t; --
> devel mailing list
> devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel
Sergio Pascual http://guaix.fis.ucm.es/~spr
gpg fingerprint: 5203 B42D 86A0 5649 410A F4AC A35F D465 F263 BCCC
Departamento de Astrofísica --
Hello, I'm going to orphan ds9 (an image viewer used in astronomy and
its dependencies).
- ds9
- funtools
- wcstools
- xpa
- tkimg
Orion Poplawski has expressed interest in taking ds9, so if there were
anyone else interested please coordinate with him.
Caveat emptor: tkimg has problems with bun
I can take
2011/5/20 Truch, Matthew :
> I need to orphan all of my packages. In most cases, it would be great if
> someone (or more) could pick them up. Let me know if you'd like any of them
> and I'll release them to you.
> cfitsio -- Library for manipulating FITS data files Alr
Hi, a new cfistio package (3.280) as landed in rawhide. Packages
depending on cfitsio should be rebuilt.
Regards, Sergio
devel mailing list
> Orphan scitools
I'm going to take this
devel mailing list
Hi all:
the new version of swarp in rawhide (2.17.6) will have a CeCILL
license. Previously, swarp was distributed under GPLv2
devel mailing list
Uhmm, it's not clear from the sources. I will ask upstream
2010/3/30 Seth Vidal :
> On Tue, 30 Mar 2010, Sergio Pascual wrote:
>> Hi all:
>> the new version of swarp in rawhide (2.17.6) will have a CeCILL
>> license. Previously, swarp was
The license is CeCILL version 1. Upstream is looking into including
the current license text in the next release.
2010/3/30 Seth Vidal :
> On Tue, 30 Mar 2010, Sergio Pascual wrote:
>> Hi all:
>> the new version of swarp in rawhide (2.17.6) will have a
Hi, a new cfistio package (3.290) as landed in rawhide. Packages
depending on cfitsio should be rebuilt.
Regards, Sergio
devel mailing list
Hi list.
I'm orphaning skychart. It's a sky map application. The package builds
in rawhide and it has very few open bugs
devel mailing list
re since to either prompt for my own
> password or just allow me? We know each others password so i've always
> shrugged it off cause I'm looking at other issues the few times when I am
> playing with the virtuals at home but since someone brought it up...
> -greg
the first three.
> Regards,
> Pablo
> --
> devel mailing list
> devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel
Sergio Pascual http://guaix.fis.ucm.es/~spr
gpg fingerprint: 5203 B42D 86A0 5649 410A F4AC A35F D465 F263
I'd like to take skychart
Sergio Pascualhttp://guaix.fis.ucm.es/~spr
gpg fingerprint: 5203 B42D 86A0 5649 410A F4AC A35F D465 F263 BCCC
Departamento de Astrofísica -- Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
devel mailing list
NetworkManager doesn't start with selinux in permissive mode. The
problem is somewhere else
2011/2/2 Chris Jones :
> Agreed with others, I can't see Network Manager having issue with SELinux.
> Can you post SELinux reporting details?
> --
> Chris Jones
> PHOTO RESOLUTIONS - Photo - Graphic -
Hello list.
I'm trying to build an application that uses lazarus. It builds ok in
F-14 but fails in F-15 and rawhide.
This is a scratch build
The explicit error is this:
/usr/bin/ppcx64 -MObjFPC -Sgi
It seems that lazarus needs to be rebuilt because its older than the
pascal compiler in rawhide and F-15:
lazarus.x86_64 0:
2011/3/13 Sergio Pascual :
> Hello list.
> I'm trying to build an ap
False positives
Sergio Pascual http://guaix.fis.ucm.es/~spr
gpg fingerprint: 5203 B42D 86A0 5649 410A F4AC A35F D465 F263 BCCC
Departamento de Astrofísica -- Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
devel mailing list
2014-07-21 10:59 GMT+02:00 Christopher Meng :
> I just want to ask here, why did you retire the pywcs and considered
> it as dead upstream whereas pypi pywcs has a new release in the
> February?
