Reminder - DPDK Tech Board Meeting - Tomorrow, Wed., Oct 4, 2023 - 8am Pacific/11am Eastern/1500h UTC

2023-10-03 Thread Nathan Southern
lt;> 1. 10 minutes before Created by: Nathan Southern

Reminder - DPDK DTS Working Group Tomorrow 1/25/23 @ 6am PT/9am ET/1500h CET

2023-01-24 Thread Nathan Southern
d&sa=D&source=calendar&ust=1675034719177695&usg=AOvVaw1XjBkfBaYy_czyrpttnBip> event Organizer: DPDK (Data Plane Development Kit) DPDK (Data Plane Development Kit) Creator: Created by: Nathan SouthernCreated by: Nathan Southern

DPDK Tech Board Meeting - Tomorrow 1/25/23 @ 7am PT/10am ET/1600h CET

2023-01-25 Thread Nathan Southern
Dear DPDK Community, Our biweekly tech board meeting will be held tomorrow, January 25, 2023 - 7am PT/10am ET/1600h CET. The agenda with discussion items will be posted here: To join the meeting follow this link: https://meet.jit

Reminder - New Link! - DPDK Techboard Meeting - tomorrow, Wed. Sep. 6, 2023 @ 8am Pacific/11am Eastern/1500h UTC

2023-09-05 Thread Nathan Southern
Good evening, This is a reminder that the DPDK Tech Board meets tomorrow and is using a new meeting management tool. We will be using LFX Zoom, not Jitsi. Below are the instructions and corresponding link. I will reiterate that you do *not *need to go through the process of registering for an L

Reminder - DPDK Techboard Meeting - Tomorrow Wed. 9/20/23 - 8am Pacific/11am Eastern

2023-09-19 Thread Nathan Southern
Good evening DPDK Community, Tomorrow morning 8am Pacific/11am Eastern is our next Tech Board meeting. A read only copy of the agenda can be accessed here: And zoom link to follow. Again please use the community join option to joi

Shark Tank

2023-09-25 Thread Nathan Southern
Dear DPDK Community Members, In Dublin, I gave a short talk that I'd like to re-summarize as follows: The DPDK project has a healthy budget and room to make additional financial investments in 2024. We want to invest our budget in ways that grow adoption of the Data Plane Development Kit softwa

Call for Proposals - Userspace 2022

2022-06-29 Thread Nathan Southern
. The main registration page for the event is located here: We appreciate your time, consideration and investment and look forward to reviewing your proposals. Many thanks Nathan Southern Project Coordinator, DPDK The Linux Foundation

Reminder - DPDK DTS Working Group - Tomorrow, Wed. Feb. 8, 2023 @ 6am PT/9am ET/1500h CET

2023-02-07 Thread Nathan Southern
Good evening, Tomorrow, Wed. Feb. 8, 2023, @ 6am PT/9am ET/1500h CET, DPDK will hold its DTS Working Group. Zoom information to follow. We look forward to seeing you there. Many thanks Nathan Nathan C. Southern, Project Coordinator Data Plane Development Kit The Linux Foundation 248.835.481

DPDK Tech Board Call - Tomorrow 2/8 @ 7am PT/10am ET/1600h CET

2023-02-07 Thread Nathan Southern
Good evening, Tomorrow DPDK will hold its biweekly Tech Board Call. 7am PT/10am ET/1600h CET. Our agenda for the meeting will be posted here: Link to join the call: We look forward to seeing you there.

reminder - DPDK CI Community Testing Meeting - Tomorrow 2/15/23 @ 6am PT/9am ET/15:00h CET

2023-02-15 Thread Nathan Southern
p;usg=AOvVaw2z3MSRZyp8EAD0MewoHuP5> event Organizer: DPDK (Data Plane Development Kit) DPDK (Data Plane Development Kit) Creator: Created by: Nathan SouthernCreated by: Nathan Southern

DTS Working Group Cancellation

2023-02-21 Thread Nathan Southern
Dear DPDK Community, For the time being the DPDK DTS Working Group, starting tomorrow, has been officially cancelled per internal request. Any questions, let me know. Thank you! Nathan Nathan C. Southern, Project Coordinator Data Plane Development Kit The Linux Foundation 248.835.4812 (mobil

