Re: F27 System Wide Change: Graphical Applications as Flatpaks

2017-07-11 Thread mcatanzaro
Hey Kevin, Thanks for your detailed response. I usually try not to read or write long mails, but I made an exception this time. :) On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 7:45 PM, Kevin Kofler wrote: Bastien Nocera wrote: Why do we care about FHS compliance inside a Flatpak? Because the proprietary dir


2017-07-17 Thread mcatanzaro
Hi, Do the list admins have any plans to combat the spammers that are spoofing Kevin Fenzi to bypass the moderation queue? Could we please at least hold his messages for moderation? Maybe he could manually approve his own messages, as annoying as that would be. Though I don't know what we wo

Re: Spam

2017-07-17 Thread mcatanzaro
On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 12:41 PM, Samuel Sieb wrote: I haven't seen any spam on the devel list. I even checked my spam folder. Maybe the messages are being sent directly to you, not the list? They're being sent to (whatever that is). I can see in the mail

RE: Recommending proprietary software in Fedora

2019-10-14 Thread mcatanzaro
John, the third-party software policy was approved after a long and contentious debate: We request review from Fedora Legal when we believe software may present significant risk, such as the recent addition of OpenH264, in accordance with t

Re: Recommending proprietary software in Fedora

2019-10-14 Thread mcatanzaro
On Mon, Oct 14, 2019 at 11:49 AM, John M. Harris Jr wrote: It's good that we can reference external repositories such as rpmfusion-free, in my opinion. We actually cannot do that. It is prohibited because it would entail significant risk. ___ deve

Re: Recommending proprietary software in Fedora

2019-10-14 Thread mcatanzaro
On Mon, Oct 14, 2019 at 4:19 PM, John M. Harris Jr wrote: And proprietary software, in your opinion, does not? The requirements for including proprietary software are spelled out just two paragraphs above the section on legal requirements: """ Software not deemed "free" by Fedora standards,

Re: Recommending proprietary software in Fedora

2019-10-15 Thread mcatanzaro
On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 12:44 AM, John M. Harris Jr wrote: Proprietary software is certainly a subset of third party software, however, please read the Workstation group's own page about third party software. According to that documentation, the Workstation group itself or FESCo is meant to a

Re: Recommending proprietary software in Fedora

2019-10-15 Thread mcatanzaro
On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 12:19 AM, Kevin Kofler wrote: By actively offering the proprietary Chrome to the users instead of explaining the above, you are actually pointing them towards using proprietary software instead of Free Software for no reason. I think you're probably right that people ma

Re: Low Memory Detection on Linux

2019-10-18 Thread mcatanzaro
I'm not familiar with this topic, but I can point you to what WebKit does: https://trac.webkit.o

Re: Intent to orphan "tracker"

2019-07-28 Thread mcatanzaro
On Sun, Jul 28, 2019 at 9:35 AM, Igor Gnatenko wrote: I'm getting hundreds of ABRT bugs from tracker which I simply have no time to go through. Would anybody like to take over that package from me? Odd, I only see eight bugs with changes since May:

Re: Intent to orphan "tracker"

2019-07-28 Thread mcatanzaro
On Sun, Jul 28, 2019 at 1:12 PM, wrote: Odd, I only see eight bugs with changes since May: OK sorry, I wasn't logged in so wasn't seeing all the private bug reports. I really wish ABRT didn't mark bug reports private by default for every backtrace containing a hash table

Re: Intent to orphan "tracker"

2019-07-29 Thread mcatanzaro
On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 6:46 AM, Carlos Garnacho wrote: Sure, can try to make it part of the release routine. My ID is 'garnacho'. I don't think any work is required when releasing, since it should be automatically updated by Kalev's scripts. The work will just be keeping an eye on the bug r


2019-08-03 Thread mcatanzaro
On Thu, Aug 1, 2019 at 1:28 PM, Steven A. Falco wrote: What is the best way to do that? Don't. As Florian has pointed out in Launchpad, this would convert the nice crash into a security vulnerability. The assertions have a negligible impact on performance, so better leave them enabled and f

Could not execute clone: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/mcatanzaro/Projects/fedora-scm/eog/.git/info/exclude'

