pattern.
> It just happens that in your particular use case, you are
> willing/wanting to equate empty strings with NULLs via the web input
> interface. We cannot make that assumption in general, so the
> framework makes a consistent, documented choice.

 Ok, that makes sense: the framework mimics the database behavior. But
speaking about consistency, I feel a bit odd that integer or boolean
values are treated differently than string values. It seems that
CharField is a sort of exception here. I perfectly understand the
point, but don't you think it would be useful to give the user a mean
of treating all kinds of input fields the same way? Do you realy
think that a 'empty_asnull=True' option for CharFields would be

 Whatever, thanks a lot for taking time answering my questions.

 Best regards,
Kilian CAVALOTTI                      Administrateur réseaux et systèmes
Université P&M Curie - LIP6 (C870)
8, rue du Capitaine Scott                          Tel. : 01 44 27 88 54
75015 Paris - FRANCE                               Fax. : 01 44 27 70 00 

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