[dev] wmii theming

2011-03-14 Thread Le Tian
Hello guys, I recently installed wmii on SUSE 11.4 and I really like it. MY question is very simple, how can I add themes to it. I tried to make a ~.wmii/wmii.rc file and add these lines there: #!/bin/sh -f # Configure wmii # Colors tuples: " " WMII_NORMCOLORS='#e0e0e0 #44 #66' WMII_FOCU

Re: [dev] wmii theming

2011-03-15 Thread Le Tian
thanks Jase, I will look into it. Take care.

[dev] wmii status bar config

2011-03-16 Thread Le Tian
HI everybody! I'm happy to use wmii after tweaking some things, making autorun scripts and binding hotkeys, all is done. But I have another question. I want to config my status bar, I want it to show some terminal output of my sensors or any bash script. Now it displays 'average load, date and tim

Re: [dev] wmii status bar config

2011-03-16 Thread Le Tian
thanks a lot. ok, I'll check it out. I installed this version(3.9.2) from source, so decided not to mess with config.mk, edited only default terminal, other options were set by default, so I guess its where it was intended to be. And the name of wmii dir doesn't have any version embedded, its just

Re: [dev] wmii status bar config

2011-03-17 Thread Le Tian
Hi again, I'm trying to find out how to make a custom status bar in wmii. I have found "status()" lines in /home/wmii.rc file(hmmm what is it doing here?!) these is what I found: status() { Action status if wmiir remove /rbar/status 2>/dev/null; then echo "$WMII_NORMCOLORS" | wm

Re: [dev] [wmii] Chromium always starts as a floating window

2011-03-17 Thread Le Tian
its quite simple, 1. start chromium 2. goto preferences 3. goto personal stuff 4. in appearance choose use GTK-theme or "use system title bar and borders". 5. thats it that will make chromium start with system borders that are managed by wmii, so browser will not start in a floating window.

Re: [dev] wmii status bar config

2011-03-17 Thread Le Tian
thanks a lot, that is better, cause my wmiirc_local is empty) I use xbindkeys for hotkeying - didn't want to mess with my wmii scattered-all-over-the-place files. I'll try it out.

Re: [dev] [wmii] Chromium always starts as a floating window

2011-03-18 Thread Le Tian
I feel like I should add. This is not a Chrome only issue, any app that has its own theming, loads up in "floating" mode, (ex: qmmp) Moreover, if you open up such an application via MOD4+p and then try to open a terminal(for ex.) in the same workspace that floating application is, terminal will loa

Re: [dev] [wmii] Chromium always starts as a floating window

2011-03-18 Thread Le Tian
On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 5:58 PM, Thomas Dahms wrote: > Moreover, if you >> open up such an application via MOD4+p and then try to open a terminal(for >> ex.) in the same workspace that floating application is, terminal will >> load >> in a floating mode too, >> > > You can switch between the floa

Re: [dev] [wmii] Tabbed mode?

2011-03-23 Thread Le Tian
I think you have a widescreen, well, its sometimes can be tiresome a bit, but such positioning saves a lot of screen space. You can make tabs(in the taskbar) like (shift + Mod4 + t) > then you write a name of a tab you want, and current active screen become a tab in the taskbar. As alternative you

[dev] dwm taskbar config

2011-03-23 Thread Le Tian
Hi everybody, after using wmii for a week, I decided to try dwm, and liked it even MORE! But I have a question, how do I run some script output in my taskbar the way I did in wmiirc_local, I mean time, hdd space etc. I looked up config.h but didn't find anything there to look like bar config. I wi

Re: [dev] dwm taskbar config

2011-03-23 Thread Le Tian
thanks, I will figure out how to do it, cause last time I messed with .xinitrc wmii crashed(

Re: [dev] dwm taskbar config

2011-03-23 Thread Le Tian
ok, now I tried to make .xinitrc file in my home/me dir, and added these lines: while true do while true do while true do xsetroot -name "$(date +"%a, %b %d %Y | %H:%M")" sleep 55s done & /usr/bin/dwm done but it doesn't wor

Re: [dev] dwm taskbar config

2011-03-23 Thread Le Tian
ok, sorry, thanks, I will look into it

Re: [dev] dwm taskbar config

2011-03-23 Thread Le Tian
Yeah, your variant is better, but why should I make exec dwm? when I log in via kde login manager?( I edited sysconfig, so my default wm is dwm) That is, when I see a login prompt I enter password and start dwm as default. When I make .xinitrc, dwm do not start, I can see only desktop empty screen.

