[Dhis2-devs] Mobile client draft

2010-09-30 Thread Asangansi
Hello, I created a draft manual for the Mobile Client app for the IDSR weekly reporting app by Saptarshi for Tanzania. Here is the link for the google doc. Like to get feedback. https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1L0WUq1vsHGKXS8aVSNicArWkc0qVkL7Qi6aqkKa_99k The codes is available at https://

[Dhis2-devs] DHIS 1.4 Import

2010-11-05 Thread Asangansi
Hi All, DHIS 1.4 datafile import fails. * ERROR 10:28:22,152 Internal process failed DHIS14 import failed at org.hisp.dhis.importexport.dhis14.file.importer.DefaultDhis14FileImportService.importData(DefaultDhis14FileImportService.java:322) at org.hisp.dhis.importexport.ImportInternalProces

Re: [Dhis2-devs] DHIS 1.4 Import

2010-11-05 Thread Asangansi
what happens... > > However, there are any number of other data integrity issues that may > be causing this. > > Regards, > Jason > > > On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 3:04 PM, Asangansi > wrote: > > Hi All, DHIS 1.4 datafile import fails. > > > &g

Re: [Dhis2-devs] DHIS 1.4 Import

2010-11-05 Thread Asangansi
t; I did this after DHIS had started up and populated periodtype table. > > Regards, > Jason > > > On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 3:43 PM, Asangansi > wrote: > > Hi Jason, > > I cant seem to get the full log for now. I did it on another PC. > > Will like t

[Dhis2-devs] Deplyment failed

2010-11-10 Thread Asangansi
Hi, this time the dhis.war deployment in tomcat failed. And this is the log. Nov 10, 2010 4:31:53 PM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init INFO: The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performance in production environments was not found on the java.library.

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Deplyment failed

2010-11-11 Thread Asangansi
Thread.run(Thread.java:619) Thanks. Ini __ skype: asangansi.ini +47 48295638 On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 4:46 PM, Asangansi wrote: > Hi, this time the dhis.war deployment in tomcat failed. > And this is the log. > > > > Nov 10, 2010 4:31:53 PM org.apache.cat

[Dhis2-devs] CSV-JSON

2017-01-05 Thread Ime Asangansi
anticipation. Ime Abuja -- photo <http://twitter.com/imeasangansi> <http://ng.linkedin.com/company/ehealth4everyone> <http://twitter.com/ehealth4every1> Ime Asangansi MD, PhD (Informatics) Chief Excellence Officer, ehealth4everyone Abuja, Nigeria +2348180

Re: [Dhis2-devs] CSV-JSON

2017-01-06 Thread Ime Asangansi
ine: https://play.dhis2.org/demo/api/analytics.csv?dimension=dx:fbfJHSPpUQD&dimension=pe:2016&dimension=ou:O6uvpzGd5pu;lc3eMKXaEfw <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/api/analytics.csv?dimension=dx:fbfJHSPpUQD&dimension=pe:2016&dimension=ou:O6uvpzGd5pu;lc3eMKXaEfw&g

Re: [Dhis2-devs] CSV-JSON

2017-01-07 Thread Ime Asangansi
<mailto:knu...@gmail.com>> wrote: Not sure...I think you could report it as a Jira issue. On Jan 6, 2017 2:43 PM, "Ime Asangansi" mailto:imeasanga...@gmail.com>> wrote: Thanks so much, Knut! Really appreciate your very quick reply! Your examples wor

Re: [Dhis2-devs] CSV-JSON

2017-01-07 Thread Ime Asangansi
Sure, will be super useful. I'll do and post here. Thanks Ime Abuja On 1/7/2017 3:07 PM, Lars Helge Øverland wrote: CSV would be useful though, feel free to open a Jira improvement issue <https://jira.dhis2.org>. On Sat, Jan 7, 2017 at 2:36 PM, Ime Asangansi <mailto:imeasang

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Determining DHIS2 version in use from database instance

2017-01-12 Thread Ime Asangansi
brary (liquibase.org) to track their db schema - not sure if its appropriate, but just thought to mention. Hope it helps Ime Abuja photo <http://twitter.com/imeasangansi> <http://ng.linkedin.com/company/ehealth4everyone> <http://twitter.com/ehealth4every1> Ime Asangansi MD,

