NCURSES?! LIBCACA?! You're absolutely insane!
Only because it's terminal based makes the libraries not better.
GTK is the least sucking way (anyway not a good one) to use Webkit. If
you want to use a textbrowser use elinks.
I think uzbl is a good base to write a better browser, but I believe
epic fail.
2009/5/31, Benjamin Conner :
> but like, how about being able to replace the default windows xp window
> manager with ii? that wold be amazing!
> On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 5:38 PM, Nico Golde wrote:
> > Hi,
> > * Jacob Todd [2009-05-30 20:24]:
> > > Port it to windows.
> >
> > Or
2009/6/7, Uriel :
> Today is the EU parliament election.
> Remember to vote for free speech, privacy rights, and against
> intellectual property abuses. The future of software and the internet
> depends on it.
> Peace
> uriel
-- - Real Communi
I try to answer extra-uriel-like-friendly.
Why can't people stfu and do some work or try to learn how to filter
mails instead of argueing about such needless crap.
The old lists were mostly off-topic too. And especially the dwm-list
was used to announce other suckless(-like) projects very often.
> Ditto for #suckless on oftc. Just makes me wonder what went wrong in the
> merger.
Admit, you were arguing with uriel :)
-- - Real Community Distro
I agree with uriel. In my opinion just seperate the drawing code from
the rest of the code by putting it into its own functions. This should
be sufficient. Please avoid using extra libraries.
2009/6/21 Uriel :
> Well, it might work, but lets say that I'm skeptical.
> Also I wonder if the gain of
2009/7/3, Alex Matviychuk :
> Very cool, thanks! Any way to zoom in or increase text size? That's
> the only thing I need to make this replace firefox a lot of the time
> for me.
ctrl+[+] ctrl+[-]
> Cheers,
> Alex
> On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 8:29 PM, totoloco wrote:
> > There is a PKGBUILD
Rockbox is NOT Linux
2009/7/24 Alex Matviychuk :
> I've been following the list for a while and I'm curious what everyone
> is using as their distro of choice? Also, which distro do you feel is
> most suckless?
> Personally, I run Archlinux on my home and work boxes, Rockbox on my
> old iPod nan
2009/7/24 Anselm R Garbe :
> Afaik it'll be a new window system, so it's VERY interesting. Perhaps
> we can get rid of X on Linux finally.
I couldn't find ANY specs about the window system. Imho one shouldn't
praise a window system which neither exists nor is specificated.
surf has a little bit stalled the last few month. I got very few spare
time to work on it. I hope I'll get some time soon.
Regarding you're question: I believe surf should be a tool which works
everywhere the same. It is very easy to change keybindings by patching
the source, so no, I have no
I hope I get some free time tomorrow to get cookies working more properly.
> FWIW, in uzbl we use an external script to take care of cookie storage and
> retrieval.
> wmich makes it easy to support concurrency and multiple instances can easily
> share the same script (storage).
Thanks for
applied. thank you :)
2009/9/6 pancake :
> I find it useful to print to pdf. Would be nice if we add a commandline flag
> to directly print html into pdf in batch mode.
> use ^P (control + shift + P)
> diff -r ed940ea406e2 surf.c
> --- a/surf.c Fri Sep 04 13:23:36 2009 +0200
> +++ b/surf.
nice work. I added this patch. Nevertheless, I'm sure it can be
simplified. Maybe through changing the UI a little bit.
Nevertheless. Thank you :)
2009/9/6 quaker4lyf :
> Hello,
> I recently discovered surf, and was attracted to the conciseness of
> it's code. From the dev mailing list archives,
applied. thanks. :)
2009/9/7 pancake :
> diff -r 740f25ee1c92 surf.c
> --- a/surf.c Mon Sep 07 11:02:26 2009 +0200
> +++ b/surf.c Mon Sep 07 11:15:10 2009 +0200
> @@ -661,8 +661,6 @@
> /* make dirs */
> home = g_get_home_dir();
> - filename = g_build_filename(home,
You already can read surfs url by using xprop. This can be used to
write a bookmark managing system. I'm thinking about adding the first
patch but I'm not sure about the to others.
2009/9/9 pancake :
> Why not spawn a process instead of appending the URL to a file.. Sthg like
> .cm
Thanks (really need a release script).
fixed in 0.1.2
2009/9/10 Ray Kohler :
> The surf 0.1 tarball doesn't build. (I'm packing it for Arch AUR.)
> There are two problems: the tarball doesn't contain config.def.h ; and
> even if it did, there is an extra variable "background" in it that's
> not us
Well, honestly, I only programmed an interface to the webkit engine.
Blame them for the speed.
2009/9/10 Andrew Antle :
> I just wanted to say that surf seems much faster at loading and
> rendering pages with this latest pull. It's sweet! Cheers to Enno
> and all other contributors.