Re: [dev] dwm taskbar config

2011-03-23 Thread Le Tian
well what I need, is a sample of somebody's config, without exec dwm? cause it is executed right after login by the system, I do not run "startx", I use KDE login manager to start dwm, so .xinitrc with "exec dwm" is useless, am I right? I'm sorry guys, I'm just a user, and I can't write shell scrip

Re: [dev] dwm taskbar config

2011-03-24 Thread Le Tian
well, I shall reply just to draw a line. I managed to do everything. So I created .xsession file with the following lines: while true do xsetroot -name "`df -h / | awk 'END {print "root:" $5"|"}' | sed 's/Use%//'` `df -h /home| awk 'END {print "home:" $5"|"}' | sed 's/Use%//'` `uptime | awk '{prin

Re: [dev] [wmii] Tabbed mode?

2011-03-24 Thread Le Tian
you can try dwm, that comes with simpler layout imho, but the principle of work is just the same. There is a taskbar at the top of the screen with prearranged (1,2,3,4) tags for window layouts. It is heavily hotkeyed, so works pretty fast. I seem to like it more that wmii. Dunno what kind of ta

[dev] dwm taskbar font

2011-04-03 Thread Le Tian
Could somebody explain or help me how to set a dwm taskbar font properly, cause I'm tired of guessing what am I doing wrong: I run arch and added dwm via abs into my home dir. So here are my actions: 1. cd into dwm compile dir (cd Public/dwm_sync/dwm/) 2. ls Public/dwm_sync/dwm/ { config config.h

Re: [dev] dwm taskbar font

2011-04-03 Thread Le Tian
On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 2:36 PM, Jan wrote: > > On Sun, 3 Apr 2011 13:52:59 +0300, Le Tian wrote: > > [snip] > > 5. restart > looks alright, I don't know about the makepkg arguments. Why don't you > just clone the hg and compile it? My binary is in $HOME/.local

Re: [dev] dwm taskbar font

2011-04-03 Thread Le Tian
thank you guys, just edited config.h and installed from source -- it works, I shouldn't have used abs. the issue is closed.

[dev] dwm xsetroot colorful fonts howto?

2011-05-13 Thread Le Tian
I'm sorry, maybe its been discussed like a lot of times, but can anybody tell me how to color taskbar fonts in dwm? There is a patch ( http://dwm.suckless.org/patches/statuscolors) but that I don't like, I need fonts to be colored not a colorful bg or fg in the taskbar, and maybe its possible to ch

Re: [dev] dwm xsetroot colorful fonts howto?

2011-05-13 Thread Le Tian
On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 12:06 AM, Connor Lane Smith wrote: > Hey, > > On 13 May 2011 22:01, Le Tian wrote: > > I'm sorry, maybe its been discussed like a lot of times, but can anybody > > tell me how to color taskbar fonts in dwm? There is a patch > >

Re: [dev] dwm xsetroot colorful fonts howto?

2011-05-14 Thread Le Tian
On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 6:45 AM, Anders Andersson wrote: > On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 11:11 PM, Bogdan Ionuț wrote: > > On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 00:01, Le Tian wrote: > >> > >> I'm sorry, maybe its been discussed like a lot of times, but can anybody > >>

Re: [dev] dwm xsetroot colorful fonts howto?

2011-05-14 Thread Le Tian
On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 1:52 PM, Le Tian wrote: > > > On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 6:45 AM, Anders Andersson wrote: > >> On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 11:11 PM, Bogdan Ionuț >> wrote: >> > On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 00:01, Le Tian wrote: >> >> >> >>

Re: [dev] dwm xsetroot colorful fonts howto?

2011-05-14 Thread Le Tian
On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 6:15 PM, Kobi wrote: > On 14-05-2011, 17:08:00 Le Tian wrote: > > On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 1:52 PM, Le Tian wrote: >> >> >>> >>> On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 6:45 AM, Anders Andersson >> >wrote: >>> >>> On

[dev] dwm taskbar icons via pcf font

2011-05-17 Thread Le Tian
Recently I've bumped into a thread with a nice solution to takbar icons in dwm via editing any pcf font. So I converted pcf to bdf and with gbdfed util created some new icons. After that I reconverted new bdf font to pcf and put it into a font folder, after that I modified my config.h so it grabbed

Re: [dev] dwm taskbar icons via pcf font

2011-05-18 Thread Le Tian
On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 3:19 PM, Robert Ransom wrote: > On Tue, 17 May 2011 20:45:17 +0300 > Le Tian wrote: > > > Recently I've bumped into a thread with a nice solution to takbar icons > in > > dwm via editing any pcf font. So I converted pcf to bdf and with gbdfe

Re: [dev] dwm taskbar icons via pcf font

2011-05-19 Thread Le Tian
On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 10:20 AM, Andrew Hills wrote: > On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 10:11 AM, Le Tian wrote: > > This method seems pretty nice, but somehow I still can't make my modified > > font icons work, I made an icon under 0045 index, that replaced "E" > lette