Reminder - DPDK Techboard Meeting - Tomorrow Wed. 2/22/23 @ 7am PT/10am ET/1600h CET

2023-02-21 Thread Nathan Southern
Good evening, Tomorrow, Wednesday Feb. 22, 2023, the DPDK tech board will meet at 7am PT/10am ET/1600h CET. An agenda will be placed here by the tech board members: Link to sign into the meeting Thanks,

Reminder - DPDK Community CI Testing Meeting - Tomorrow 3/2/23 at

2023-03-01 Thread Nathan Southern
Good evening, Tomorrow, 2 Mar. 2023, the DPDK Project will hold its CI Community Testing Meeting at 6am PT/9am ET/1400h GMT/1500h CET. Zoom information to follow. We look forward to seeing you there. Thanks, Nathan Nathan C. Southern, Project Coordinator Data Plane Development Kit The Linux

Reminder - DPDK Tech Board Call - Tomorrow Wed. 3/8 at 7am PT/10am ET/1600h CET

2023-03-07 Thread Nathan Southern
Good evening, Tomorrow, Wed. Mar. 8, 2023, the DPDK Project will hold its biweekly tech board meeting, at 7am PT/10am ET/1600h CET. You may connect to the meeting here:

Reminder - DPDK Techboard Meeting Tomorrow 5/3/23 - 8am PDT/11am EDT/1500h UTC

2023-05-02 Thread Nathan Southern
Good evening, The DPDK Tech Board Meeting will be held tomorrow Wed. May 3, 2023, at 8am PDT/11am EDT/1500h UTC. The agenda will be posted here: And as always you may access the meeting by visiting: We l

Reminder - DPDK Ci Community Testing Meeting - Tomorrow 5/11/23 @ 6am PDT/9am EDT

2023-05-10 Thread Nathan Southern
w2aedfVZZRynxIQ_4hqBZWN> DPDK (Data Plane Development Kit) Created by: Nathan Southern

Reminder - DPDK Techboard Meeting - Tomorrow 5/17, 8am PDT/11am EDT/1500h UTC

2023-05-16 Thread Nathan Southern
Good evening, This is a reminder that tomorrow 5/17 at 8am PDT/11am EDT/1500h UTC DPDK has its bi-weekly tech board call. Here is a read-only copy of the agenda: And you may log in at: Thanks and we look forwa

Reminder - DPDK Tech Board Meeting - Tomorrow, Wed. 5/31/23 @ 8am Pacific/11am Eastern/1500h UTC

2023-05-30 Thread Nathan Southern
Good evening DPDK Community, Tomorrow, the DPDK Tech board will meet @ 8am Pacific/11am Eastern/1500h UTC. Here is a read-only copy of the agenda: And as always, our login: See you there. Thanks, Nathan Na

Tech Board Meeting Tomorrow Morning Wed. Feb. 7th - 7am Pacific/10am Eastern/1500h UTC

2024-02-06 Thread Nathan Southern
Good evening, The next DPDK tech board call is tomorrow morning, Wed. Feb. 7th - 7am Pacific/10am Eastern/1500h UTC. A read-only copy of the agenda can be found here:

Reminder - DPDK Tech Board Call Tomorrow -7am Pacific/10am Eastern/1500h UTC

2024-02-20 Thread Nathan Southern
You have been invited to a recurring meeting for Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) Agenda (read only):

DPDK Tech Board Meeting Reminder - Tomorrow, Wed. Dec. 13th, 2023 - 7am Pacific/10am Eastern/1500h UTC

2023-12-12 Thread Nathan Southern
alwnPIaVT&sa=D&source=calendar&ust=1702874105584387&usg=AOvVaw1G72CzHQgSbxv5ksjJ2e76> 1. 10 minutes before Created by: Nathan Southern

Reminder - DPDK Techboard Meeting Tomorrow, Wed. Jan. 10th, 7am Pacific/10am Eastern/ 1500h UTC

