far was that implicit linking feature.
Sadly, my concerns got ignored at the FESCo meeting where this "feature" was
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
g the DSO to the one
providing the symbols is not enough due to the very change which is causing
the problems.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
else, just not on Fedora because we delete .la files. The old
semantics made this case work without the .la file, the new semantics lead to
programs failing to link in Fedora, making Fedora incompatible with upstream
(unless we start to ship .la files again).
Kevin Kofler
devel m
else, just not on Fedora because we delete .la files. The old
semantics made this case work without the .la file, the new semantics lead to
programs failing to link in Fedora, making Fedora incompatible with upstream
(unless we start to ship .la files again).
Kevin Kofler
devel m
a ntfs-3g, but I'm not sure that's vital /
> common enough to block a release.
The problem is that gvfs also uses FUSE (AIUI, it can work without, but FUSE
mounting for the benefit of non-gvfs-enabled apps is enabled by default).
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing
bypass this "automatically reassign
to the comaintainer" "feature".
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
Steve Grubb wrote:
> Digging into this further, if you run lsof, it hangs when it gets to
> ~/.gvfs:
It is possible to disable FUSE mounting in gvfs, see:
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
ilibbed due to the libraries
and if the script is not identical for 32-bit and 64-bit, there will be a
conflict between the 2 multilibbed packages. (Splitting out the libraries
into a -libs package is a way to work around that.)
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
one can just die.
> Unblocked orphan qtoctave
I'll pick this one up, it's useful (a Free Software equivalent to the MATLAB
GUI), it's in my area of expertise (Mathematics tool, and Qt-based, even),
there's AFAIK no obvious replacement and upstream seems active.
Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Jesse Keating wrote:
>> Unblocked orphan qtoctave
> I'll pick this one up, it's useful (a Free Software equivalent to the
> MATLAB GUI), it's in my area of expertise (Mathematics tool, and Qt-based,
> even), there's AFAIK no obvi
nitor and PKI enrollment client
> New package font-manager
> A font management application for the GNOME desktop environment
> New package iwl5150-firmware
[and it ends here]
The report got truncated yet again. :-(
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
s that's part of kdelibs
it's probably not the answer you were looking for. ;-)
libbsd sounds like a decent solution, probably the best you'll get due to
the conflict cited above.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
of evil
things to avoid which the proposal provides and I haven't seen any evidence
as to the contrary (again, the PackageKit example is not applicable because
the PackageKit maintainer did NOT have such a list to go by when he made his
change; there's no reason to believe he
Liu Yu Fei Eric wrote:
> I noticed firefox was stuck on 3.5.6 for a rather long time.
> What about 3.5.7 and the recently 3.6? They are even not in koji.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
seful. The PackageKit issue was caused by lack of a policy,
not lack of enforcement.)
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
reverse dependencies.
(IMHO, it might make sense for yum to reject --enablerepo=rawhide for
anything other than a full upgrade.)
This is what repositories like Remi's are for!
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
A new version of IcedTea with a new plugin which supports Firefox 3.6 is
being imported into Rawhide. This would have to be backported if Firefox 3.6
were to be pushed to F12.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
Rawhide are NOT SUPPORTED and will in many cases NOT
work as expected due to dependencies and reverse dependencies.
(IMHO, it might make sense for yum to reject --enablerepo=rawhide for
anything other than a full upgrade.)
This is what repositories like Remi's are for!
Kevin Ko
LM issue? That looks like it could affect Fedora users if they
are behind a Window$ Vi$ta or 7 proxy.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
f you scratch-build, once it's
successful, you have to redo the build as a real build, so you waste one
build. With my workflow, you save that build. Saves both Koji resources and
your time. Also saves your time over local mock builds where you also have
this "one wasted build&qu
for more than 3 months. You need to submit new review requests, specifying
that this are packages which were previously in Fedora and are being
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
e_cb() work on a copied tuple
> (the metadata updates flood is too racy IMO).
> - Fix tuple_copy().