2019-08-06 Thread mcatanzaro
787), done. Could not execute clone: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/mcatanzaro/Projects/fedora-scm/eog/.git/info/exclude' The clone actually succeeds. I've been seeing this error for weeks now. What's going on? _

Re: Better interactivity in low-memory situations

2019-08-11 Thread mcatanzaro
On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 10:50 AM, Chris Murphy wrote: Let's take another argument. If the user manually specifies 'ninja -j 64' on this same system, is that sabotage? I'd say it is. And therefore why isn't it sabotage that the ninja default computes N jobs as nrcpus + 2? And also doesn't take a

Re: Fedora Workstation and disabled by default firewall

2019-08-26 Thread mcatanzaro
Well the thing is, blocknig ports tends to break applications that want to use those ports. We're not going to do that, period. It also doesn't really accomplish anything: either your app or service needs network access and you have whitelisted it (in which case the firewall provides no secur

Re: Fedora Workstation and disabled by default firewall

2019-08-26 Thread mcatanzaro
On Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 4:15 PM, Robert Marcano wrote: This is a reasonable point of view, until you notice Linux desktops evironments don't provide applications with a method to detect if they are running on a private network or not (See Windows Home, Office, Internet network settings). The

Re: Fedora Workstation and disabled by default firewall

2019-08-27 Thread mcatanzaro
On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 5:59 AM, Christopher wrote: The current status is that the Workstation WG never came up with a solution in 5 years, and new people are finding this default configuration and getting upset about the failure of Fedora Workstation to meet basic security expectations. Since

Re: Fedora Workstation and disabled by default firewall

2019-08-27 Thread mcatanzaro
On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 4:23 AM, John Harris wrote: At least in KDE, possibly not in GNOME as it lacks many of the features available in KDE, you can specify the zone of the connection in your NetworkManager configuration GUI. We used to have this for a long time, but removed it recently beca

Re: Fedora Workstation and disabled by default firewall

2019-08-27 Thread mcatanzaro
On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 4:22 AM, John Harris wrote: No, that is not how this works, at all. First, let's go ahead and address the idea that "if the firewall blocks it, the app breaks, so it's the firewall's fault": It's not. If the firewall has not been opened, that just means it can't be acce

Re: Fedora Workstation and disabled by default firewall

2019-08-27 Thread mcatanzaro
On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 11:14 AM, John Harris wrote: Please consider the security aspect of this. This is a critical vulnerability. Please, don't make us look like the Linux Mint folks. If Workstation is to be a viable product, especially if it's going to be advertised prominently, as the pri

Re: Fedora Workstation and disabled by default firewall

2019-08-27 Thread mcatanzaro
Thanks for the input, David. On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 2:37 PM, David Kaufmann wrote: If there is a switch to "default reject" it is also very important that the process to open up a port is easier than to disable the firewall completely or injecting an "accept anything" rule. (e.g. by document

Re: Fedora Workstation and disabled by default firewall

2019-08-27 Thread mcatanzaro
On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 2:37 PM, Iñaki Ucar wrote: There's no need to write "a new style of firewall". It would be as easy as asking the user once whether a new connection is trusted or not. That's it. But, well, how do you do that? What do you show to the user? __

Re: Fedora Workstation and disabled by default firewall

2019-08-27 Thread mcatanzaro
Good job finding old links. Archeology is useful for discussions like this. On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 5:59 AM, Christopher wrote: The current status is that the Workstation WG never came up with a solution in 5 years To be clear, the status quo is our solution. This blog post describes the r

Re: Fedora Workstation and disabled by default firewall

2019-08-28 Thread mcatanzaro
On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 9:56 PM, Christopher wrote: 2) the Workstation WG has not only taken no action in response to the FESCo statement of trust at the conclusion of our last lengthy discussion on this matter, it has been explicitly stated in this thread that they have never had any intention

Re: Fedora Workstation and disabled by default firewall

2019-08-30 Thread mcatanzaro
On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 5:33 AM, Jiri Eischmann wrote: And the same document says: "While our focus is on creating a top-class developer workstation, our developer focus will not compromise the aforementioned goal to be a polished and user friendly system that appeals to a wide general audience.