2024-01-09 Thread Nathan Southern
Good evening DPDK Community, This is a reminder that the tech board meets tomorrow morning at 7am Pacific/10am Eastern/1500h UTC. As always, a read-only copy of the agenda can be found here:

Reminder - DPDK Tech Board Meeting - Tomorrow Wed. May 15, 2024 - 8am Pacific/11am Eastern/1500h UTC

2024-05-14 Thread Nathan Southern
A copy of the agenda (read-only) can be found here: Thanks,

Reminder to Register for Our DPDK APAC Summit - and Submit Your CFPs! Jul 9-10, 2024 Bangkok Thailand

2024-05-20 Thread Nathan Southern
Spread the word, registration is now open for the DPDK Summit APAC in Bangkok! 🔗 Register here: Join us in-person for a gathering of DPDK developers and enthusiasts at the DPDK Summit APAC. Connect with the community, get the latest technological advancements, and contri

Reminder - CFPs for the DPDK APAC Summit in Bangkok, Thailand due THIS SUNDAY, June 2nd, at 11:59 PM, SE Asia Standard Time !

2024-05-31 Thread Nathan Southern
thanks and have a great weekend Nathan Southern

Deadline extended by two days - CFP for DPDK APAC Summit - Bangkok - July 9-10, 2024

2024-06-03 Thread Nathan Southern
Dear DPDK Tech Board Members and Community at Large, As you may already know, we've extended the CFP for next month's Bangkok summit by *two additional days*. It will now close at 11:59pm Bangkok time on Wednesday June 5 - which is: 9:59am Pacific Time Wed/12:59pm Eastern Time Wed/6:59pm Central

Last 16 hours for CFP Submissions - DPDK APAC Summit 2024 - Get Your Submissions in Soon,

2024-06-04 Thread Nathan Southern
Dear DPDK Community, As you may already know, CFP submissions for the 2024 DPDK APAC Summit in Bangkok, Thailand end *tomorrow* at 9:59 am Pacific time/12:59pm Eastern Time/1859h Central European Summer Time and 11:59pm Bangkok Time. Again, we would encourage you to submit and invite anyone else

Reminder - Registration for DPDK Summit in Dublin, Sep. 12-13 '23

2023-07-17 Thread Nathan Southern
Good afternoon DPDK Community, September 12-13, 2023 we will have the DPDK Summit at the Gibson Hotel in Point Square in Dublin. Registration and attendance for this event are *free!* Our call for speakers has just been finalized, and talks have been chosen - information about this, including a s

DPDK Tech Board Meeting - Tomorrow, Wed. Jul. 26, 2023 - 8am Pacific/11am Eastern

2023-07-25 Thread Nathan Southern
Good evening, Tomorrow DPDK will hold its biweekly tech board meeting. A read-only agenda can be accessed here: And as always, the login: We look forward to seeing you there. Thanks, Nathan Nathan C.

Reminder - DPDK Dublin Summit Registration - Sep. 12-13, 2023

2023-07-26 Thread Nathan Southern
Good afternoon, September 12-13, 2023 we will have the DPDK Summit at the Gibson Hotel in Point Square in Dublin. Once again, registration and attendance for this event are *free!* We have the schedule posted here: If you have not

Registration reminder for DPDK Dublin Summit

2023-07-31 Thread Nathan Southern
Good afternoon DPDK Community, September 12-13, 2023 we will have the DPDK Summit at the Gibson Hotel in Point Square in Dublin. Once again, registration and attendance for this event are *free!* The schedule is posted here, and we have a dynamic two-day line-up of speakers: https://events.linux

Reminder to Register for DPDK Dublin Summit - Sep. 12-13, 2023

2023-08-08 Thread Nathan Southern
Good afternoon DPDK Community, September 12-13, 2023 we will have the DPDK Summit at the Gibson Hotel in Point Square in Dublin. Once again, registration and attendance for this event are *free!* The schedule is posted here, and we have a dynamic two-day line-up of speakers: https://events.linux

Reminder - DPDK Tech Board Meeting Tomorrow Wed. Aug. 9th at 8am Pacific/11am Eastern