Re: [dev] dwm taskbar icons via pcf font

2011-05-19 Thread Le Tian
. > at least it simplifies a lot the image support with X api.. > > --pancake > > > On 05/19/2011 03:28 PM, Andrew Hills wrote: > >> On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 4:50 AM, Le Tian wrote: >> >>> yes, I checked this and when I "xterm -fn >>> /usr/share/fon

Re: [dev] dwm taskbar icons via pcf font

2011-05-20 Thread Le Tian
On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 1:01 AM, Bryan Bennett wrote: > I've done this previously (I have modified Tamsyn's 15pt version > and released it on the arch forums as 'Tamsyn2') and it works > very well - particularly in locales where you rarely use anything > outside of the ASCII charset. The basic id

Re: [dev] dwm taskbar icons via pcf font

2011-05-20 Thread Le Tian
On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 5:55 PM, Bryan Bennett wrote: > Eckehard is right - rehash your font library to see the changes. > > rehash is done via .xinitrc, I think that utf-8 locale is the reason, if I switch to en_US.ISO-8859-1, I can echo Bryan font icons, when UTF-8 gives me empty output or (?)

Re: [dev] suckless games collection?

2011-05-26 Thread Le Tian
On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 5:01 AM, pancake wrote: > I found this chess implementation in obfuscated C. I'm sure than cleaning > it up > (deobfuscating it) will make it ready to be in the cathegory of "suckless > games" > > > http://nanochess.110mb.codemandm/chess1_es.html

Re: [dev] suckless games collection?

2011-05-26 Thread Le Tian
On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 5:16 AM, pancake wrote: > On 05/26/11 10:58, Le Tian wrote: > >> >> >> On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 5:01 AM, pancake > panc...@youterm.com>> wrote: >> >>I found this chess implementation in obfuscated C. I'm sure than >&

Re: [dev] [st] Font issues

2011-05-31 Thread Le Tian
On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 9:08 AM, Bryan Bennett wrote: > I'm attempting to get st to use Dina as it's font. At first, I couldn't get > st to read the font at all (it would die upon launching, saying it couldn't > find the font), but I've had issues with Dina before - the CP1252 > encoding was givi

Re: [dev] [st] Font issues

2011-05-31 Thread Le Tian
On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 9:33 AM, Bryan Bennett wrote: > So far, this font issue and the lack of a scrollback buffer are > my only issues with st. I'm having strange problems with urxvt > under another (inferior / floating) window manager, which has > pushed me towards st. I could be using xterm,

Re: [dev] Distribution

2011-06-03 Thread Le Tian
On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 7:47 AM, pmarin wrote: > Linux ≠ suckless > > On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 1:41 PM, Sir Cyrus wrote: > > What's the most suckless Linux distribution? > > > > > > http://www.minimalinux.org/ttylinux/ Tian

[dev] ideas on suckless file manager

2011-06-07 Thread Le Tian
Continuing these threads about suckless "anything" I've been looking quite a long time for fast and lightweight file manager for dwm. There are occasions, when u need to see or show some lovely icons. MC and derivatives are the last resort here. I liked pcmanfm, but it just lacks functionality. Rox

Re: [dev] ideas on suckless file manager

2011-06-07 Thread Le Tian
On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 11:12 AM, pancake wrote: > I've never felt the need of seeing files as icons. It's just inneficient > and useless. > > Many years ago i wrote 'canoe' a lightweight filemanager in gtk. I did it > for the n770.. So clicking on icons is better than Using the shitty onscreen >

Re: [dev] ideas on suckless file manager

2011-06-07 Thread Le Tian
On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 11:25 AM, Connor Lane Smith wrote: > Hey, > > On 7 June 2011 15:53, Le Tian wrote: > > There are occasions, when u need to see or show some lovely icons. > > With the exception of image thumbnails, icons are really completely > pointless. > >

Re: [dev] ideas on suckless file manager

2011-06-07 Thread Le Tian
On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Jakub Lach wrote: > pancake wrote: > > > What's phycology? > > Oh, well.. Wikipedia informs: "the scientific studies of algae" > > Hey! Just because they can't use terminal does not mean > they're algae. That could be somebody's mother you > know. > > lol, but an

Re: [dev] ideas on suckless file manager

2011-06-07 Thread Le Tian
On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 11:58 AM, Benjamin R. Haskell wrote: > On Tue, 7 Jun 2011, Le Tian wrote: > > On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 11:25 AM, Connor Lane Smith wrote: >> >> [...] (I find inverting the colours actually helps to a worrying degree.) >>> >>> >>