Re: Fedora Workstation and disabled by default firewall

2019-08-30 Thread mcatanzaro
On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 7:46 PM, Christopher wrote: Yeah, I also don't want a complicated installer. I just don't see this disagreement going anywhere without some sort of compromise, and I can't think of any others that will satisfy people. I think there's a good chance this could be implemente

Re: Fedora Workstation and disabled by default firewall

2019-09-01 Thread mcatanzaro
On Sat, Aug 31, 2019 at 6:37 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote: If 30 years in DevOps and system security in both large and small networks count for anything, this makes *complete* sense. The distinction between a "Workstation" deployment and a "Server" or "Everything" deployment should not include le

Re: Orphaned packages to be retired (~400 during this week)

2019-09-09 Thread mcatanzaro
On Mon, Sep 9, 2019 at 4:49 PM, Miro Hrončok wrote: libxslt orphan, veillard 0 weeks ago Looks pretty important, any takers? ___ devel mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an ema

Re: Fedora in GNOME Online Accountes

2019-09-18 Thread mcatanzaro
On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 11:18 am, Felipe Borges wrote: The "Fedora" account is just a branded Kerberos account. By adding a Fedora account in GNOME Online Accounts you would get automatically signed on whenever you'd need to enter your FAS credentials. This means while accessing Pagure, particip

Re: Fedora in GNOME Online Accountes

2019-09-18 Thread mcatanzaro
On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 10:43 am, Robbie Harwood wrote: Can you link the bug you've filed about this? I don't even know where to file a bug. Which component? kerberos? xdg-desktop-portal? It's seems less like a bug in any Fedora component, rather something that's never been designed to wor

Re: New ZoneMinder packages - except el7

2018-12-08 Thread mcatanzaro
On Sat, Dec 8, 2018 at 10:26 AM, Andrew Bauer wrote: Sorry for the noise. This was meant for the rpmfusion devel list. Why is Zoneminder in RPMFusion? I'm curious why is it ineligible for Fedora? Michael ___ devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedor

Re: Which I/O scheduler is Fedora switching to in 4.21? mq-deadline or BFQ?

2018-12-13 Thread mcatanzaro
On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 2:30 PM, stan wrote: Latency statistics: min max avg std_dev conf99% 1.51 2.583 1.925330.576087 11.5249 Looks like this is what we want for Workstation, where latency is more important than throughput? ___

Re: desktop-file-validate fails with error: file contains group "Catia Shortcut Group", but groups extending the format should start with "X-"

2018-12-14 Thread mcatanzaro
On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 7:14 AM, Martin Gansser wrote: how can i solve this ? Thanks Martin All the custom groups need to start with "X-" (for "extension"). E.g.: [Catia Shortcut Group] Replace it with: [X-Catia Shortcut Group] Michael ___ devel

Re: Orphaned packages to be retired

2019-01-07 Thread mcatanzaro
On Mon, Jan 7, 2019 at 4:57 PM, Stuart D. Gathman wrote: retiring pygtk2 retires most of Fedora desktops and gui apps, from Gnome-shell to cinnamon to openbox. ;-) Hm, sounds like there is a bad dependency in the chain somewhere. pygtk2 is very much obsolete and should be allowed to disappear

Re: F30 System-Wide Change proposal: Replace Comps Language Group With Langpacks

2019-01-10 Thread mcatanzaro
Will gnome-control-center be able to install missing language packs and input sources? What about gnome-initial-setup? In the future, we'd like to switch to running gnome-initial-setup prior to anaconda for language and keyboard layout selection, then anaconda, then gnome-initial-setup agai

Re: F30 System-Wide Change proposal: Replace Comps Language Group With Langpacks

2019-01-10 Thread mcatanzaro
On Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 11:36 AM, wrote: In the future, we'd like to switch to running gnome-initial-setup prior to anaconda for language and keyboard layout selection, then anaconda, then gnome-initial-setup again on firstboot. Anaconda would therefore not be used for lang

Re: responding to CVEs

2019-01-14 Thread mcatanzaro
On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 7:35 AM, Dave Love wrote: I ask because three CVEs have triggered automated bug reports against libxsmm . I don't understand why the CVEs were issued, since a problem with unrealistic input to a (rather rarely used)

Re: Editions vs. Spins (was: Re: F30: System-Wide Change proposal: DNF UUID)

2019-01-14 Thread mcatanzaro
On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 12:05 PM, John Harris wrote: The easiest way to make any of the Spins more accessible, for them to have any chance comparable to the prominent advertising of Workstation and similar options, would be to make them more prominent on the "getfedora" index. This also have

