cd /; tar ztf package.tar.gz | xargs rm

2010/1/15 Anselm R Garbe <>:
> 2010/1/15 Jimmy Tang <>:
>> On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 09:42:02PM +0100, pancake wrote:
>>> I would prefer to drop gcc, glibc and all the shit from gnu.
>>> Tcc and dietlibc are usable solutions and maybe the code is not the best
>>> one but at least is sane.
>>> Current toolchain is just to get a working version. I know that anselm
>>> is really busy these days, like me.. This is the reason why some of
>>> those projects are a bit stopped.
>> it would be interesting to see its outcome(s), has anyone looked at the
>> packaging system for such a distribution? or will a bsd style tree of
>> code/makefiles be adopted?
> There is no need for a packaging system. Updates to the core stali
> parts will mainly be binary diffs for executables, so you only replace
> executables and potentially config files if needed. I see this as an
> advantage btw -- this also supports the way that programs can
> update/install themselves more easily.
> Cheers,
> Anselm

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