2023-08-08 Thread Nathan Southern
Good evening, Tomorrow, Wed. Aug. 9th at 8am Pacific/11am Eastern we will have our biweekly DPDK Tech Board meeting. A read-only agenda will be placed here: And you can login here: Thanks, Nathan Nathan C. So

Reminder - Registration - DPDK Dublin Summit Next Month

2023-08-14 Thread Nathan Southern
Dear DPDK Community, This is a reminder that if you plan to attend our Dublin, Ireland Summit at the Gibson Hotel, from Sep. 12-14 of this year, to please go ahead and take the time to register. Once again, registration is completely and totally free. You can find a link to the final schedule he

Reminder to Register for the DPDK Dublin Summit - Sep. 12-13, 2023

2023-08-21 Thread Nathan Southern
Dear DPDK Community, September 12-13, 2023 we will have the DPDK Summit at the Gibson Hotel in Point Square in Dublin. Once again, registration and attendance for this event are *free! *Virtual and on-site attendance options will be available. The schedule is posted here, and we have an outstandi

Tech Board Meeting - Tomorrow, Wed., Aug, 23, 2023 @ 8am Pacific/11am Eastern/1500h UTC

2023-08-22 Thread Nathan Southern
Good evening, Tomorrow is our biweekly Tech Board Meeting. A read-only agenda can be found here: And our login link: See you soon Thanks, Nathan Nathan C. Southern, Project Coordinator Data Plane Deve

Two weeks out - DPDK Summit - Register Now!

2023-08-28 Thread Nathan Southern
Dear DPDK Community, I hope everyone is well, and that you each had a great weekend. We're two weeks out at this point from the DPDK Summit in Dublin - which runs from Tuesday Sep. 12th through Wed. Sep. 13th. Once again, this will be held at the Gibson Hotel at Point Square in Dublin. Once again

Reminder - DPDK Tech Board Meeting - Tomorrow Wed. 11/1/23 - 7am Pacific/10am Eastern/1400h UTC

2023-10-31 Thread Nathan Southern
Good evening, Tomorrow the DPDK Tech Board meets at 7am Pacific/10am Eastern/1400h UTC. A read-only copy of tomorrow's agenda will be posted here:

Reminder - DPDK Tech Board Meeting Tomorrow - Wed. 11/15/23 - 8am Pacific/10am Central/11am Eastern/1600h UTC

2023-11-14 Thread Nathan Southern
D: 96459488340 Meeting Passcode: 699526 International numbers: <> 1. 10 minutes before Created by: Nathan Southern

Re: Reminder - DPDK Tech Board Meeting Tomorrow - Wed. 11/15/23 - 8am Pacific/10am Central/11am Eastern/1600h UTC

2023-11-14 Thread Nathan Southern
And I just realized that in my haste I forgot to change the header on that message - I should have said "Good evening DPDK *Community." *That's what I get for working 14 hours. See you tomorrow! Thanks! -Nathan On Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 10:23 PM Nathan Southern < nsouth...@l

DPDK Tech Board Meeting - Tomorrow Wed. Nov. 29th - 7am Pacific/10am Eastern/1500h UTC, 1600h France Time

2023-11-28 Thread Nathan Southern
Good evening DPDK Community, Tomorrow is our biweekly DPDK Tech Board meeting. 7am Pacific/10am Eastern/1500h UTC, 1600h France Time. A read-only copy of the agenda can be found here:

Reminder - DPDK Tech Board Call - Tomorrow, Wed. Mar 6 , 2024 - 7am Pacific/10am Eastern/1500h UTC

2024-03-05 Thread Nathan Southern
Good evening Dpdk Community, Tomorrow morning is the biweekly meeting - as always please put your agenda items here in advance:

Tech Board Meeting Tomorrow Wed. 3/20 - 7am pacific/10am Eastern/1400h utc

2024-03-19 Thread Nathan Southern
Agenda (read only) 1. Join from PC, Mac, iPad, or Android **