Re: Fedora 30 Beta blocker status mail #3

2019-03-08 Thread mcatanzaro
On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 1:18 PM, Adam Williamson wrote: I requested testing on desktop@ and test@ lists earlier this week; so far that seems to suggest that this is failing for a lot of people on a lot of hardware...but it also fails the same way on F29 in most cases, suggesting we shipped F29

Re: /etc/yum.repos.d -> /etc/distro.repos.d

2019-03-13 Thread mcatanzaro
On Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 7:50 AM, Kalev Lember wrote: Please don't, it's just pointless renaming that invalidates all end user documentation and makes it harder for other programs such as packagekit and gnome-software that all need to adopt for the new paths. Handling a rename is not exactly

Re: Chromium C++ help needed

2019-03-13 Thread mcatanzaro
On Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 11:53 AM, Jakub Jelinek wrote: calling methods on NULL pointers to objects etc. Chromium probably does this (or, at least, did in the past). Removing -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks could introduce Fedora-specific crashes. Michael

Re: More than 10% of all Fedora spec files are not POSIX sh compliant

2019-03-26 Thread mcatanzaro
On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 5:05 PM, Tomasz =?UTF-8?b?S8WCb2N6a28=?= wrote: [tkloczko@domek SPECS.fedora]$ rpm -E %_buildshell /bin/sh How can this discussion still be ongoing? Why not just change it to /bin/bash and move on? ___ devel mailing list --

Re: [PSA] %meson contains -Db_ndebug=true

2019-04-08 Thread mcatanzaro
On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 5:50 AM, Kalev Lember wrote: I agree as well. Please don't override -Db_ndebug in distro-wide %meson macro and instead move the override to mesa packaging if it's needed there. Well hold up. -Db_ndebug defaults to if-release... right? We have only changed the behavior

Re: [PSA] %meson contains -Db_ndebug=true

2019-04-08 Thread mcatanzaro
On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 1:39 PM, Benjamin Tissoires wrote: That's not how I read it: -DB-ndebug defaults to false. OK, then I was totally wrong, thanks. Shame the docs are so hard to search through.

Re: [PSA] %meson contains -Db_ndebug=true

2019-04-09 Thread mcatanzaro
On Tue, Apr 9, 2019 at 7:54 AM, Kalev Lember wrote: Awesome, thanks Igor! All of this sounds good to me. Yeah, sounds like everything is fine now after the if-release fix. Thanks! ___ devel mailing list -- To unsubscr

Re: Can we maybe reduce the set of packages we install by default a bit?

2019-04-09 Thread mcatanzaro
On Tue, Apr 9, 2019 at 12:11 PM, Adam Williamson wrote: To be specific here, 'at' is part of the @standard group. 'chrony' is pulled in several ways. It's part of @standard *if gnome-control-center is being installed*, so effectively it'll be installed with Workstation but not other editions/

Re: F30 live images still contain dbus-daemon package, anaconda-core requires it ?

2019-04-11 Thread mcatanzaro
On Thu, Apr 11, 2019 at 2:39 AM, wrote: The problem is that Anaconda have to start it's own session of dbus but dbus-broker, by design, don't have easy way how to do this without systemd running. TBH we should probably keep dbus-daemon around until we have a replacement fo

Re: environment variables LANGUAGE

2019-04-16 Thread mcatanzaro
My first thought is accountsservice, check that first. ___ devel mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to Fedora Code of Conduct: List G

Re: Docker and user namespaces on F30

2019-05-10 Thread mcatanzaro
On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 12:10 PM, Tomasz Torcz wrote: This is not what Fedora ships. We have (in F30) docker-1.13.1-67.git1185cfd or moby-engine-18.06.3-2.ce.gitd7080c1. What is going on with this very weird, very confusing versioning? The Fedora version doesn't even look like the upstrea

Re: Reporting is disabled because the generated backtrace has low informational value

2019-06-24 Thread mcatanzaro
On Sun, Jun 23, 2019 at 9:34 PM, Sam Varshavchik wrote: That's your key piece of info. You're missing the debuginfo package, without it the backtrace has no info. With a native, directly-installed RPM, the debug repo gets automatically enabled, and the debuginfo packages gets automatically f