[Dhis2-devs] Free DHIS2 Training for Nigeria-based NGOs - Abuja, Feb 22, 2017

2017-02-09 Thread Ime Asangansi
0 persons. Apply soon, as spaces are limited. Apply at http://ehealth4everyone.com/dhis2-training/ Share with your colleagues working at NGOs in Nigeria. Best regards, Ime Asangansi MD, PhD (Informatics) CEO, eHealth for Everyone Foundation -- photo <http://twitter.com/imeasang

[Dhis2-devs] ProgramInstance + wish we had more code comments

2017-03-15 Thread Ime Asangansi
Hi Devs, Please can anyone kindly clarify what a ProgramInstance is? I see that it is different from instances of Program or TEI which are quite well described. I've missed where ProgramInstance is described in the manual. For example, a new test database we've been using has 333 ProgramInsta

[Dhis2-devs] Fwd: Advanced DHIS2 Training Academy (Level 1) in Abuja, Nigeria by ehealth4everyone - March 28-30, 2017

2017-03-16 Thread Ime Asangansi
Advanced DHIS2 Training Announcing our upcoming DHIS2 training View this email in your browser Announcing our upcoming advanced level 1 DHIS2 training academy Hi, We are pleased to inform you of

[Dhis2-devs] Web api for CSV data import for Tracker

2017-05-24 Thread Ime Asangansi
Good day everyone, We are looking to import historical beneficiary data into DHIS2programmatically. So, we have a quick question regarding the Web api for CSV data import for Tracker. I couldn't find this, probably missed it. Please can someone very kindly point to where the I can find releva

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Web api for CSV data import for Tracker

2017-05-24 Thread Ime Asangansi
CSV IMPORT/export is not yet implemented. rgds David 2017-05-24 14:07 GMT+03:00 Ime Asangansi <mailto:imeasanga...@gmail.com>>: Good day everyone, We are looking to import historical beneficiary data into DHIS2programmatically. So, we have a quick question regarding the W

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Web api for CSV data import for Tracker

2017-05-24 Thread Ime Asangansi
By the way, do you know if this is in the road-map? Any indication this will come later in the year? Thanks Ime On 5/24/2017 11:18 PM, Ime Asangansi wrote: Thanks so much for your response, David. I've seen this api, and can create beneficiaries. But was actually referring to data -

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Web api for CSV data import for Tracker

2017-05-24 Thread Ime Asangansi
.dhis2.org/master/en/developer/html/webapi_events.html rgds David 2017-05-25 1:18 GMT+03:00 Ime Asangansi <mailto:imeasanga...@gmail.com>>: Thanks so much for your response, David. I've seen this api, and can create beneficiaries. But was actually referring to data -

[Dhis2-devs] calling datavalueservice

2009-06-16 Thread Ime Asangansi
Hi guys, Please can someone kindly show me code that calls the datavalueservice? (Link in launchpad). Particularly interested in any available code (in an external module) that handles the import of datavalues into the database (e.g. from import). Also, any possiblities with adding datavalues t

Re: [Dhis2-devs] DHIS OpenMRS integration

2009-07-27 Thread Ime Asangansi
Hi Murod, Interesting! I think we really need to work on webservices for DHIS...particularly CREATE, UPDATE and DELETE  functionalities. I know Lars has done much of RETRIEVE through the expoze web service. Some of the functionalities we look to build into the mobile project will depend on the

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Linux server setups

2009-08-25 Thread Ime Asangansi
How about putting each war's hibernate.properties into its own web-inf/lib??? any disadvantages to this please? Ime --- On Tue, 8/25/09, Knut Staring wrote: > From: Knut Staring > Subject: [Dhis2-devs] Linux server setups > To: "DHIS 2 developers" , "Jo Størset" > > Cc: "Jørn Braa" > Date:

Re: [Dhis2-devs] [Bug 393393] Re: SMSListener stops message processing after operator flash messages

2009-08-27 Thread Ime Asangansi
Hi Saptarshi, Never seen a flash SMS...the operators dont use that in Nigeria. How does it differ programmatically from a normal SMS? You know how phones differentiate it from normal SMS? Ime --- On Thu, 8/27/09, Saptarshi wrote: > From: Saptarshi > Subject: [Dhis2-devs] [Bug 393393] Re: SMSL