Re: Tech Board Meeting Tomorrow Wed. 3/20 - 7am pacific/10am Eastern/1400h utc

2024-03-19 Thread Nathan Southern
Meeting ID: 96459488340 Meeting Passcode: 699526 International numbers: <> On Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 10:24 PM

Reminder - DPDK Tech Board Call tomorrow - Wed. 4/3/24 - 8am Pacific/11am Eastern/1500h UTC

2024-04-02 Thread Nathan Southern
You have been invited to a recurring meeting for Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) Agenda (read-only):

Reminder - DPDK Tech Board Meeting - Tomorrow, Wed. April 17, 2024 - 8am Pacific/11am Eastern/1500h UTC

2024-04-16 Thread Nathan Southern
You have been invited to a recurring meeting for Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) Agenda (read-only):

Reminder - DPDK CI Community Testing Meeting - Tomorrow, Mar. 16, 2023 - 6am PDT/9am EDT/1300h UTC

2023-03-15 Thread Nathan Southern
r local number: ** <> event Organizer: DPDK (Data Plane Development Kit) DPDK (Data Plane Development Kit) Creator: C

Reminder - DPDK Techboard

2023-03-21 Thread Nathan Southern
Good evening, Tomorrow, Wednesday Mar. 22, 2023, the DPDK tech board will meet at 8am PT/11am ET/1600h CET/1500h UTC. An agenda will be placed here by the tech board members: Link to sign into the meeting:

DPDK Userspace 2023 Survey

2023-03-28 Thread Nathan Southern
Dear DPDK Community Members, We hope this message finds each of you well. We are in the midst of planning DPDK’s live two-day Userspace conference for mid-September of 2023, and eyeing Dublin, Ireland as the location. This will likely be a hybrid event, with a live component and a remote compon

Reminder - DPDK CI Community Testing Meeting - Tomorrow 3/30/23 @ 6am PDT/9am EDT/1300h GMT

2023-03-29 Thread Nathan Southern
Good Evening, Tomorrow DPDK will be holding its CI Community Testing Meeting - 6am PDT/9am EDT/1300h GMT. Zoom information to follow. We look forward to seeing you there Thanks, Nathan Nathan C. Southern, Project Coordinator Data Plane Development Kit The Linux Foundation 248.835.4812 (m

Reminder - DPDK Userspace Survey - deadline end of week

2023-04-04 Thread Nathan Southern
Dear DPDK Community, If you haven't yet responded to our Dublin 2023 Userspace Event Survey, a quick 5 question survey, please take the time to do so. Our deadline is the end of this coming weekend and this will be a significant factor in terms of determining the viability of this event. Here is

Reminder - DPDK Techboard Meeting - Tomorrow 4/5 @ 8am PDT/11am EDT/1500h UTC

2023-04-04 Thread Nathan Southern
Good evening DPDK Community, Tomorrow DPDK will hold its biweekly tech board call at 8am PDT/11am EDT/1500h UTC. Agenda items will be posted here: And you can link to the meeting here: We look forward t

Reminder - DPDK Tech Board Meeting Tomorrow 4/19/23 - 8am PDT/11am EDT/1500h UTC

2023-04-18 Thread Nathan Southern
Good evening DPDK Community, Tomorrow DPDK will hold its biweekly tech board meeting 8am PDT/11am EDT/1500h UTC A read only copy of the agenda can be found here: And as always, you can log in on jitsi:

Reminder - DPDK Tech Board Meeting - Today, Jun. 14, 2023 @ 8am Pacific/11am Eastern

2023-06-13 Thread Nathan Southern
Good morning, Today we have our biweekly DPDK Techboard meeting - 8am Pacfici/11am Eastern/1500h UTC. A read-only agenda can be found here: And our login link: See you soon Thanks, Nathan Nathan C. So

Reminder - Please submit your DPDK Summit Presentation pitches to our CFP and Register for our September Event!