Re: Reporting is disabled because the generated backtrace has low informational value

2019-06-24 Thread mcatanzaro
On Mon, Jun 24, 2019 at 6:50 AM, wrote: That's not right. The backtrace was processed on the retrace server, so installing debuginfo locally should not be required. I think it's a longstanding ABRT bug. Michael Oh, I forgot what I was actually planning to write about whe

Re: [HEADS UP] Unannounced soname bump of qrencode

2019-06-25 Thread mcatanzaro
Let's ensure this at least doesn't happen for the same library again and again. In [1], change SHOULD NOT -> MUST NOT. Require maintainers (or provenpackagers) to fix violations like [2] when unannounced soname bumps occur. (If anyone wants to write a script to detect such problems proacti

Re: adding speech installation to fedora network installation image

2019-06-27 Thread mcatanzaro
On Thu, Jun 27, 2019 at 8:31 AM, stan via devel wrote: I'm not familiar enough with orca and gnome to say if this is a bug or not. When I looked for bugs, I found a bug from February that stated Only the live image runs in a GNOME session where GNOME session services like orca are expected t

Re: Fedora 31 System-Wide Change proposal: Python means Python3

2019-06-27 Thread mcatanzaro
On Thu, Jun 27, 2019 at 4:34 PM, Neal Gompa wrote: This is because in everything *except* Linux distributions, the unversioned name has already switched over. Not in macOS. ___ devel mailing list -- To unsubscribe send

Re: Fedora 31 System-Wide Change proposal: Python means Python3

2019-06-28 Thread mcatanzaro
On Thu, Jun 27, 2019 at 5:51 PM, Stephen John Smoogen wrote: Actually I think it makes more sense that F31 provides no /usr/bin/python. Then a lot of things which depend on it can be found and fixed since they have not adapted to the Future any other way. It would mean we have no chance of ma

Re: Fedora 31 System-Wide Change proposal: Python means Python3

2019-06-28 Thread mcatanzaro
On Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 10:42 AM, wrote: If Fedora has /usr/bin/python, then at least we have a *chance* to make the scripts we care about work in both python2 and python3 (our current plan). Whereas without /usr/bin/python, we're really out of options. So I very much supp

Re: adding speech installation to fedora network installation image

2019-06-28 Thread mcatanzaro
On Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 10:44 AM, stan via devel wrote: it doesn't make sense to open a bug. There is no gnome, and because adding gnome would make the image too large, it will not be added. Netinstall is a minimal image meant to be used from virtual consoles with no graphical support. But re

Re: adding speech installation to fedora network installation image

2019-06-28 Thread mcatanzaro
On Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 11:13 AM, Martin Kolman wrote: Certainly - but I'm afraid we in the Anaconda team don't have any experience what all needs to be available (what packages should be included & what services started) to make text-to-speech work on the image. We would definitely welcome so

Re: Fedora 31 System-Wide Change proposal: Python means Python3

2019-07-10 Thread mcatanzaro
Surprise, apparently python3 is coming to macOS in some form (maybe only for developers? not sure?) so WebKit should be fine with switching to pytohn3 regardless. I don't think it's important to this discussion, just wanted to send a correction. I wasn't expecting this

Re: F29 System Wide Change: Remove Excessive Linking

2018-08-04 Thread mcatanzaro
On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 4:57 AM, Jakub Jelinek wrote: Changing the behavior of say -lpthread on the command line is a bad idea, many projects really expect it to mean that the mentioned library is linked in and if it no longer does, it causes silent breakage. Forcing users to do -Wl,--push-st

Re: Orphaning qt5-qtwebengine

2018-09-11 Thread mcatanzaro
Kevin, Thanks for taking care of this package for so long. It's an exceptionally-challenging package that most maintainers would not be willing to touch, and your work was very much appreciated. Michael ___ devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedorap

Re: Fedora 29 Beta Bug

2018-09-21 Thread mcatanzaro
On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 9:29 AM, Chris Murphy wrote: Add systemd.debug-shell=1 boot parameter at the grub menu, then switch to tty9 once startup has failed. We only have tty1 through tty6? Michael ___ devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.