> --
> Andrew
Hi there!
This is the first official release of surf, a minimal Webkit/GTK based browser.
You can download it here:
Please test try it out and give feedback.
-- - Real
A whole thread about masturbating to ones favorite programming paradigm
2009/9/16 Mate Nagy :
>> i'd argue that closures don't mix well with the c style of programming
>> eg if you add closures then you'd need anonymous functions then you'd
>> start writing in the functional style passing a
2009/9/16 Slawomir Gonet :
> I think that there is no plans for tabs support.
Yes and no. surf supports X embedding. This can be used to embed surf
into another Xwindow. Actually I'm writing on another application,
named tabbed[1]. When it's in a usable state, it will be able to
display diff
Changed Throughout to Any, made some cleanups for argv parsing and
applied it. Thanks :)
2009/9/16 Anselm R Garbe :
> Hi there,
> see attached a diff that cleans up the surf code a little bit:
> - it introduces camel case for the enum values (to avoid confusion with
> macros)
> - it renames e
for now there's a user-javascript which can be used to hide most
flashbanners/javaapplets. Later there will be also something like
Here's an example to hide flash/java. put it into ~/.surf/script.js:
var elementNames = new Array("object","applet");
for(var i = 0; i < elementNam
Feel free to add them to the cms :)
2009/9/18 pancake :
> We should put these scripts and CSS's available in the website (like in dwm
> patches)
> Enno Boland (Gottox) wrote:
>> for now there's a user-javascript which can be used to hide most
>> flash
thanks a lot :)
2009/9/18 pancake :
-- - Real Community Distro
I won't add this patch to vanilla-surf but feel free to create a
patches section in the suckless-wiki and add your patch.
2009/9/23 Nils :
> Hi,
> I wrote a little patch for surf which allows you to define custom search
> engines, so you can google for "foo bar" simply by lo
2009/9/23 miles groman :
> Xinerama ++
> /me hugs his 2 monitors
> On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 7:58 AM, David Neu wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 8:49 AM, Anselm R Garbe wrote:
>>> Ah that explains a lot. You aren't using dwm-5.6.1, right? You are
>>> using dwm-5.6?
>>> The bug y
Actually it's not 0.2. It's tip. :)
2009/9/25 hailukah :
> On Fri, 25 Sep 2009 17:14:02 +1000
> Jessta wrote:
>> I haven't been able to get this to work on surf-0.1.2, the script
>> doesn't seem to run and I can't see in the surf source anywhere it is
>> specified.
>> Is there a patch I'm missi
It's possible to do this without patching the source.
Just add this to your script.js:
document.body.contentEditable = true;
(or similiar. Not at my box right now.)
2009/9/27 hailukah :
> Alright you keyboard junkies:
> 1. Find the line in surf.c:
> g_object_set(G
2009/10/1 Julien Steinhauser :
> Hello, this function is from uzbl wiki, it does the trick.
> (function() {
> window.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
> if (e.button === 1) {
> var new_uri = e.srcElement.href;
> if (new_uri
Unfortunally it seems that there were some change in libwebkit which
causes surf to show scrollbars. Atm you can use style.css to hide
scrollbars by setting
overflow:hidden !important;
If someone got an idea how to restore the old behavior, feel free to
send a patch.
surf 0.2 is now available. Changes since 0.1.2:
* File definitions moved to config.h
* Custom context menu defined in config.h
* Various sourcecode fixes
* If possiblenew windows are now opened in new processes.
* Builtin sourcecode viewer
* User defined javascript
Direct download:
I'm going to release 0.3 this or next week, depending on how much time
I can investigate. Please recheck tip and give feedback, as there are
some bigger changes.
* persistant/concurrent cookies are working (hopefully)
* removing urlbar/searchbar and using dmenu instead
* if the window is shri
applied. thanks ;)
2009/10/21 Lorenzo Bolla :
> sorry, I was too quick to type diff
> thanks,
> L.
> On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 11:42 AM, pancake wrote:
>> This is a reversed patch. Next time use unified diff format please. (diff
>> -u)
>> Or just 'hg diff'.
>> This is not a hard patch..b
It seems this is caused by archlinux libwebkit release. Downgrade
you're webkit to an earlier release. uzbl has the same problem. For
some strange reason midori still works...
2009/10/22 Moritz Wilhelmy :
> Hi,
> I updated my arch-system one minute ago and surf seems to segfault wi
Actually chromium does not use libwebkit.
2009/10/22 Moritz Wilhelmy :
> chromium also works.