The functionallity of pywcs is now in astropy, is where active development
is happening. The
Hi Erik, I have these two python packages I would like to get reviewd. I
will take yours
2014-07-24 5:08 GMT+01:00 Erik Johnson :
> I have a couple new python packages I'd like to get reviewe
Hello, I would like to ask if somebody knows how to contact Germán Racca,
fas skytux. My last communication with him was in May, we talked about
updating APLpy to use astropy instead of pywcs. Since then, he hasn't
answered me.
This is the request to update APLpy
The last week I asked if somebody knows how to contact Germán Racca. Given
that all attempts to contact him have been unsuccessfull and as I would
like to fix bug #1116895 I request to take over package APLpy
Regards, Sergio
[1] https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/devel/2014-August/201825
Hello, the past week I requested to take the package APLpy, following the
nonresponsive maintainer policy. Apart of writing to the devel list, is
there anything more I have to do to move this forward?
2014-09-01 23:47 GMT+02:00 Sergio Pascual :
> The last week I asked if somebody knows how
Mid July?
2014-09-08 12:17 GMT+02:00 Itamar Reis Peixoto :
> how long you requested commit access in pkgdb ?
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/package/APLpy/
> On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 7:13 AM, Sergio Pascual
> wrote:
>> Hello, the past week I reque
2014-09-10 20:57 GMT+02:00 Kevin Fenzi :
> I have orphaned skytux'es packages:
> APLpy -- The Astronomical Plotting Library in Python ( master f21 f20 f19 )
Taken, thank you
devel mailing list
Fedora Code
2014-09-10 23:36 GMT+02:00 Jerry James :
> Is anyone up for a review swap? I need python-gmpy2, which is a
> successor to the existing gmpy package.
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1138892
I will take it. It was in my packaging queue anyway
> Let me know what I can review fo
2014-09-10 23:36 GMT+02:00 Jerry James :
> Is anyone up for a review swap? I need python-gmpy2, which is a
> successor to the existing gmpy package.
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1138892
> Let me know what I can review for you in return.
Could you review python-dill?
2014-10-07 1:29 GMT+02:00 Matěj Cepl :
> I mean what is shown on
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pNh1n3seTg (I don't even know
> what language it is), and
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdjulcvhhuU (which is Spanish,
> I guess).
Both are Spanish
devel mailing list
Hello, since a week or so I have been unable to connect to
https://admin.fedoraproject.org with firefox, I get an error like (I'm
translating from Spanish)
"Secure connection failed, no common cipher algorithms
I haven't changed any security configuration in firefox,
2014-10-13 17:12 GMT+02:00 Kevin Fenzi :
> On Mon, 13 Oct 2014 16:49:38 +0200
> Sergio Pascual wrote:
> > Hello, since a week or so I have been unable to connect to
> > https://admin.fedoraproject.org with firefox, I get an error like (I'm
> > trans
2014-10-17 16:00 GMT+02:00 Peter Robinson :
> On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 2:56 PM, Adam Jackson wrote:
> > Yep, this again. I'm just as thrilled as you are. 3.5 is necessary for
> > proper ppc64le support, as well as some minor radeonsi features in Mesa.
> And massively improved aarch64 support
2014-10-20 16:19 GMT+02:00 Adam Jackson :
> On Fri, 2014-10-17 at 19:16 +0200, Sergio Pascual wrote:
> > 2014-10-17 16:00 GMT+02:00 Peter Robinson :
> > So I'm OK with retiring python-llvmpy if a patch doesn't appear soon.
> I would be too, but I'm goi
2014-10-21 12:32 GMT+02:00 Kalev Lember :
> On 10/21/2014 10:37 AM, Sergio Pascual wrote:
> > Just a question. If I retire the package in F21, will it affect the F20
> > F21 upgrade path for those
> > who have python-llvmpy installed?
> >
> > I mean, you upgrade,
I would like to unretire xpa. It's a package I orphaned in 2011 due to lack
of use.