Re: F29 Self-Contained Change: GnuTLS enables TLS 1.3 by default

2018-09-22 Thread mcatanzaro
On Sat, Sep 22, 2018 at 3:32 PM, Michael Schwendt wrote: Apparently, this change breaks Google Mail IMAP for Claws Mail. You'll need to add a call to gnutls_server_name_set(), see: The proble

Re: F29 Self-Contained Change: GnuTLS enables TLS 1.3 by default

2018-09-23 Thread mcatanzaro
On Sun, Sep 23, 2018 at 7:57 AM, Michael Schwendt wrote: That an update for SNI may be required is clear, but it doesn't answer the question where a change will be needed. The Claws Mail developers will have to investigate. The right place will be close to all the other uses of GnuTLS, though

Re: F29 Self-Contained Change: GnuTLS enables TLS 1.3 by default

2018-09-23 Thread mcatanzaro
On Sun, Sep 23, 2018 at 10:14 AM, Nicolas Mailhot wrote: ??? That's not a Google choice, SNI is one of the Mandatory-to-Implement Extensions in TLS 1.3. You'll need it to connect to anything that claims TLS 1.3 (which will be everyone as soon as someone publishes a hole in TLS 1.2) Of course

Re: Non-responsive package maintainer - Ray Strode (halfline), Plymouth package

2018-10-02 Thread mcatanzaro
On Tue, Oct 2, 2018 at 1:17 AM, wrote: Hi Ray, unfortunately in some cases it doesn't though. It's currently completely breaking boot with amdgpu+LUKS, and before that for several months under amdgpu it was not echoing LUKS characters to screen or otherwise updat

Re: Attention Gmail users, please turn off HTML mail

2018-10-02 Thread mcatanzaro
On Tue, Oct 2, 2018 at 3:40 PM, Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski wrote: Stop sending e-mail to public mailing lists using Gmail, then? Perhaps we've reached the end of meaningful conversation in this thread ___ devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fe

Re: hibernation — does it work for you?

2018-10-04 Thread mcatanzaro
On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 5:38 PM, Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek wrote: Note: I'm not talking about the user-space configuration issues (resume= not set on the kernel command line, no swap, swap encrypted with temporary keys, whatever), but only about any potential kernel driver issues. Well "whate

Re: F29 Self-Contained Change: GnuTLS enables TLS 1.3 by default

2018-10-05 Thread mcatanzaro
On Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 4:54 PM, Nathanael D. Noblet wrote: Ok, so should I be filing a bug and if so against which component? I wasn't sure if the google online accounts part of GNOME used GnuTLS or not. It uses glib-networking, which does use GnuTLS. glib-networking already enables SNI (off

Re: F29 Self-Contained Change: GnuTLS enables TLS 1.3 by default

2018-10-05 Thread mcatanzaro
On Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 5:21 PM, Nathanael D. Noblet wrote: Ok, I can help with the debugging if needed. I just didn't know what stack this was built on. Let me know if/what you'd like me to do. Honestly I have no clue since the code seems foolproof. A bug report at

Re: bottlenecks that case my machine to freeze

2018-10-25 Thread mcatanzaro
On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 6:50 AM, Nicolas Mailhot wrote: I get the same thing without any special load. System would work fine for hours and then input would start bugging. It translates into floods of keystrokes, or eaten keystrokes, or keystrokes being fed to apps out of order. Requires a sy

Re: Translating the banner text

2018-10-31 Thread mcatanzaro
On Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 10:18 AM, scootergrisen wrote: During Fedora Workstation 29 installation there are some banners being shown like the ones on In the svg code i see some of the banners are translate into multiple language.

Re: IBM buying RedHat

2018-11-01 Thread mcatanzaro
On Thu, Nov 1, 2018 at 8:32 AM, Neal Gompa wrote: These are questions I'm interested in answers on. However, I'm also worried about how much the "cloud" was mentioned in the presser. It makes me nervous about Red Hat's investment into other areas, which a lot of the Linux ecosystem relies on, ev

Re: Better fonts by default?

2018-11-10 Thread mcatanzaro
On Sat, Nov 10, 2018 at 8:57 AM, Neal Gompa wrote: Does anyone actually take care of our fonts stuff anymore? Off the top of my head, there's Akira Tagoh covering fontconfig both upstream and downstream, Marek Kasik covering freetype downstream, and Nikolaus Waxweiler handling freetype upstr

Re: Better fonts by default?