This style is not compliant with the Fedora packaging guidelines.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
it's just a source-level
abstraction layer (so for example, you won't find a PolicyKit policy in the
source code, but a KAuth policy which is converted to a PolicyKit policy at
build time).
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
lers (DVD, CD set, netinstall).
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
> Sure it is, it's changelog style #3 of
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging/Guidelines#Changelogs
No, it's not style #3. It's 2 or more style #3 entries collapsed into 1,
which is not one of the allowed formats.
Kevin Kofler
e FPC to officially clarify this.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
m directly in the current code), so they just removed it in
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
hange the
requirements, they're not cast in stone. Even existing changelogs can be
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
ntly claimed.
PS: And since PulseAudio is a shared technology also used by other desktops
than just GNOME, I'd be willing to pick up comaintainership, but then it'd
very likely be maintained in KDE SIG style, aggressively tracking upstream
Kevin Kofler
Matthias Clasen wrote:
> I was on vacation for two weeks, but I'm back now. So our manpower
> should be even again :-)
LOL, it's true that you do a lot of work all by yourself. ;-)
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
erything in its own bizarre, confusing and broken way. :-(
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
d despite
the fact that this makes us lose our niche, compete directly with
distributions we CANNOT compete with (we stand no chance against Ubuntu's
massive marketing machine) and leave users in our current niche out there in
the cold with no way to go. :-(
Kevin Ko
letting go of the notion that my
> approach is the only right one.
I don't believe it is possible to fix PulseAudio bugs effectively without
tracking upstream more closely. Upstream is where Lennart focuses his
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
to entry and much harder work for existing packagers. (And yes, I've also
tried to make these points BEFORE the migration, but nobody listened.)
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> Since there is no new upstream release, you will have to triage bugs,
> cherry pick patches and push them as updates. What else do you mean by
> tracking upstream closely?
If there's no new release, I'd just ship a snapshot.
Kevin Kofler
mmits and thus repository-wide revision IDs).
Sadly, more and more projects are getting infected by the git virus, KDE is
also moving to git, several other upstream projects already did. :-(
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
if I work on multiple branches, that's what
directories on my file system are for). (And this is another reason why I
consider DVCSes to be broken by design.)
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
updates (unless they fixed that recently) and
they do strange things to specfiles (like automatically bumping Revision)
and encourage the use of constructs which don't work outside of OBS.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
foo when upgrading to F13? The
sequence number before (17 vs. 18) might have been incremented due to one or
more plain rebuild(s), it doesn't necessarily reflect the sequence of
upstream snapshots being packaged.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
ith a distributed server doesn't. Git doesn't (by design) support
the required server-side operations. I'd have to set up an SVN gateway to
the repository on some server.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
I am not willing to silently accept anything with a nonzero probability of
failure on perfect hardware. Any such algorithm is just incorrect.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
workflow, I usually just copied the specfile, sources and
.cvsignore from devel, no re-editing.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
t cherry-pick master
fedpkg commit && fedpkg push && fedpkg build
cd ../f13
git pull
git cherry-pick master
fedpkg commit && fedpkg push && fedpkg build
That way the contents of your directories always contain the same branch, so
you don't end up accidentally
s between the releases (e.g.
BuildRequires), that's what 0%{?fedora} is for.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
rithm doesn't work). Using an algorithm which
doesn't work is unacceptable.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
e, ideally, we'd have an actual upstream release to ship.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
e and check manually, but
how do you verify that the key you downloaded is the correct one?)
In addition, even packages legitimately signed by the repository could have
been compromised at some other point in the chain.
Signature mechanisms are NOT the perfectly tamper-proof protection they're
And once that component is in place, will it also retroactively tag git for
all the builds that are happening now or will we be stuck with builds
without a matching named tag in the repo forever?
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
ementation does not comply to that essential requirement. Thus, this is
a showstopper which should have blocked putting dist-git into production.
Plus, automatic tagging was promised as THE reason we switch to dist-git in
the first place.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
t that these be just built without NAS support. NAS is basically an
older competitor to PulseAudio with fewer features (it focuses on network
transparency, which is just one of the things PulseAudio does), it is not
compatible with PulseAudio, few to no people use it.