[Dhis2-devs] MEDINFO 2010 - DHIS Demonstration and Tutorials

2009-09-02 Thread Ime Asangansi
Hi all, The MEDINFO deadline (September 30) is fast approaching and the DHIS development and implementer teams shouldn't miss out! Website: www.medinfo2010.org Medinfo 2010 is the premier international health informatics event which brings together world leaders in this field to share knowledge a

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Fwd: [OPENMRS-IMPLEMENTERS] OpenMRS Download Web Analytics

2009-09-19 Thread Ime Asangansi
Nice. But using your camera analogy, you may miss out a number of installations (standalone) whose cameras are not connected to the internet :) Ime --- On Fri, 9/18/09, Saptarshi Purkayastha wrote: For DHIS2 I would rather have a small part in the application that would ping back at our serv

[Dhis2-devs] dhis mobile

2010-01-10 Thread Ime Asangansi
Hi Saptarshi, How are you doing? Please can you point me to the location of the new mobile web module (the one from our last discussion with Murod)? Thanks Cheers, Ime ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~dhis2-devs Post to : dhis2-devs@lists


2016-04-13 Thread Ime Asangansi
Hi devs, In line with this, are there any plans to restore the 'organizational units merge' functionality that was removed in a previous version? Thanks, Ime On 4/13/2016 12:39 PM, Jason Pickering wrote: Hi there. I have added a Postgresql function to delete a site with data here

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Import of Events is extremely slow - any plans to improve it?

2017-06-28 Thread Ime Asangansi
Hi Calle, Thanks for your question. Just curious (I don't have answer). As we are planning to do this soon. Are you doing this through UI or API? If API, which endpoint enables this? Thanks Ime On Jun 28, 2017 19:15, "Calle Hedberg" wrote: > Hi > > I started importing around 700,000 events


2018-03-11 Thread Ime Asangansi
Stanley, You can also have a look at this issue raised by Calle: https://jira.dhis2.org/browse/DHIS2-2461 I think its crucial for what you want. Not sure how the votes help but please add your vote to that issue. Thank you Ime On Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 10:48 AM, Stanley Kalyati wrote: > Thank

[Dhis2-devs] dhis installer

2010-10-04 Thread Ime Asangansi
Hello everyone, I'm about to dabble into making an installer for a project here. I'm a little unclear about these two folders in trunk: dhis2-live-installer and dhis-live. Does one depend on the other? Any docs? Thanks for your quick response. Ime __

Re: [Dhis2-devs] dhis installer

2010-10-04 Thread Ime Asangansi
Jason, Oh, great to hear from you. And thanks for the speed :) Will definitely bounce things off you as needed. Cheers, Ime --- On Mon, 10/4/10, Jason Pickering wrote: From: Jason Pickering Subject: Re: dhis installer To: "Ime Asangansi" Cc: dhis2-devs@lists.launchpad.net Da

[Dhis2-devs] dhis2 security

2010-10-21 Thread Ime Asangansi
Hi devs, Congrats on 2.0.5! I have a question on security. Please how is it implemented? Is it based on spring security? and where are the config files? working on allowing preferential access to a couple of resources...and also for authentication of web service calls. thanks, in anticipation..

Re: [Dhis2-devs] [Dhis2-users] Automating DHIS2

2010-11-11 Thread Ime Asangansi
Hi everyone in the discussion, Thanks for this. Yes, interesting to begin to look at the Data as a Service (DAAS) capabilities of the DHIS. Would be really useful to be able to have different clients handling data off DHIS, esp with this current 'enterprise architecture' craze. But Lars, how do

[Dhis2-devs] dhis-openmrs integration

2010-04-28 Thread Ime Asangansi
Hi Bob and all, Just a quick one, guys. Just wondering where we are on the OpenMRS-DHIS integration. Is work still on? Or is it complete? Is there any place I could see code? Thanks :) Warm regards, Ime --- On Mon, 4/26/10, Bob Jolliffe wrote: > From: Bob Jolliffe > Subject: [Dhis2-devs] Fr

Re: [Dhis2-devs] dhis-openmrs integration

2010-04-28 Thread Ime Asangansi
rt to sdmx? If not, how can you try out your dhis funtionality? Thanks for your answers. Cheers, Ime --- On Wed, 4/28/10, Bob Jolliffe wrote: > From: Bob Jolliffe > Subject: Re: dhis-openmrs integration > To: "Ime Asangansi" > Cc: "Dhis2" > Date: Wedn

