The resistor calculator is for the moment something unlucky as it
misleads some users from intuitive use. It is intended to find any close
matching combinations for values what you NOT have in your drawer. It is
not intended to find any (E96) value what you already have on stock.
The code was
This is far out of scope for what KiCad is intended for and would
quickly be broken many times over as we don't have manpower or
interest to maintain it.
It's a lot more work than you make it seem to get it correct and
there'll be demands to add more and more.
Maybe 10 years from now when the boa
I would like to add features to the resistor portion of the PCB calculator.
The reason for this is my primary need from a resistor calculator is simply
to tell me the correct/nearest e-series value for a value I have just
calculated. I use 1% resistors almost all the time so E96 is what I need.