This is the re-review
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct: http://
2014-10-30 10:32 GMT+01:00 Alec Leamas :
> Hi all!
> Feeling dumb (again...) I have a package which I now need to split into
> subpackages. Also, I want the original package to just be an empty one
> pulling in all the new subpackages, giving a smooth upgrade path
> (installing the base
2014-10-30 10:50 GMT+01:00 Alec Leamas :
> On 30/10/14 10:41, Sergio Pascual wrote:
>> Hello
>> 2014-10-30 10:32 GMT+01:00 Alec Leamas > <mailto:leamas.a...@gmail.com>>:
>> Hi all!
>> Feeling dumb (again...)
2015-03-16 15:52 GMT+01:00 Jaroslav Reznik :
> = Proposed Self Contained Change: Disabled Repositories Support =
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/DisabledRepoSupport
"Disabled Repositories Support" sounds better than "Help People Install
Non-Free Software in Fedora", but the result is
2015-03-18 18:51 GMT+01:00 Ralf Corsepius :
> On 03/18/2015 05:46 PM, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>> Hi
>> On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 12:21 PM, Mike Pinkerton wrote:
>> What I don't understand is the wisdom of an official Fedora
>> "product" endorsing a copr when either the software or
I have recently heard of Debian Continuous Integration, i.e, automated self
tests are run for packages whenever its dependencies are updated.
Are there any plans to have something similar for Fedora?
Regards, Sergio
devel mailing list
I was wondering what is the "correct" way of enabling WOL on a network card.
This Arch document [1] describes several methods (which basically are
different methods on running "ethtool -s eth0 wol g").
* run ethtool in udev
* run a cron on reboot
* run a systemd unit
This Fedora bug [2] suggests
Hi, a new cfistio package (3.300) as landed in rawhide. Packages
depending on cfitsio should be rebuilt.
Sergio Pascual http://guaix.fis.ucm.es/~spr +34 91 394 5018
gpg fingerprint: 5203 B42D 86A0 5649 410A F4AC A35F D465 F263 BCCC
Departamento de Astrofísica -- Universidad Complutense
blitz-0.10 has changed its license from GPLv2 to either LGPLv3+ or BSD.
This new version will arrive at rawhide soon.
Regards, Sergio
devel mailing list
2014-03-27 21:02 GMT+01:00 Adam Jackson :
> We'd like to update to Mesa 10.1 in Fedora 20, since the cycle is so
> long before F21 and (among other goodies) it enables OpenGL 3.3 on some
> newer Radeons. This implies rebasing LLVM 3.4, and that's where it gets
> a little awkward: the OpenGTL
sextractor (source extraction from astronomical images) has change its
license from CeCiLL to GPLv3+ in upstream version 2.19.5
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct: http://fedoraproject.org/code-
swarp (astronomical imaging resampling and coadding) has change its license
from CeCILL to GPLv3+ in upstream version 2.38.0
Regards, Sergio Pascual
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct: http
I'm not using cmpfit anymore, so I'm orphaning it. The package has one
Thanks, Sergio
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct: http://fedoraproject.org/code-of-conduct
I have retired pywcs in Rawhide. It FTBS in the last mass build, and
upstream recomends to switch to astropy anyway.
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct: http://fedoraproject.org/code-of-c
2014-06-24 14:25 GMT+02:00 Nils Philippsen :
> On Tue, 2014-06-24 at 11:45 +0200, Thomas Bendler wrote:
> > 2014-06-24 11:36 GMT+02:00 Richard Hughes :
> > On 24 June 2014 10:31, Thomas Bendler
> > wrote:
> > > you need to unlock the gun before you can shoot in your
> >
Hello, I have updated two laptops runing F20 today. After the update, on
both of them (Asus and Dell) the trackpad has turned very slow, and
unaffected of any change in the gnome control panel.