2018-11-10 Thread mcatanzaro
On Sat, Nov 10, 2018 at 4:03 PM, Neal Gompa wrote: Most of the defaults upstream are largely due to legal issues that are no longer applicable. As of very recently, Marik did make one change: subpixel rendering is now enabled by default in Fedora's freetype package (if you have the latest F2

Re: Fedora Lifecycles: imagine longer-term possibilities

2018-11-14 Thread mcatanzaro
On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 9:08 AM, Gerald Henriksen wrote: My feeling is part of the solution is to move to a yearly release cycle. Unlike the early days of Fedora things just aren't changing as quick in terms of the base of the OS - hardware support in the kernel is generally excellent, and both

Re: Fedora Lifecycles: imagine longer-term possibilities

2018-11-14 Thread mcatanzaro
On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 9:29 AM, Ralf Corsepius wrote: Absolutely. Fedora once was a pretty solid end-user distro and fun-project for devs. Now it has become an unstable, experimental "bleeding edge" distro with a more and more balloning overhead. I don't agree at all. Fedora is great. We hav

Re: Fedora Lifecycles: imagine longer-term possibilities

2018-11-14 Thread mcatanzaro
On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 5:36 PM, Matthew Miller wrote: But there are some good cases for a longer lifecycle. For one thing, this has been a really big blocker for getting Fedora shipped on hardware. Second, there are people who really could be happily running Fedora but since we don't check the

Re: Fedora Lifecycles: imagine longer-term possibilities

2018-11-14 Thread mcatanzaro
On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 10:31 AM, Matthew Miller wrote: Is there a way we could do these as ".1" releases, with orchestrated QA for the big update rather than a whole release? It's a possibility... I'd rather call it .5 for halfway, though. F30, F30.5, F31... ehh, it would be OK, but there s

Re: Fedora Lifecycles: imagine longer-term possibilities

2018-11-14 Thread mcatanzaro
On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 4:42 PM, John Florian wrote: I still don't understand what makes updating these for a *new* release significantly easier than an *existing* one.  So let's just say GNOME (or whatever) comes out next month with a new major release we want to showcase.  Why is it necessar

Re: Fedora Lifecycles: imagine longer-term possibilities

2018-11-15 Thread mcatanzaro
On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 5:36 PM, Matthew Miller wrote: But there are some good cases for a longer lifecycle. For one thing, this has been a really big blocker for getting Fedora shipped on hardware. Second, there are people who really could be happily running Fedora but since we don't check the

Re: Proposal: delay F31 release to work out infrastructure and lifecycle challenges

2018-11-26 Thread mcatanzaro
On Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 10:03 AM, Matthew Miller wrote: I know it was a big time-off holiday week in the US, but I expected a little more interest in this post. Perhaps it seemed like too much text to digest along with turkey and stuffing. :) I'm highlighting it with a subject reflecting the b

Re: Security updates and batched pushes

2018-01-08 Thread mcatanzaro
On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 8:17 PM, Peter Robinson wrote: I thought for some reason that all updates marked as security were automatically urgent, maybe I'm misremembering, but if not it might be good to do that as a RFE that way all security updates go out non batched. Most security updates are

Re: Security updates and batched pushes

2018-01-17 Thread mcatanzaro
Thanks, Kevin. Knowing when the updates are actually going out adds important context to this discussion. On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 7:30 AM, Kevin Kofler wrote: I don't see how this is helpful. Kevin has a point here. Clearly what we have now is, in practice, not working as intended. Micha

Re: Looking for contact with Daniel Veillard libxml2 maintainer

2018-01-23 Thread mcatanzaro
On Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 9:07 AM, Tomasz Kłoczko wrote: If it will be no new actions to the end of this week I'm going to raise FESCo ticket to takeover at least libxml2. Yes, libxml2 is security-critical; we can't wait this long to apply security patches. The Fedora package maintainer needs t

Re: Looking for contact with Daniel Veillard libxml2 maintainer

2018-01-23 Thread mcatanzaro
On Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 10:45 AM, Tomasz Kłoczko wrote: Strange only is that looks like this bug already is known more than year! Looks like two years... I followed the chain of links in the Red Hat bugs, which claim this is already reported as