Kevin Kofler
mpatible with PulseAudio and
which is supported by few applications.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
Petr Pisar wrote:
> PulseAudio is interresting project, but it's absolutely unusable on old
> slow hardware. Last time I checked it out on Pentium TSC (no MMX)
> running at 200 MHz,
Fedora doesn't support that hardware anymore (the minimum is i686 = Pentium
7;t resolve the complaint that upstream will be unwilling to add
features which are specific to the non-Free edition.
Crippleware "OSE"s suck. Fedora should not encourage this practice.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
also KDevelop, to display that documentation. (It would be a separate
subpackage.) Though shipping only the QCH might also be worth considering.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
Those JavaScript JITs are a really bad
security risk. :-(
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
ribution. Whatever can be generated on the
build system MUST be generated on the build system, not on the client.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
ernet connections.
Not everyone has slow Internet and a fast CPU. In my case, it'd take 20+
times as long to build the documentation on the client than to download it!
Plus, there's also other technical issues, e.g. that the files generated
that way bypass RPM's file
es I pointed out elsewhere in this thread, this means
you need to install the source code (!) of the package on the client. This
is in itself a significant download and it's something Fedora does not
normally do.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
Debarshi Ray wrote:
> Waiting for Devhelp to be downgraded to 2.31.x after Fedora 14 Alpha
> is released.
This report is about Rawhide (now targeting F15+), not the F14 branch.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
ship in Fedora if you apply. I'm also fine with any Fedora-only
comaintainers, just apply through pkgdb.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
t KDE SIG meeting
(Tuesday 14:00 UTC / 16:00 CEST / 10:00 (AM) EDT / 07:00 (AM) PDT).
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
w fast I could
download that file at my university. :-p
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
g those docs is what Qt Assistant is for. We'll
discuss this in the meeting.
(That said, assistant_adp is NOT dropped in Fedora, we ship a qt-assistant-
adp compatibility package because some apps need it. But viewing Qt docs in
the compatibility Assistant isn't of much use.)
and sees similar issues as well.
The N900 also uses PulseAudio (though not on Fedora).
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
red to
such a model, yours means having to wait much longer for the features, and
being clearly pressured into buying the proprietary version, giving up the
freedoms that come with Free Software.
(As you can see, I'm familiar with both the Free Software and the Open
Source view of things.
Frank Murphy wrote:
> I guess they are waiting to iron out a few bugs on F14
> systemd\selinux\udev? Before they push the same broken updates to
> F15(Rawhide)
Normally, development is supposed to happen in Rawhide FIRST.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing l
e the "KDE
Applications" and the whole thing is the "KDE Software Compilation" (but
upstream prefers it if people are specific about what parts of the
compilation they talk about rather than just using s/KDE/KDE SC/g).
We hope that we will be able to meet the size constrain
seth vidal wrote:
> All your packages are now orphaned.
> Thanks for letting us know.
Do we have a list of the packages that got orphaned? Unfortunately, querying
pkgdb doesn't help anymore now that you set the stuff to orphaned.
Kevin Kofler
devel mail
anymore because the packages are now orphaned.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
han a package that doesn't install at all!
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
whether you really want a better Fedora. IMHO you
just want a DIFFERENT one, one which doesn't fill its niche anymore and is
instead yet another conservative distribution, of which there are way too
many already. And stuff like broken dependencies just hurts everyone, even
the conservative f
droppong the embedded ext3 image and
> use squashfs directly. (Selinux should now be usable on squashsfs file
> systems.) That might gain us a bit more space.
Won't that break liveinst?
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
but does this warrant new testing? No!
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
E grouped update which has been in testing for a long time. Your
"fix" breaks that. Plus, edits can also be only to the description or bug
references, Bodhi doesn't allow me to edit those without editing the whole
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
actual target. If you schedule for a
later date outright, you won't solve the problem, you'll just make it
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
to be broken.