I'm not sure which update is responsible. Perhaps
Has anybody
Yes, it fixes my issue, thank you
2014-06-28 2:06 GMT+02:00 Andrew Price :
> On 27/06/14 23:58, Sergio Pascual wrote:
>> Hello, I have updated two laptops runing F20 today. After the update, on
>> both of them (Asus and Dell) the trackpad has turned very slow, and
blitz-0.10 has updated its license terms.
It has changed from either LGPLv3+ or BSD
to either LGPLv3+ or BSD or Artistic 2.0
It was Artistic 1.0 febore, but as this is not allowed in Fedora, it
wasn't mentioned.
This new version will arrive at rawhide soon.
Regards, Sergio
devel mail
I have retired chktex, its functionality is provided by texlive-chktex from
Fedora 18 and later. texlive-chktex both provides and obsoletes chktex
devel mailing list
Hi, I need help with an error of clang in mock.
I have this package review:
That builds OK in mock in a x86_64 machine.
A scratch build in koji fails for x86_64 (and probably others)
2013/10/17 Josh Boyer
> On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 7:22 AM, Paul Wouters wrote:
> > On Thu, 17 Oct 2013, Jan Kratochvil wrote:
> >> I agree there remains some work on prelink itself and some packages
> around
> >> to
> >> make prelink relevant again
> >
> >
> > I don't mean to pick a fight with you
upstream cfitsio has released 3.340 the very same day that we updated
cfitsio in rawhide to 3.330. There's at least an API change listed in the
changelog (a global variable has moved inside a data structure) so I can't
just backport the bugfixes.
So sorry for the inconvience, but we have t
I have written cfitsio upstream, requesting that they include a soname in
the library.
Regarding our current discussion, the only requirement is that the soname
is unique
for each release. This comes for the infamous function call that checks the
library version at runtime. In this sense,
Hi, milia-1.0.0 has been released and involves a soname bump. I will build
it tomorrow for Rawhide and F19.
The only package affected is pymila (python wrappers)
devel mailing list
Hello, a new cfitsio (3.350) is going to land tomorrow in rawhide. This
version comes with a significant change, upstream provides a soname for the
shared library. This means that hopefully updating cfitsio won't be so
painful in the future.
Regards, Sergio
devel mailing list
Hello, this is related to this bug:
CPL is a C library and 32-bit RPMS appear in the x86_64 repository.
Who is the right person to ask/where to fill a bug/ if this is an infra
Best, Sergio
devel mailing list
Hello, a new cfitsio (3.330) is going to land tomorrow Monday in rawhide.
All the packages depending on cfitsio should be rebuilt.
Repoquery says that the affected packages are:
3.300 and 3.330. More details here
Best, Sergio
2013/3/10 Michael Schwendt
> On Sun, 10 Mar 2013 23:15:44 +0100, Sergio Pascual wrote:
> > Hello, a new cfitsio (3.330) is going to land tomorrow Monday in rawhide.
> >
Hi, I did
repoquery --repofrompath=this,
--archlist=src --whatrequires cfitsio-devel
2013/3/10 Michael Schwendt
> > > Hello, a new cfitsio (3.330) is going to land tomorrow Monday in
> rawhide.
> > >
The versioned soname seems a good idea. I will change the soname to
2013/3/11 Michael Schwendt
> On Mon, 11 Mar 2013 04:55:06 +0100, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> > Sergio Pascual wrote:
> > > cfitsio function fits_open_file checks at runt
Hello, a new cfitsio (3.330) is going to land tomorrow in rawhide and F19 .
All the packages depending on cfitsio must be rebuilt.
Following this thread,
I have changed the way we create the (non-define by upstream) soname of
12:03:44 +0100, Sergio Pascual wrote:
> > Hello, a new cfitsio (3.330) is going to land tomorrow in rawhide and
> F19 .
> > All the packages depending on cfitsio must be rebuilt.
> >
> > Following this thread,
> >
> > http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/d
I'm going to retire hpic (Healpix pixelization of the sphere). The package
is not developed anymore. Anyone interested in this subject should use
healpix (available in Fedora).
