Dear DPDK Community,

Our governing board endeavors to keep the community updated on our
activities. In recent months we've admittedly done an inadequate job of
this, and would like to rectify this moving forward. The following is a
high-level summary of the minutes from our last Governing Board Meeting, on
Tuesday morning, July 12, 2022.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Nathan Southern

Nathan C. Southern, Project Coordinator
DPDK Project
The Linux Foundation


*Brief Summary of Governing Board Minutes from 7/12/22*

*Community Lab: *Aaron Conole discussed key strides in critical areas such
as HW upgrades, replacement of failed hardware, repair of Broadcom platform
issues, and ongoing work on updated container definitions, even as the lab
strives for improvements with OpenSSL crypto testing, and confronts
challenges such as the need for new lab servers and self-service retesting,
and the integration of FIPS testing. Aaron plans to reach out to vendors to
request hardware refreshes and audit all hardware, tagging old equipment.
Will report back to GB on any related budgetary requirements.

*Tech Board Update: *Hackathon will take place at Userspace on 9/6., and
the tech writer hire process is underway. In light of Olivier Matz's
resignation, the TB is down to 10 members. The TB is also requesting backup
servers from Linux Foundation, which Nathan is helping to facilitate.

*DPDK Marketing: T*he website, CFP and registration are live for Userspace
2022, and the final event schedule will be published in the first week of
August. A tech board and governing board meeting will be held on location
on 9/6 and 9/8 respectively in France with both in person and remote
options; TB and GB members have free admission. Sponsorship packages are
available and Nathan will share with the community.

Jill Lovato is soliciting End User Stories and should be contacted with any
relevant material.

There were no DTS or Financial Updates at this meeting.

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