Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
> Depending on the technologies and applications involved I could see
> duplication being okay when one format is meant for people utilizing
> less /usr/share/doc/foo/*  vs running /usr/bin/documentationviewer or
> /usr/bin/programmer-ide

That's the case for the KDE stuff: plain HTML is for plain browsers, QCH is 
for Qt Assistant and KDevelop.

The only issue is: kdelibs-apidocs is one of the largest binary packages in 
Fedora… But IMHO we'll really want that QCH. (In fact, we've been discussing 
building it for a while, I've just been caught up in other stuff.) KDevelop 
not showing KDE apidocs is a poor state of affairs and a regression from 
Fedora 12 / KDevelop 3.5. At least the QCH is one file, so it won't bloat 
the file list in the repository metadata. :-)

FYI, I've put up QCH apidocs for discussion in the next KDE SIG meeting 
(Tuesday 14:00 UTC / 16:00 CEST / 10:00 (AM) EDT / 07:00 (AM) PDT).

        Kevin Kofler

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