Re: [Dhis2-devs] dhis-openmrs integration

2010-04-29 Thread Ime Asangansi
the sdmx-hd standard. > > Regards > Bob > > On 28 April 2010 18:32, Ime Asangansi > wrote: > > Hi Bob, > > > > Thanks for your quick email response. > > Great to hear about the great work you've been doing > and your approach to what has b

Re: [Dhis2-devs] dhis14 import

2010-07-20 Thread Ime Asangansi
Impressive! First time seeing that clean functionality! I see potential there to move data between both systems :) Ime --- On Tue, 7/20/10, Knut Staring wrote: > From: Knut Staring > Subject: Re: [Dhis2-devs] dhis14 import > To: "Bob Jolliffe" > Cc: "dhis2-devs" > Date: Tuesday, July 20, 20

Re: [Dhis2-devs] dhis14 import

2010-07-23 Thread Ime Asangansi
uot;Lars Helge Øverland" > Cc: "Ime Asangansi" , "Knut Staring" , > "dhis2-devs" > Date: Friday, July 23, 2010, 3:53 PM > Alright writing is pretty slow.  > Writing 10million records take two hours. > > But reading is pretty darn quick

[Dhis2-devs] dhis-web-excel-reporting behaving

2010-07-26 Thread Ime Asangansi
Hi good people, Have you guys noticed that dhis-web doesn't build unless you change the packaging of dhis-web-excel-reporting from jar to war? Or was it my environment behaving? Well, I changed it and I moved on... Ime ___ Mailing list: https://launch

Re: [Dhis2-devs] dhis-web-excel-reporting behaving

2010-07-27 Thread Ime Asangansi
g up my SSH so often...unlike in other repos where all you need is your password :)) any alternatives :) thanks Ime --- On Tue, 7/27/10, Jo Størset wrote: > From: Jo Størset > Subject: Re: [Dhis2-devs] dhis-web-excel-reporting behaving > To: "Ime Asangansi" > Cc:

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Alternative names

2011-04-28 Thread Ime Asangansi
Interesting... My experience is that the same data element can be called different things by different installations e.g. in different states or projects - for example, "Malaria cases in children under five" and "Malaria - under five", etc. Sometimes the range of synonyms becomes so large betwee

[Dhis2-devs] dxf2

2011-05-16 Thread Ime Asangansi
Hi devs, I'm helping to migrate user-specified aggregate data from an external j2ee system to dhis2 by transforming their data to dxf since it looks like these transfers would happen very frequently. I'm writing in to check if the new dxf, dxf2?, has taken off. Is there a description? And com

Re: [Dhis2-devs] dxf2

2011-05-17 Thread Ime Asangansi
ffe wrote: From: Bob Jolliffe Subject: Re: [Dhis2-devs] dxf2 To: "Jason Pickering" Cc: "Ime Asangansi" , dhis2-devs@lists.launchpad.net Date: Tuesday, May 17, 2011, 9:35 AM Hi Ime For the moment dxfv1 remains what there is and support for it will remain.  I have had some di

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Multiple DHIS2 instances on Windows

2011-08-18 Thread Ime Asangansi
Thanks for these answers. Please, is there a way one can put the hibernate.properties in the war file itself? This used to workout in 2.0 by just putting into WEB-INF/classes but now it just doesn't work I'm in a PaaS offering where I don't get access to the OS but just tomcat deploy. So, I'm

Re: [Dhis2-devs] dhis2 dxf data import

2011-09-14 Thread Ime Asangansi
Hi Bob, This is super neat, and its a use case that is very useful. I've had to generate all that extra stuff I didnt 'need'. This will also streamline metedata generation because one will only need to generate and pass metadata for only de/ou/period. But I wonder; what's the difference between

Re: [Dhis2-devs] dhis2 dxf data import

2011-09-15 Thread Ime Asangansi
Thanks Bob, the pdf is useful. When you mean codes, you mean the unique id for the record? Secondly, +1 for an internal routine to assign ids Thirdly, please how are you generating the dxf for ihris? Thanks Ime --- On Thu, 9/15/11, Bob Jolliffe wrote: This will also streamline metedata

