Thanks for these answers.
Please, is there a way one can put the in the war file
This used to workout in 2.0 by just putting into WEB-INF/classes but now it
just doesn't work
I'm in a PaaS offering where I don't get access to the OS but just tomcat
deploy. So, I'm unable to set the env variables.
From: Knut Staring <>
To: Bob Jolliffe <>
Cc: dhis2-devs <>
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 7:47 AM
Subject: Re: [Dhis2-devs] Multiple DHIS2 instances on Windows
Thanks guys, running multiple instances of DHIS2 Live is definitely the easiest
to set up and teach. In fact, I think there may be quite few instances where
Tomcat is needed on Windows. And I don't even think I need to worry
about dhis2.home - since everything is confined to the folder where
dhis2-live.exe resides.
As Ola pointed out, the remaining and important issue is the automated startup
after a power cut. Found some info here, grateful for further ideas.
On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 12:12 PM, Bob Jolliffe <> wrote:
On 18 August 2011 10:29, Jason Pickering <> wrote:
>> In Nigeria, we have two completely separate instance of Tomcat with
>> two environment variables
>> DHIS2_HOME="/var/lib/tomcat6/conf/dhis2_conf"
>> DHIS2_HOME_NG="/var/lib/tomcat6/conf/dhis2_conf_ng"
>> The reason for the separate instances was really just to be able to allocate
>> more CPU resources to a single Tomcat instance.
>> You them modify /WEB-INF/lib/dhis-support-external-2.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
>> Open up "mc" (or some other tool which can manipulate inside of a jar file)
>> and navigate within the JAR file to META-INF/dhis/beans.xml
>> and modify DHIS2_HOME to DHIS2_HOME_NG and then exit mc. This instance will
>> read from the DHIS2_HOME_NG environment.
>> On Windows, two separate DHIS2 Live directories configured for different
>> ports would seem to be a better solution. Then you do not need to worry
>> about this hack.
>That's right. dhis live doesn't use the environment variable -
>adopting instead the approach of "wherever I lay my hat, that's my
>home" :-)
>But it does this by using (and automatically configuring) a system
>property which takes precedence over the environment variable. That
>system property is called dhis2.home.
>You should be able to set this in a variety of ways in your automatic
>startup scripts eg. by adding "-Ddhis2.home=c:/mydhis" to
>CATALINA_OPTS in tomcat startup script. It's an alternative approach
>which might suit you.
>> Regards,
>> Jason
>> On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 11:18 AM, Knut Staring <> wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> It has been a while since I last ran multiple DHIS2 instances (each with
>>> its own database) on the same Windows server. Not sure if we have reached a
>>> consensus as to best practice on this (I actually think the best practice
>>> would be to run a Ubuntu server, but in many cases people find a change of
>>> OS an additional burden when there is so much knowledge to absorb about
>>> DHIS2 itself)
>>> I see the following options:
>>> 1) Multiple war files in the same Tomcat or multiple Tomcats on different
>>> ports. If so, just download the Tomcat zip file, not installer, and
>>> configure for different ports.
>>> 2) Each dhis.war needs a separate Is this best done
>>> inside the (exploded) war file, or is it best to create multiple environment
>>> variables?
>>> How to set the JAVA_OPTS? The server has only 3GB RAM...
>>> If this has already been documented, I would be grateful for just a
>>> pointer.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Knut
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