> Maybe this is intended to piss every uzbl and surf-user off? :D
> Regards
> On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 08:23:01PM +0200, Enno Boland (Gottox) wrote:
>> hi!
thanks ;)
2009/10/26 Evan Gates :
> Currently in surf the "Copy URI" selection in the menu copies the URI
> of the current page being displayed. I've attached a simple patch
> which retains this functionality except when a link is clicked, in
> which case it copies the destination for t
whoops I ment the download patch :)
2009/10/27 Enno Boland (Gottox) :
> applied. thanks ;)
> 2009/10/27 Evan Gates :
>> As it is now, if the user hits escape while entering a URI or search
>> term, we get an xprop warning. If the user enters a term with spaces,
>> o
applied. thanks ;)
2009/10/27 Evan Gates :
> As it is now, if the user hits escape while entering a URI or search
> term, we get an xprop warning. If the user enters a term with spaces,
> only the first word is taken. The first patch
> (surf-tip-setprop_fix.diff) fixes this by using dmenu in the
Here's a shiny new little piece of software for those of you who like
surf (and/or uzbl) but always missed tabs.
tabbed is a containerapplication which is able to hold xembed-aware
applications. It is written for surf, but tabbed is able to manage
apps like xterm, uzbl, urxvt, etc too.
surf-0.3 is out. There are still some bugs left, but I think it's time
to roll out a new release because there changed a plenty of things:
- changed cookiefile to cookies.txt
- removed urlbar and searchbar using XProps instead
- downloads are working
- zooms website out, if the window is small enou
A new tabbed release is out:
- fixing move() arguments in config.def.h
- close tabs with middle mousebutton
- cycle tabs with mousewheel
- some speedup when resizing a window with many tabs
- solving focus problems with surf
- works now with xterm too
- solving problems with windowmanagers which un
cat > $HOME/bin/browser
tabbed=`tabbed -d`
surf -e $tabbed "$@" &
2009/11/4 Tadeusz Sośnierz :
> Hello,
> Any idea how to achieve this? I'd really like to make it start an
> instance of surf on startup, I believe this will need some nice patch.
> Any idea anyone?
amazing punchcard magic.
2009/11/4 Uriel :
> On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 1:39 PM, Anselm R Garbe wrote:
>> 2009/11/4 Sven Guckes :
>>> [... snip]
>> Should also work with ed:
>> r !ls
>> v/\.js d
>> g//s/^/echo /
>> w !sh
>> Kind regards,
>> Anselm
> More evidence that Unix software has not p
reverting revision. Was a bad idea anyway... :)
2009/11/9, Tadeusz Sośnierz :
> On 9-11-2009 23:12:29, Julien Steinhauser wrote:
> > Hello,
> > on a fresh last tip surf build, i experience trouble with
> home page
> > when i launch for example :
> > surf
> >
2009/11/10, Kurt H Maier :
> Please consider supporting mbox/mdir access over ssh. This was the
> one redeeming feature of sup[1], but of course they broke it and have
> inexplicably left it broken for years in the source. ssh+maildir
> obviates imap and pop3.
use sshfs
> --
> # Kurt H Maie
the tip has.
2009/12/1, Kris Maglione :
> dmenu doesn't have a cursor or the ability to paste. You're using a
> patched version.
-- - Real Community Distro
cd /; tar ztf package.tar.gz | xargs rm
2010/1/15 Anselm R Garbe :
> 2010/1/15 Jimmy Tang :
>> On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 09:42:02PM +0100, pancake wrote:
>>> I would prefer to drop gcc, glibc and all the shit from gnu.
>>> Tcc and dietlibc are usable solutions and maybe the code is not the be
Hi everyone!
The name "surf" of my browser has derived directly from one of the
first proof of concept I wrote. Unfortunally cassmodiah from the
fedora project pointed out, that there are some other projects that
are also named "surf".
- and some other software, which isn't
Starting this thread has paid of just because of this! ;)
2010/1/29 Kurt H Maier :
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 4:37 PM, Niki Yoshiuchi wrote:
>> I thought it was for looking at pictures of cats with bad grammar.
> well then you have terrible taste in porn
> --
> # Kurt H Maier
can't reproduce on 32bit/64bit.
2010/1/29 pancake :
> That's a corner case ;)
> On Jan 29, 2010, at 9:00 AM, Jonathan Slark
> wrote:
>> I'm running surf under dwm. I accidently clicked it's border and *womph*
>> it disapeared! I ran surf from a terminal so I could see any output and
>> r
fixed. :)
2010/3/10 anonymous :
> Revision 175 of surf removed lines 158-162:
> /* cookie persistance */
> s = webkit_get_default_session();
> cookies = soup_cookie_jar_new();
> soup_session_add_feature(s, SOUP_SESSION_FEATURE(cookies));
> g_signal_connect(cookies, "changed", G_CALLBACK(changeco
applied. Thanks a lot :)
2010/3/22, Connor Lane Smith :
> Hey all,
> The manpage for tabbed is incorrect (and was in the 0.2 release). If
> someone wants to update it, here's a patch.