The package will be retired from Rawhide and F19.
Regards, Sergio
devel mailing list
Hi, perhaps this happens due to some oddity in my system, but I have
noticed meesages like this while doing updates via yum (this has happened
Downloading packages:
updates/21/x86_64/prestodelta | 621 kB
Delta RPMs reduced 21 M of updates to 1.4 M (93% sa
2015-01-23 11:04 GMT+01:00 Michel Alexandre Salim :
> Hi all,
> From python-sphinx-1.2.2-6.fc22 onwards support for building LaTeX
> documentation using Sphinx has been split off into the -latex subpackage
> (so that Sphinx can be installed without pulling in TeXLive).
> (There's also
> >
> > Also RH and other distros history repeatedly has told the lesson
> > such will not fly and are doomed to fail.
> It seems to have been working just fine in RPMFusion, where the free
> and nonfree repositories have different standards for inclusion, and
> where packages in nonfree can depe
Hello, I'm going to update libindi to version 1.0, which includes a soname
All the indi drivers and kstars must be rebuilt. Christian Dersch (lupinix)
is going to take of most of the rebuilds.
Best, Sergio
devel mailing list
2013/11/6 Olav Vitters
> If one will immediately solve it for multiple distributions, then the
> gain is immensely higher. An IMO, it is not about RPM vs another
> packaging format. To get into Fedora, you need an account, reviews, etc.
> It is a pretty long process.
Has this "sanboxed-bundled
2013/11/7 Olav Vitters
> On Thu, Nov 07, 2013 at 03:53:48AM +0100, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> > Olav Vitters wrote:
> > > AFAIK (not sure), it should come somewhat easy once you the
> distribution
> > > is based upon systemd.
> >
> > That means it will exclude the most popular distribution out there.
Hello, erfa soname has been updated to liberfa.so.1. As nothing (yet)
depends on erfa the change should be painless.
Regards, Sergio
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct: http://fedoraproject.org/code-of-
Hello, I have this review
and I'll be happy to review other package in return
Thanks, Sergio
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct: http://fedoraprojec
2013/12/18 Christopher Meng
> Swap with https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1033433 if you like.
> I need to handle these remaining bugs now.
> Thanks.
> --
> devel mailing list
> devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel
> Fedora C
Orion, is it possible that you missed h5py? We are getting this
1. Warning! ***HDF5 library version mismatched error***
2. The HDF5 header files used to compile this application do not match
3. the version used by the HDF5 library to which this application is
4. Data corrup
Hello, I'm going to build new cfitsio 3.360 in Rawhide. This involves a
soname bump.
You can see the changes here
and more detailed information about the changes here:
The aff
Hi, I have this review
Its python-patsy, to use R like formula language in Python
I will review other package in return.
Thanks, Sergio
devel mailing list
2014/1/24 Ralf Corsepius
> Certainly, downgrading installations which already upgraded to faulty
> packages would not work.
> Ralf
The situation (a broken system that cannot be upgraded) could be mitigated
a little bit by using yum + system snapshots. You can rollback to a
previous sane s
Hi, I'm having problems running mock with a rawhide buildroot.
I get the following error
ERROR: Command failed. See logs for output.
# /usr/bin/repoquery -c /tmp/tmpQ6Wu7m --installed -a --qf '%{nevra}
%{buildtime} %{size} %{pkgid} %{yumdb_info.from_repo}' >
Thank you for pointing me the bug report
2014-02-04 Panu Matilainen :
> On 02/04/2014 02:44 PM, Sergio Pascual wrote:
>> Hi, I'm having problems running mock with a rawhide buildroot.
>> I get the following error
>> ERROR: Command failed. See l
Hello, tomorrow I'm going to update wcslib to 5.14, which includes a soname
bump. This change affects the following packages:
Best regards, Sergio
devel mailing list
python-sep-1.0.0-1 has changed its license from "MIT and LGPLv3+" to
"MIT and BSD and LGPLv3+"
devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to devel-le...@lists.fedoraproject.org
I have a machine with two identical nvidia cards and I configured it with
multiseat and Fedora 23. It worked well, that is, two GDM login screens,
one in each display.
