Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> IMO,  if you want to be a co-maintainer,  you will have to coordinate
> and work with the model preferred by the primary maintainer.   Otherwise
> disputes will make the process worse and not better.

This (or rather, the differences in update conception) is exactly why I 
haven't applied for comaintainership of PulseAudio.

I think that this conservative model is really unhelpful as it often lets 
bugs linger for ages (backporting is a lot of work, so it's rarely done, and 
sometimes it's outright impractical, not to mention that some very 
conservative people judge even backporting of non-critical bugfixes to be 
inappropriate for an update) and that it's very sad that the Board and FESCo 
are now actively pushing for such a bad model as a global Fedora policy, 
despite strong evidence that our users do not want this model, and despite 
the fact that this makes us lose our niche, compete directly with 
distributions we CANNOT compete with (we stand no chance against Ubuntu's 
massive marketing machine) and leave users in our current niche out there in 
the cold with no way to go. :-(

        Kevin Kofler

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