Re: [Dhis2-devs] dhis2 dxf data import

2011-09-15 Thread Ime Asangansi
Hi Bob, Thanks for this. This will be very useful. what do you think about openmrs generating dxf like ihris? Ime --- On Thu, 9/15/11, Bob Jolliffe wrote: From: Bob Jolliffe Subject: Re: [Dhis2-devs] dhis2 dxf data import To: "Ime Asangansi" Cc: "dhis2-devs" Date: Th

[Dhis2-devs] mobile solutions

2009-03-21 Thread Ime Asangansi
Hi guys, Please, is anyone using mobile solutions with the DHIS? And is this linked with 1.4 and/or 2.0? Is there any url i can get more information about this from? It would be really great to spin some discussions around this, and possibly have some skype calls around this, for everyone int

Re: [Dhis2-devs] mobile solutions

2009-03-23 Thread Ime Asangansi
Hi Yusuph, Thanks for your mail!Interesting. Looking forward to hearing more on the pilot in India. Cheers,Ime --- On Sat, 3/21/09, Yusuph Kassim wrote: From: Yusuph Kassim Subject: Re: [Dhis2-devs] mobile solutions To: "Ime Asangansi" Cc: dhis2-devs@lists.launchpad.net, "

[Dhis2-devs] Rhomobile

2009-03-26 Thread Ime Asangansi
Interesting stuff for folks interested in mobiles!!! See below! A new startup called Rhomobile has come out with a GPL licensed software tool called Rhodes. Rhomobile claims that applications written using the Rhodes development framework for HTML or Ruby can be run natively on iPhone, Blac

[Dhis2-devs] 2.0 to 1.4

2009-05-16 Thread Ime Asangansi
Hi people, Please does anyone have suggestions for getting data from dhis 2.0 into dhis 1.4? Thanks, in anticipation. Cheers, Ime ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~dhis2-devs Post to : dhis2-devs@lists.launchpad.net Unsubscribe : https://

Re: [Dhis2-devs] 2.0 to 1.4

2009-05-17 Thread Ime Asangansi
"Ime Asangansi" Cc: "Dhis2" Date: Sunday, May 17, 2009, 9:32 AM On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 1:12 AM, Ime Asangansi wrote: Hi people, Please does anyone have suggestions for getting data from dhis 2.0 into dhis 1.4? Off the top of my head: 1) If 1.4 can import from IXF, yo

Re: [Dhis2-devs] 2.0 to 1.4

2009-05-18 Thread Ime Asangansi
Hi, I thought of that - import xml plus RoutineData.txt csv - then zip but there's one more the OrgUnitDataElementParameter.txt which is also csv with OrgUnitDataElementParameterID and other IDs. I doubt if one can do without this third file. Well, I don't know now...will try it out. I guess

Re: [Dhis2-devs] 2.0 to 1.4

2009-05-18 Thread Ime Asangansi
Hi, Oh! Good to know that thats all it does!!! Thanks for the contributions, Calle , Knut, Ola, others!!! Best regards, Ime --- On Mon, 5/18/09, Calle Hedberg wrote: > From: Calle Hedberg > Subject: Re: [Dhis2-devs] 2.0 to 1.4 > To: "Ime Asangansi" > Cc: "

[Dhis2-devs] what do you guys think of a duplicate function

2012-04-25 Thread Ime Asangansi
Hi, Just a thought about making creating data elements, indicators, categories, etc faster. Would it be cool to have a new 'create xxx' form that is auto-filled when we hit duplicate on an existing element/orgunit/category etc Just for convenience, especially when one wants to create a hundred

Re: [Dhis2-devs] what do you guys think of a duplicate function

2012-04-26 Thread Ime Asangansi
t: Re: [Dhis2-devs] what do you guys think of a duplicate function To: "Ime Asangansi" Cc: dhis2-devs@lists.launchpad.net Date: Thursday, April 26, 2012, 10:37 AM Hi Ime, I think it is a useful function (even though it might not be used frequently). Ola has submitted this blue print o

Re: [Dhis2-devs] [dhis-mobile] DHISMobile 2.8 release

2012-05-10 Thread Ime Asangansi
Thanks for this, Long.Does this correspond to the Facility Reporter on http://dhis2.org/downloads? Ime --- On Tue, 5/8/12, Ngo Thanh Long wrote: From: Ngo Thanh Long Subject: [dhis-mobile] DHISMobile 2.8 release To: "DHIS Mobile" Cc: "dhis2-devs" Date: Tuesday, May 8, 2012, 11:07 AM

Re: [Dhis2-devs] OpenHDS

2011-10-13 Thread Ime Asangansi
Hi Tran and Greg, My suspicion is that its a connection pooling issue for the JDBC connection. Apparently, the db is timing out after a set period but the connection pool library is not reconnecting them until an error occurs. What could be called a Monday morning sickness, cos it happens in

[Dhis2-devs] schema - anyone?