Then I updated to Fedora 24 and it stoped to work. I have tested that
multiseat works with the LiveCDs of Fedora 23 and Fe
2016-11-03 15:08 GMT+01:00 Ray Strode :
> Hi,
> > Is this use case still supported by Fedora?
> It's definitely not a tested use case. Definitely worth filing a bug
> in upstream (gnome) bugzilla.
I filled https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=774144
> I wouldn't be surprised i
Hello, I have orphaned the following trac plugins, as I do not use trac
Regards, Sergio
Hello, I'm going to update wcslib from 5.19 to 6.3. It breaks API, so I'm
announcing it here in advance.
The policy [1] says that I should notify also the maintainers of the
packages that depend on mine. What command I have to run to know the names
of the packages?
After a bit to research I did:
Hi list, I'm trying to fix this problem
It built in previous releases, so I assume is gcc 10 related
The package build in all arches except in arm an the error is:
Hello, I'm going to update (one week from now) wcslib to from 6.4 to 7.1.
There is an API break, the changes are here;
I'm CCing affected package owners (astrometry, cpl, kstars and
Regards, Sergio
Hello, I'm trying to fix a FTBFS bug in cpl, a C library. The package fails
in i686 on Fedora>=29 and compiles in Fedora<=28
I imagine that, after enabling SSE2 in
Hello, I'm going to update to cfitsio 4.2 in Rawhide. This involves a
soname bump.
Affected packages:
Hello again, as stated before [1], I'm updating cfitsio to 4.2. I have
created a side tag f38-build-side-61457
I have already built cfitsio, CCfits and wcslib. Affected packages are:
El vie, 30 dic 2022 a las 2:33, Maxwell G via devel (<
devel@lists.fedoraproject.org>) escribió:
> On Thu Dec 29, 2022, Maxwell G via devel wrote:
> > On Thu Dec 29, 2022, Maxwell G via devel wrote:
> > > On Wed Dec 28, 2022 at 15:00 +0100, Sergio Pascual wrote:
> &
Hello, I have a python package pending review, it's required to
upgrade APLpy to version 2.1. I'm happy to review other package in
python-PyAVM - Python package to handle Astronomy Visualization Metadata
Best, Sergio
Hello, I have requested a repo for a package recently approved
and the releng-bot is closing the issue with "The Bugzilla review bug
creator could not be found in FAS. Make sure your FAS email address is
the same as in Bugzilla."
For example, t
Hello, the license of cfitsio was incorrectly identified as "MIT", it is
actually "CFITSIO". I have updated it in rawhide.
Regards, Sergio
devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to devel-le...@lists.fedorapro
Hello, the license of CCfits was incorrectly identified as "BSD", it is
actually "CFITSIO". I have updated it in rawhide.
Regards, Sergio
devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to devel-le...@lists.fedoraproj
Hello, I would like to bring attention to this bug
This problem prevents Brasero from creating CD images in F39.
Brasero complains about "old version of cdrdao", but the version in F39 is
the latest (1.2.5).
It actually works if you force instal
Hello, I'm going to update (one week from now) wcslib from 7.12 to 8.2.
There is an API break, the changes are here;
I will send another me
Hello and happy new year.
Are package-owner mail addresses working? I have send mails to several
and they return a 550 error message, for example:
550 5.1.1 : Recipient address
rejected: User unknown in local recipient table
Best, Sergio
devel m
El lun, 1 ene 2024 a las 13:49, Mamoru TASAKA
() escribió:
> Sergio Pascual wrote on 2024/01/01 21:36:
> > Hello and happy new year.
> >
> > Are package-owner mail addresses working? I have send mails to several
> > and they return a 550 error message, for example:
1 - 100 of 120 matches
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