We HAVE to accept that Rawhide is sometimes broken to be able to do active
development. If we need Rawhide to be always 100% regression-free, we will
never get anywhere. It's Rawhide for a reason.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
nd to fix a lot of bugs.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
e for such a "feature" is
in Rawhide immediately after the branch (i.e. they could have put it into
F14 instead of F13 at the same time, that would have been borderline
acceptable, what they did was absolutely not!).
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
to accept this.
If we really want to meet specific target dates for the release, e.g.
May/Nov 1, then we need to schedule at least 2 weeks EARLIER, i.e.
officially schedule for Apr/Oct 15 and compute all deadlines accordingly.
Then the inevitable slips will just do the rest.
Kevin Ko
refuse to accept the
Fn karma as grounds to push the Fn+1 update. No amount of arguing helped.
Such broken upgrade paths are now going to be extremely common with this
useless, broken and inflexible procedure.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
waiting another full week (also quite a bad
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
mple time for invasive changes in Rawhide,
Fedora can't be leading without the occasional breakage in Rawhide.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
test the updates before +1ing them (as they're expected to). This excessive
and useless QA adds delays over delays.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
et some
support due to our objections to the critical path process as a whole.) We
(KDE SIG) have been more or less forced to participate in a process most of
us (and me in particular) do not agree with and consider outright harmful.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
idered critical path,
you also have to allow KDE people to approve critical path packages. (In
fact, I think we actually need much more than one KDE proventester in the
long run.) And likewise for XFCE and LXDE.
IMHO, FESCo should be abolished, Fedora needs to be ruled by the S
to fit our needs. Backporting, sometimes from more or less
unofficial development branches, is a required part of being on the leading
edge. We cannot be "First" with a religious adhesion to upstream.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
rnight, even if it's clearly better. But that's moot in
the absence of infrastructure anyway.)
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
addition, another objective of Fedora is to "include a wide range of
packages", so we should support technologies which allow us to ship more
packages on our live images.
Basically, we're missing out on an important new feature and shipping less
featureful live images th
Jesse Keating wrote:
> Do you have any sort of proof that it's a "political" reason? It would
> seem to me that our kernel maintainers do not wish to include code that
> hasn't been blessed by Linus in our packages.
That's political.
Kevin Ko
ing, if we ask for getting the trademarks removed, they say that it
wouldn't change anything anyway. Either they're just using the trademarks as
an excuse for their laziness, or the trademarks are the problem and need to
be removed, it's one or the other.
Kevin Kofler
ns the 4 desktop
SIGs. (And FWIW, GNOME really needs a community-oriented SIG instead of the
current "RH Desktop Team == Fedora GNOME maintainers" practice.)
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
don't work for RH, I can't attest to the
truthfulness of those rumors, and I guess those who theoretically could
aren't allowed to comment on it).
You have to choose between timeliness or quality. I'll take quality any day
(as long as it doesn't get ridiculous like
Jaroslav Reznik wrote:
> Then we have to push broken updates, policy says so and it's ok, so let's
> do it
> :(
A policy requiring us to push something broken is broken. I'm not going to
push broken shit.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
u can check to verify the
burned stuff. (If I'm not mistaken, it actually does a bytewise compare
these days, not a checksum.)
You can also run sha256sum /dev/cdrom and compare the result with the
published checksums.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
our goals
in a way coordinated throughout the distribution?
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
wever, looking at the code a bit
>> closer, your scenario would currently be allowed, as it currently only
>> calculates the time-in-testing based on the first push to testing.
> This behavior is helpful, because otherwise updates would "starve".
Once again, we're i
Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> I expect more fine tuning will be needed for these changes but thanks for
> all your work on this.
No thanks from me. By implementing FESCo's diktats defying common sense, you
broken updates for everyone.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing
n proposed?
Yeah, the SIGs are the ones who do the actual work, FESCo and the Board are
just political bureaucrats. Proper meritocracy means the SIGs get to decide.
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
with in the first place; it's a lot
easier to regularly rebase a patch than to make it palatable to upstream,
that's why there are so many out-of-tree patchsets).
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
stuff merged if you know the right
people. :-(
Kevin Kofler
devel mailing list
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