2011-12-12 Thread Ime Asangansi
Hi, Good day everyone. Please does anyone have a schema diagram of our latest version of the dhis db? Would be very appreciated. thanks Ime ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~dhis2-devs Post to : dhis2-devs@lists.launchpad.net Unsubscribe

Re: [Dhis2-devs] schema - anyone?

2011-12-12 Thread Ime Asangansi
Oh, okay.There used to be one on our wiki those days. Thanks. Ime --- On Mon, 12/12/11, Knut Staring wrote: From: Knut Staring Subject: Re: [Dhis2-devs] schema - anyone? To: "Ime Asangansi" Cc: "Dhis2" Date: Monday, December 12, 2011, 4:17 PM Hi Ime, Not that I'm

Re: [Dhis2-devs] DXF Imports in 2.6 (Concepts and Constants)

2012-02-03 Thread Ime Asangansi
Thanks Jason for this.There are other issues with dxf import in 2.6.We just reported an issue... Ime --- On Fri, 2/3/12, Jason Pickering wrote: From: Jason Pickering Subject: [Dhis2-devs] DXF Imports in 2.6 (Concepts and Constants) To: "dhis2-devs" Date: Friday, February 3, 2012, 9:34 AM Hi

[Dhis2-devs] question on dxf2 schema

2012-02-09 Thread Ime Asangansi
Hi devs, Please kindly assist with a basic question on dxf schema here; 1. I'll like to confirm that something like this will work According to the schema, it should but it seems not to work until I add categorycombo (a default one)? And the sample_dxf2 there says;

Re: [Dhis2-devs] question on dxf2 schema

2012-02-10 Thread Ime Asangansi
Thanks Bob. Will be very appreciated. Ime --- On Thu, 2/9/12, Bob Jolliffe wrote: > From: Bob Jolliffe > Subject: Re: [Dhis2-devs] question on dxf2 schema > To: "Ime Asangansi" > Cc: dhis2-devs@lists.launchpad.net > Date: Thursday, February 9, 2012, 10:44 PM > Hi

Re: [Dhis2-devs] question on dxf2 schema

2012-02-10 Thread Ime Asangansi
://apps.dhis2.org/demo/api/dataValueSets > > > Lars > > > On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Ime Asangansi > wrote: > > Thanks Bob. > > Will be very appreciated. > > > > Ime > > > > > > --- On Thu, 2/9/12, Bob Jolliffe > wrote:

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Organisation unit group

2012-02-21 Thread Ime Asangansi
I think this is an interesting use case. Perhaps in the future we could create functionality for "Dynamic Orgnit Groups" and maybe a utility to 'rearrange' the groupings based on indicator values? Ime --- On Wed, 2/22/12, Jason Pickering wrote: > From: Jason Pickering > Subject: Re: [Dhis2-d

Re: [Dhis2-devs] DHIS API

2012-03-18 Thread Ime Asangansi
Couldn't agree more. Keep up the good job with the api and keep improving it, guys. We look forward to the web-api in 2.8... would be very useful for integration with mobile back-ends. Ime --- On Sat, 3/17/12, Lars Kristian Roland wrote: > From: Lars Kristian Roland > Subject: Re: [Dhis2-dev

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Getting timeliness rates?

2015-11-04 Thread Ime Asangansi
My +1 for this as well. Thanks, Ime From: Dhis2-devs [mailto:dhis2-devs-bounces+imeasangansi=gmail@lists.launchpad.net] On Behalf Of Greg Rowles Sent: Wednesday, November 4, 2015 9:10 AM To: Olav Poppe Cc: Jens Johan Kaasbøll; dhis2-devs@lists.launchpad.net Subject: Re: [Dhis2-dev