> Thanks,
> cls
-- - Real Community Distro
after 4 month of stagnating surf-development, I finally got some time
to fix some of the ToDos. As a result the 0.4 release is nearly
finished. Please review current hg-tip and give feedback. Especially
cookies handling should be tested.
If there are no blockers, surf-0.4 will be released
Very interesting though, downloading did work for me. (Doesn't make
sense to me why it did)
Anyway. It was added some time ago to stop loading a page when a
download starts. But I thought I removed this piece of code. I'll fix
that this evening.
2010/4/7 julien steinhauser :
> On Wed, Apr 07, 2010
2010/4/8 Thayer Williams :
> On Apr 08, 2010 at 01:30 PM, Kurt H Maier wrote:
>> Works fine here.
>> god forbid they leave debug traces on development code, you ass
> wtf?
god hope this isn't jeopardy and god hope "wtf" does not meant "what to fuck".
-- - Real C
You need to recompile surf to display websites? ;)
2010/5/6 Kai Heide :
> 2010/5/6 Troels Henriksen :
>> When is a Debian package of surf useful? You generally need to
>> recompile it to make it do anything really interesting.
> huh?
> --
> MfG
> Kai Heide
> Es reitet der Heidereiter durch die
2010/5/6, Thuban :
> No, you need to recompile to configure.
Really? Didn't know that. Well... Then surf is nothing for me. :D
Recheck tip.
2010/5/10, pancake :
> I have noticed another bug in surf.
> Way to reproduce:
> - go to a web page (1)
> - click to download a file (2)
> - click to go to another page (3)
> - go back in history (4)
> Expected result:
> - appear in web page (1)
> Result:
> - yo
2010/5/17 pancake :
> Copy URL doesn't works for images
I'm open for patches to copy a pictures URI. I think, I will strip
down things in surf. I have to reconsider the event system. It's a bit
ugly and inconsistent atm.
Also the cookie problem is on display. I need the netscape cookies.txt
Please recheck current tip of surf. If there are no big stoppers, I
will release it next week.
There are still some bugs regarding cookies, They are delayed to 0.5.
kind regards,
Will fix this before releasing.
Thanks! :D
2010/5/18 Marvin Vek :
> Hey all,
> thought i'd throw up something i've been twisting my head around.
> The following resources describe what the User-Agent string should be:
> - RFC2616, sections 14.43, 3.8
> - https://developer.mozill
The patch looks quite good. Applied. Thanks! :)
2010/5/25 Nibble :
> For the moment I've done a little patch (against tip) that fixes the
> recently removed "wget download" feature, and also allows to download
> files using the "Download linked file" entry in the popup menu. It
> would be easy cha
Ok. I'm off for the weekend. If there aren't any complains, I will
release surf on sunday.
2010/5/27 Nibble :
> This patch fix a minor bug with download addresses containing special
> characters like '&'. Sorry for the noise.
> On Thu, 27 May 2010 12:09:12 +0200
> Nibble wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I
Good Morning!
surf 0.4 is released.
Changes in a nutshell
- xproperties changed to reduce code complexity
- user agent string is rfc compliant
- removed user defined context menu
- downloading is done by xterm+wget instead of surf itself
- various small bug fixes and improvements.
There are still
Maybe there's some kind of ballmer-peek in weed ;)
2010/6/10 pancake :
> What's wrong with the weed? :)
> My drugs made me write a version control system few years ago named 'pvc'
> you can have a look in as usual.
> The design is really simple and effective, but it stores full
2010/6/29, Uriel :
> I'm looking for a minimally sane way to generate presentation slides,
> ideally using something similar to markdown and capable of generating
> decent-looking html (and hopefully) pdf.
> I know about magicpoint, and I normally
I'm using MacPorts and XQuartz to run dwm on my air. It works ok, but
in the longterm I want to replace macos by linux.
2011/3/18 Anselm R Garbe :
> Hi there,
> at work I have to use OSX (on a MacBook Pro 13") for various reasons
> and wonder if anyone is using dwm in conjunction with OSX?
> I t
thanks for your work zwanni ;)
2011/3/24 Christoph Lohmann <>:
> Hello comrades,
> attached is some strange form of mercurial communication patch
> bomb, which they call a »bundle«. This one includes 15 change-
> sets, which will increase your svkbd experience.
> Changes:
> *
ainer of tabbed anyway?
> The developer used to be Enno Boland (gottox), but he doesn't seem to
> have committed anything for almost a year.
>> Is tabbed still maintained?
> Considering the inactivity I would assume not.
> I would happy to apply Stephen'
It's on my working copy. Looks very promising, thank you ;)
Am 19.05.2011 um 20:15 schrieb Connor Lane Smith:
> Hey all,
> I've written a quick patch for sltar which lets you create archives as
> well as extract and list them. (It reads the files' paths in through
> stdin.) I've not tested it e
70 matches
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