2023-06-14 Thread Nathan Southern
Good morning DPDK Community, Summer is upon us, and within a few months we will hold our DPDK Summit 2023 in Dublin, Ireland. September 12-13, 2023, at the Gibson Hotel in Point Square. Registration and attendance for this event are *free!* We've put out a CFP now for talks, to be presented to at

CFP Submission and Registration Reminders - DPDK Dublin Summit 2023

2023-06-19 Thread Nathan Southern>* The summit will be held at the Gibson Hotel in Dublin and on-site attendance is encouraged. We look forward to seeing you there. Warmest thanks, Nathan Southern Nathan C. Southern, Project Coordinator Data Plane Development Kit The Linux Foundatio

CFP submission reminder

2023-06-26 Thread Nathan Southern
Good afternoon DPDK Community, I would remind everyone again that the deadline for CFP submissions is* this Friday at 11:59pm Pacific. *If you haven't yet submitted a proposal for a live or virtual talk in Dublin (Sep. 12-13) and are interested in being considered for this, please go ahead and sub

DPDK Tech Board call tomorrow morning 8am Pacific/11am Eastern/1500h UTC

2023-06-27 Thread Nathan Southern
Good evening DPDK Community, Tomorrow the tech board meets at 8am Pacific/11am Eastern/1500h UTC. Here is a read-only copy of our agenda: And as always the link to join is: See you there. Thanks, Natha

Registration Reminder & CFP Call - DPDK Dublin Summit, Sep. 2023

2023-07-05 Thread Nathan Southern
Good evening DPDK Community, September 12-13, 2023 we will have the DPDK Summit at the Gibson Hotel in Point Square in Dublin. Registration and attendance for this event are *free!* Our Call for Speakers is just wrapping up - the deadline is this Friday, Jul. 7th at 11:59 PDT. If y Please put you

Reminder - DPDK Tech Board Meeting Tomorrow, Wed. Jul. 12, 2023 - 8am Pacific/11am Eastern/1500h UTC

2023-07-11 Thread Nathan Southern
Good evening DPDK Community, Our next meeting will be held tomorrow, Wed., Jul. 12, 2023, at 8am Pacific/11am Eastern. Here is a read only link to the agenda: And you can log in at the link: See y

Registration Reminder - DPDK Dublin Summit, Sep. 2023

2023-07-12 Thread Nathan Southern
Good afternoon DPDK Community, September 12-13, 2023 we will have the DPDK Summit at the Gibson Hotel in Point Square in Dublin. Registration and attendance for this event are *free!* Our call for speakers has just been finalized, and talks have been chosen - information about this, including a s

Reminder - DPDK DTS Working Group - Tomorrow Morning 11/16/22 @ 9am EST/'6am PST/2pm UTC

2022-11-16 Thread Nathan Southern
lopment Kit) DPDK (Data Plane Development Kit) Creator: Created by: Nathan SouthernCreated by: Nathan Southern

Reminder - DPDK Techboard Meeting Tomorrow Wed. 11/16/22 @ 11am EST/8am PST/4pm UTC

2022-11-16 Thread Nathan Southern
Dear DPDK Community, Tomorrow we will hold our biweekly techboard meeting for DPDK. Read-only agenda will be posted here: And you can join the call via Jitsi here: Hope to see you there. Thanks, Nathan

Reminder - DTS Working Group - Tomorrow, Wed. 12/14 at 9am EST/6am PST

2022-12-18 Thread Nathan Southern
m/url?q=> event Organizer: DPDK (Data Plane Development Kit) DPDK (Data Plane Development Kit) Creator: Created by: Nathan SouthernCreated by: Nathan Southern

Reminder - DPDK DTS Working Group - Tomorrow 1/11/22 at 9am ET/6am PT/1400h UTC

2023-01-10 Thread Nathan Southern
vent Organizer: DPDK (Data Plane Development Kit) DPDK (Data Plane Development Kit) Creator: Created by: Nathan SouthernCreated by: Nathan Southern

High Level DPDK Governing Board Meeting Minutes - 7/12/22

2022-07-22 Thread Nathan Southern
Board Meeting, on Tuesday morning, July 12, 2022. Please let me know if you have any questions. Respectfully, Nathan Southern Nathan C. Southern, Project Coordinator DPDK Project The Linux Foundation *** *Brief Summary of Governing Board Minutes from 7/12/22* *Community Lab: *