[dev] revolution

2011-06-10 Thread Le Tian
What do you think about WMFS, and how it is better or worse than dwm? -- Tian

Re: [dev] revolution

2011-06-10 Thread Le Tian
On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 11:03 AM, Kurt H Maier wrote: > On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 10:58 AM, Le Tian wrote: > > What do you think about WMFS, and how it is better or worse than dwm? > > This is a very amateurish attempt at trolling. Please check the > mailing list archives for e

Re: [dev] revolution

2011-06-10 Thread Le Tian
On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Kurt H Maier wrote: > On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 11:08 AM, Le Tian wrote: > > wasn't even thinking about trolling, I'm trying to ask people, who I > think > > to be more experienced, than I am. That's it. > > That's p

Re: [dev] revolution

2011-06-11 Thread Le Tian
Well, Kurt, would you please exersize some patience with the idiots like me and stop continuously making your point in the future. Make an effort to be a bit more polite. I fully admit, that it was a mistake to create threads like this. Thank you for your opinions. On 6/11/11, Kurt H Maier wrote:

Re: [dev] revolution

2011-06-11 Thread Le Tian
y and naive question. On 6/11/11, pmarin wrote: > @ Le Tian, Calm down. You should have asked about our opinion about > WMFS and why you like it instead of if It is better or worse than DWM. > Always is interesting to know what other people are doing. I think it > is not trolling, you

[dev] volume level in dwm taskbar

2011-06-20 Thread Le Tian
As long as "aumix -q" refuses to work after the latest update, what you guys use to probe volume level? "amixer" could be an alternative but it outputs crap, that is difficult to awk. -- Tian

Re: [dev] volume level in dwm taskbar

2011-06-20 Thread Le Tian
On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 12:05 PM, Nick wrote: > On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 12:00:38PM +0300, Le Tian wrote: > > As long as "aumix -q" refuses to work after the latest update, what you > guys > > use to probe volume level? "amixer" could be an alternative but it

[dev] utf-8 and custom pcf font conflict

2011-06-20 Thread Le Tian
While trying to make a custom pcf font with icons for dwm taskbar I ultimately didn't manage to make it work under utf-8. Is there a workaround for this problem? -- Tian

[dev] hell with the Terminus font?

2011-06-21 Thread Le Tian
I wonder why does dwm refuse to use terminus font? I get "dwm missing fontset" for several locales (if it is somehow related?) and a message that dwm failed to load terminus font. Whenever I rebuild dwm for terminus I get a crappy default font. Who does use terminus, and whats your config? My termi

Re: [dev] hell with the Terminus font?

2011-06-21 Thread Le Tian
On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 11:09 AM, Petr Sabata wrote: > On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 11:01:35AM +0300, Le Tian wrote: > > I wonder why does dwm refuse to use terminus font? I get "dwm missing > > fontset" for several locales (if it is somehow related?) and a message >

[dev] How to use tabbed with surf?

2011-06-21 Thread Le Tian
When I run tabbed in dwm I get a grey screen with tabbed version 0.3. I tried "ctrl+alt+enter" to run surf, but that didn't work, neither did man was informative. Can somebody tell me how to run surf with tabs? -- Tian

Re: [dev] How to use tabbed with surf?

2011-06-21 Thread Le Tian
On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 1:32 PM, Connor Lane Smith wrote: > Hey, > > On 21 June 2011 11:29, Le Tian wrote: > > tried "ctrl+alt+enter" to run surf, but that didn't work, neither did man > > was informative. > > The man page tells you to use Ctrl-Shift-Re

Re: [dev] How to use tabbed with surf?

2011-06-21 Thread Le Tian
On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 1:44 PM, Connor Lane Smith wrote: > On 21 June 2011 11:34, Le Tian wrote: > > As I mentioned, I did it, when I press ctrl+shift+return, nothing > happens( > > You said you tried Ctrl-Alt-Return. > > Is surf installed? > > Honestly, it&#x

Re: [dev] How to use tabbed with surf?

2011-06-21 Thread Le Tian
On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 2:47 PM, Valentin Plechinger wrote: > > I use dwm, through dmenu run "tabbed", get a full grey screen with > "tabbed > > 0.3" in the left top corner. Then I try "ctrl+shift+enter"; > > "ctrl+alt+enter", nothing happens. > > Where I can redefine the hotkeys? Maybe its somet

Re: [dev] How to use tabbed with surf?

2011-06-21 Thread Le Tian
On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 3:06 PM, Connor Lane Smith wrote: > On 21 June 2011 12:55, Le Tian wrote: > > I tried to figure out why mine tabbed didn't work, and it appears that I > > have "ctrl+shift" to be reserved for layout change. > > See, how are w