The resistor calculator is for the moment something unlucky as it misleads some users from intuitive use. It is intended to find any close matching combinations for values what you NOT have in your drawer. It is not intended to find any (E96) value what you already have on stock.

The code was written with Kicad V5 and stopped to be included as a new feature in V6. In the meantime, the overcrowded calculator tabulator selection is improved by a tree view selection. Unfortunately, the resistor calculator went into the "Memo" section of the tree selector beside the color table as its name is still "e-series". I choosed E-series as it was the shortest imaginable name for use inside the limited tabulator selection space and it was required to take all possible language translations for names like "serial-parallel- resistor-calculator" into account where there was simply no space.

There is a warning to try you suggestion as the calculation time already goes up for E3/E6/E12 with the cube of the iterations. If adding further finer grained E-series, calculation time always goes up with higher powers. E24 already required several seconds a few years ago with my Intel enthusiast machine. I tried to add a progress bar to determine if Kicad crashed or calculator is busy. Unfortunately, screen updates were only done in background by wxWidgets and only done after iterations were complete although I added calls for screen updates in the iteration loops. For same reasons the decades are limited for the most used range from Ohm to Megaohm. Thats why I stopped this for not missing the the Version 6 closing time for new features.

Higher e-series than E12 are already defined in eseries.h but not used by the resistor calculator for above reasons. More reasons are the component tolerances what are not taken into account by the calculator. Probably in the meantime e-series header file is also shared for some simulator code to avoid double definitions.

To solve your and some other bug reports with your remarkable motivation, I suggest following steps:

- remove the E-series table in the resistor calculators help text
(there is already a bug report therefore what you may solve with)
- rename the resistor calculator from e-series into resistor-calculator
- move the resistor calculator to system design branch of tree selector
- add all series up to E96 or higher into eseries.h
- write html format static lookup table e-series using eseries.h
- locate this new lookup table in the memo branch of tree selector


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