Hi Calle,
At 2.23, our programrulevariable table got some minor change.
That may help you differentiate between 2.23 and previous.
For devs, I've seen some other projects use the liquibase library
(liquibase.org) to track their db schema - not sure if its appropriate,
but just thought to mention.
Hope it helps
Ime Asangansi MD, PhD (Informatics)
Chief Excellence Officer, ehealth4everyone
Abuja, Nigeria
+2348180790150 <tel:+2348180790150>
i...@ehealth4everyone.com <mailto:i...@ehealth4everyone.com>
Skype: asangansiime <#>
www.ehealth4everyone.com <http://www.ehealth4everyone.com>
On 1/13/2017 7:19 AM, Calle Hedberg wrote:
sigh - so there isn't any obvious way to do this currently.
I've written a JIRA issue for it - DHIS2-506
Best regards
On 12 January 2017 at 18:44, Lorill Crees <lcr...@2paths.com
<mailto:lcr...@2paths.com>> wrote:
+1 vote for this too!
On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 12:29 AM, Olav Poppe <olav.po...@me.com
<mailto:olav.po...@me.com>> wrote:
+1 vote for this. I remember it was proposed at the August
academy, but I don’t see any JIRA issue on it.
11. jan. 2017 kl. 20.05 skrev Bob Jolliffe
<bobjolli...@gmail.com <mailto:bobjolli...@gmail.com>>:
No I think its a good question. I've often thought that it
would be useful for the database to get "marked" in some way
once it has been run against a particular build of war file.
This can be useful for example when dealing with archived
But no I don't think we do this currently.
On 11 January 2017 at 17:01, Calle Hedberg
<calle.hedb...@gmail.com <mailto:calle.hedb...@gmail.com>> wrote:
maybe this is a bit dumb question, but:
Is there an easy method of determining which version a
specific database is using (e.g. differentiating between
2.25 and earlier versions are easy due to the new
softdelete field in the datavalue table, but it is not so
easy to differentiate between 2.21, 2.22, 2.23, and 2.24...)
Calle Hedberg
46D Alma Road, 7700 Rosebank, SOUTH AFRICA
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Lorill Crees
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Calle Hedberg
46D Alma Road, 7700 Rosebank, SOUTH AFRICA
Tel/fax (home): +27-21-685-6472
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