Re: Problems debugging problems... formerly Re: Wyland is a disaster

2018-01-24 Thread mcatanzaro
On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 1:37 PM, Przemek Klosowski wrote: Can anyone suggest ways of debugging this? Run coredumpctl to see what processes crashed. There should be at least a gnome-shell crash, maybe also a gnome-session crash, maybe also an XWayland crash. Usually only the gnome-shell and g

Re: Wyland is a disaster

2018-01-29 Thread mcatanzaro
On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 7:39 PM, Per Bothner wrote: If any logs or monitoring tools would be helpful, I'll be happy to help. Please see my earlier post in this thread regarding how to get a stacktrace out of coredumpctl. If you post an issue report with a stacktrace at https://gitlab.gnome.

Re: Wyland is a disaster

2018-01-30 Thread mcatanzaro
On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 9:49 AM, Przemek Klosowski wrote: I am currently reporting my pan-crashing-Wayland crashing issue on in the true Heisenbug fashion it stopped crashing, so I can't reproduce it now. It was crashing almost every time I used the pan newsreader (the three cr

Re: Unannounced soname bump: gnome-desktop3

2018-02-18 Thread mcatanzaro
On Sun, Feb 18, 2018 at 1:13 PM, Yaakov Selkowitz wrote: gnome-desktop3 was updated a week ago to 3.27.90, which bumped ABI from .so.12 to .so.17. AFAICS no notice was given, nor am I sure that this was even noticed by the maintainer, because once again: %{_libdir}/lib*.so.* I have rebuilt

Re: fedora28 and strong crypto settings

2018-02-26 Thread mcatanzaro
On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 9:37 AM, Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos wrote: regarding the strong crypto change in Fedora28 [0], we have identified few (usually internal) sites which break under firefox or other tools. The main reason for this breakage is that these sites only support Diffie-Hellman with 102

Re: fedora28 and strong crypto settings

2018-02-26 Thread mcatanzaro
On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 10:26 AM, wrote: Alternatively, if you want to strengthen the system crypto policy, then it should not apply to web browsers at all. Or web browsers should automatically use the weak policy. (We'd need the weak policy in glib-networking, too.) Read

Re: Test gating enabled in Bodhi

2018-02-28 Thread mcatanzaro
I have an update here: that is blocked due to some harmless translation-related warnings from desktop-file-validate. I'm not the translation police and do not plan to make any changes to the desktop file. * Who can help unblock

Re: Test gating enabled in Bodhi

2018-03-01 Thread mcatanzaro
On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 7:49 PM, Randy Barlow wrote: It does not appear to be blocked currently. There is a bug. Yesterday it was red and said tests failed; the result changed itself. I see there are many more test results now than there were yesterday. It looks like the tests had not finish

Re: Unannounced soname bump (Rawhide): brotli (libbrotli{common,enc,dec}.so.1.0.1 -> libbrotli{common,enc,dec}.so.1)

2018-03-06 Thread mcatanzaro
I see in the file list: %{_libdir}/*.so.* I've lost count of how many problems we've had from unannounced soname bumps recently. It's going to keep happening so long as our packaging guidelines continue to allow this construction. Anyway, the only thing better than one soname bump is a seco

Re: Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2018-03-15 17:00 UTC)

2018-03-15 Thread mcatanzaro
On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 10:55 PM, James Antill wrote: #topic #694 Packaging guidelines for application independence .fpc 694 I had been hoping to attend the meeting to discuss this change, but it's been on the meeting agenda for five months now,

Broken dependencies messages

2017-08-06 Thread mcatanzaro
Hi, Since yesterday I'm getting a huge number of messages about broken dependencies in packages that I don't care about. Anybody else experiencing this? Seems I'm being aliased to, at a minimum, and plus several more. Mich

Re: Broken dependencies messages

2017-08-06 Thread mcatanzaro
On Sun, Aug 6, 2017 at 10:51 AM, Matthew Miller wrote: I bet this is related to the "point of contact in bugzilla" part in although this is a side-effect other than bugzi

Bugzilla auto-CC

2017-08-29 Thread mcatanzaro
Hi, Something changed yesterday and now the entire GNOME packager group is being automatically CCed to all GNOME-related bugs in Red Hat Bugzilla. There's no way to opt-out in Bugzilla preferences, at least not that I have found. Can someone undo this change please? It's not manageable, and

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